Sasha Luss

I was JUST about to post this. She isn't going to fucking blow up over one McDonalds meal. :facepalm:

Let's see if any of you girls look as good as her.
Me too. Incidentally, cheat meals actually are the ones that spike your fat burning back up and keep your hormones in check. Cheating is a tool when low carbing and eating low calories, and I am sure that all models use that principle to keep themselves dropping body fat and remaining healthy and able to work #cantmodelifyouaredead
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I personally have no problem with what she's eating, because I think she knows what she's doing, but isn't this kind giving the industry a bad reputation and perpetuating the idea that models starve themselves? If she's always posting that she's sad that she can't eat, does that not make people think that everyone of that size (even naturally) is unhealthy or perhaps "anorexic"?
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Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 9.50.47 PM.png

My thoughts are that she's probably encountered backlash for her previous thinness - and possibly also as a result of speculation around her recent illness she feels the need to prove to people that she does eat and that she isn't unwell. I know that whenever people get concerned about my size, I tend to make a bigger show of displaying myself as a 'normal eater'. I'm completely guessing here, but that's what makes sense to me anyway.
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It's awful that a lot of thin models are almost obligated to post pics of them eating fast food or other garbage just to prove that they don't starve and eat like everyone else, as if they want them to believe they have nothing to worry about...and I can understand that but why it's always a mcdonald burger or a greasy pizza? I haven't had a mcdonald in a year, and I definitely don't starve myself...there are so many things one can eat that isn't fast food! Meat, a salad, vegetables or whatever.
It's awful that a lot of thin models are almost obligated to post pics of them eating fast food or other garbage just to prove that they don't starve and eat like everyone else
Yes, this! I think the repercussions of skinny shaming extend even further than instagram food pics. I almost wonder, if Cara hadn't made such headlines for her thigh-gap and what an unhealthy trend it is, would she have gained all the weight? It would be a horrible feeling to think that your image is creating a world of difficulties for others, if you're constantly slandered in the media for ruining other peoples confidence with your bodily appearance.. I think it would be awfully difficult not to take it to heart and feel as though you need to change yourself.
Yes, this! I think the repercussions of skinny shaming extend even further than instagram food pics. I almost wonder, if Cara hadn't made such headlines for her thigh-gap and what an unhealthy trend it is, would she have gained all the weight? It would be a horrible feeling to think that your image is creating a world of difficulties for others, if you're constantly slandered in the media for ruining other peoples confidence with your bodily appearance.. I think it would be awfully difficult not to take it to heart and feel as though you need to change yourself.
Cara is one of the laziest models to ever exist and that's probably why she gained, but I agree with the rest of this! And it's funny because you know the same people who feel so offendend by models\girls with a thigh gap in general are the first who saves every article about how to get one. Why would you get offended by another person body if you're happy with what you've got?
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And it's funny because you know the same people who feel so offendend by models\girls with a thigh gap in general are the first who saves every article about how to get one. Why would you get offended by another person body if you're happy with what you've got?

They always 'like' and 'share' this sort of rubbish and when you say how it is inaccurate they say it makes them feel better because they will never have one.
I don't want to directly upload the image because the language is vulgar.

If you've been in the Models Eat thread you'd notice 99% of the girls don't even let the food touch their mouth. I think Sasha is smart enough to know better than to eat all of that. If she had any, it would have been 1 item, not two packed bags full.
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Smh I don't want to say the same thing but I'm really getting Daphne G vibes from her recently....I really hope not, her career started in an amazing way and I love all of her Dior campaigns, what a shame it would be if she started ruining it :(