MFP forums


May 22, 2012
anyone actually read these? they are ridiculous
I don't know what people are eating when they say that 1200 is just too little, my husband, who is 6'5" has had days where he eats around that (of my healthy low cal cooking) and is satisfied, he has lost 40lbs eating healthier with me.
they must all just eat pasta and bread and butter resulting in higher counts and lower volume. no wonder the world is getting fatter if that is what is considered "healthy eating" and why these fatties are always "staaarrving"
Lulz, MFP forums are the worst. I'm so tired of the athletic people doling out info on what worked for them as a bible to live by. "OMG, you're 300 calories under your limit? Oh noes, go eat 3 tbsp of PB or you may die. Eat it even if you aren't hungry!" :rolleyes:

Then, a fattie-fat comes along and reads this advice and think "Holy, I want that bod so I better eat PB every time I'm under my calorie limit even though I'm trying to lose a whole person in poundage."
@j_86 Unless you have an infinite patience for being preached to, I'd advise against it. I've seen a few girls post and quite articulately defend their skinny (and really not even that skinny!) stance, and it looks like the experience is akin to talking to a wall.

I've been tempted but never tried, because its not going to bring about any change no matter what we do. You'll be hit by both fat pride and "Yo whatevs, I eat my PB but I can squat four thousand lbs you weakling." It could be amusing though, if you have the patience and tenacity for it.

ps. If you do. Let me know, I'll make another account just to watch. :lol:
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@lightasair maybe when I have time this summer
maybe it's just today, but I feel like being especially snarky and downright mean
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Not that I've spent much of any time on the MFP forums, but... why would you do this? Look at the backlash from the heavier people who have "infiltrated" this forum. I really don't understand this petty desire to be mean on the Internet. Yes, it's anonymous, but don't you have better things to do? If you don't want others judging and mistreating you, then why the f*@# would you judge and mistreat them? :wtf:

Makes me thing certain people just like the drama, much as they protest otherwise...
@lightasair maybe when I have time this summer
maybe it's just today, but I feel like being especially snarky and downright mean

Omg please do!!! Then post a link so we can see :). These idiots need a nice big bitch slap ;). Them and also the people in the calorie counter forums. Seriously - no wonder these fatties have such a hard time losing weight :rolleyes:
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Not that I've spent much of any time on the MFP forums, but... why would you do this? Look at the backlash from the heavier people who have "infiltrated" this forum. I really don't understand this petty desire to be mean on the Internet. Yes, it's anonymous, but don't you have better things to do? If you don't want others judging and mistreating you, then why the f*@# would you judge and mistreat them? :wtf:

Makes me thing certain people just like the drama, much as they protest otherwise...

I think you may have misunderstood. I doubt j_86 was planning to "infiltrate" MFP singlehandedly or mistreat or be mean to them. If you've spent any amount of time on the MFP forums, many of them are pious in their dissemination of "absolute health and fitness knowledge" or misguided by the remaining forummers on how diverse the definition of health can be.

"Stirring shit" on MFP is something as trivial as saying "Oh, I ate less than 1200 calories today!" and a tornado of starvation mode and "you may never burn a calorie again because you've permanently damaged your metabolism" will follow immediately. There is a difference between throwing one stone at a glass house and trolling a forum. And sometimes, it can be amusing to watch how people can get so dramatically swept up in mythology they believe to be truth.

And of course people like drama. That isn't really ground-breaking. Look at the type of entertainment that sells - it's almost always drama.
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Not that I've spent much of any time on the MFP forums, but... why would you do this? Look at the backlash from the heavier people who have "infiltrated" this forum. I really don't understand this petty desire to be mean on the Internet. Yes, it's anonymous, but don't you have better things to do? If you don't want others judging and mistreating you, then why the f*@# would you judge and mistreat them? :wtf:

Makes me thing certain people just like the drama, much as they protest otherwise...

haven't you ever been mean or had mean thoughts?

being openly cruel to these delusional people, who need to be educated is a temptation, unlikely that I will waste too much of my time posting there, reading the forums there have been enough... but never say never ;)

SG is where I can say things like what I want to say on there "outloud" so to speak

the world is cruel, the internet is worse :twisted:
You, me and a looong summer??

I honestly hate that forum. Its so poo and everyone craps thier pants if you mention anything below 1200 or if your goal weight is under what they think is a normal range. Lord knows where they get this 'range' from. When I went under 140 I was advised by a then friend that I was 'taking this whole dieting thing too far'. I am 5"3.5!!! Arrrrghhh.
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haven't you ever been mean or had mean thoughts?

being openly cruel to these delusional people, who need to be educated is a temptation, unlikely that I will waste too much of my time posting there, reading the forums there have been enough... but never say never ;)

SG is where I can say things like what I want to say on there "outloud" so to speak

the world is cruel, the internet is worse :twisted:

Of course I have mean thoughts! But just as I wouldn't act on the cruelest of them in the "real" world, I don't on the Internet. Even though it's anonymous and faceless, you can still do a lot of damage to people, and I have no inclination whatsoever to do that. I'm not gonna lie, though... I am entertained by some of the sh*$ that goes down on SG, even if I don't partake... :sneaky:... just not the cruel, personal attacks.
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Of course I have mean thoughts! But just as I wouldn't act on the cruelest of them in the "real" world, I don't on the Internet. Even though it's anonymous and faceless, you can still do a lot of damage to people, and I have no inclination whatsoever to do that. I'm not gonna lie, though... I am entertained by some of the sh*$ that goes down on SG, even if I don't partake... :sneaky:... just not the cruel, personal attacks.

just like @lightasair mentioned, stirring the pot doesn't need to be a direct attack on any one member, it can be posting an article enforcing skinny, or saying I ate less than 1200cal or want to have a bmi of 18 not 18.5...
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I've never actually read them before today
part of me wants so bad to go in and stir shit up

Those of us from SG who are on MFP have a running joke about the forums, we stay far far away.
But every now and then it's fun to post something in the forums and watch the floodgates open. You should try it ;) :twisted: And I think it's good exercise for the fatties too getting riled up about something.

Trigger phrases are 'Kim Kardashian is fat', 'Starvation mode is a myth' and 'I eat less than 1200 calories a day/I want to weigh less than 130 pounds' :grin: