Lady gaga

I looks like gravity is pulling it down to the earth like an old lady's boobies D:

did you read it? My opinion too. Yeah BODY REVOLUTION but then covering your hips with your hands, sucking your stomach in and taking a picture form a high angle.:nopity:

Yeah... well. She's full of it, she likes to connect to her audience via their struggles, but now its getting to the point that she's practically exploiting it.
Yeah... well. She's full of it, she likes to connect to her audience via their struggles, but now its getting to the point that she's practically exploiting it.

I really think she has some MAJOR issues going on ... psycho much? She should get her life together.
O, the woes of gravity...

She honestly looks repulsive. I don't understand why she thinks she can get away with wearing next to nothing when she bulges out of it anyway :wtf:
Some of my friends were talking about her the other day and said she gained weight in "all the right places" and "looks so good" ..... 0_0 good gawd..........

She's becoming Christina Aguilera the 2nd

My God.
Personally, I could not give two shits about other people's bodies, if she's comfortable that way then cool (I mean yeah, I don't like how it looks but it's not my business)
I do give two shit about what people wear
and that is just... for the love of God or whatever else, please put on something that FITS!
Gaga is all about the doublespeak. You really have to watch out. She's spouting off a bunch of crap about loving your curves, don't mind a 20 lb weight gain, "Love yourself" blah blah blah blah...... realize Miley says she lost a ton from giving up wheat because she has an allergy. She briefly said the love yourself thing too but then backed off once she went off the wheat and started to lose. Gaga is such a mind controlled robot I don't expect this to happen. I really don't like her actually.
sorry, but that outfit is not meant for people with chunky thighs.....and wearing a bra without a shirt doesn't make you edgy, badass, or....anything really :nopity:

At least she doesn't look chunky this time, she's been looking average lately-lol
i'm surprised she's looking better in recent pics. not skinny, but not half as bad as in those unfortunate on stage pics. her middle section looks actually quite toned.