Michelle Trachtenberg

Apr 16, 2012
She seems to fluctuate a lot! I loved her body in the movie Eurotrip, and she looked good in Mysterious Skin and Buffy. But in Gossip Girl she has been a little on the larger side. Lately she's slimmed down a bit but she's definitely not skinny.

Looking quite big in her GG days:



Back looking nice and skinny:




Oh my god! I always imagine her as skinny, some of those photos literally had my mouth hanging open.

She seems to store extra pounds in her arms and legs regardless of her weight... That must be frustrating :/ it makes for a pretty awkward shape when she gains.
Sad story. I hope she gets back on track soon!
I really hate how the weight also stores in her cheeks, (same story with me :nopity: ), it´s just a nasty, hamster-faced look. For cheeky people it´s especially important to stay skinny.
I always thought she had one of the most unfortunate cases of cankles in Hollywood.
yes her cankles are so visible and gross that's why she would look better skinny (example: miley and leighton meester both have cankles but they look much better because they are thin) it's a shame though because I think her face is very beautiful and she would look much better with less weight
*sigh* I can understand a wee bit of weight, but why don't they stop before it becomes "obvious" weight gain.

And she's an actress.. weighing yourself every damn day is your job...

I get so discourage when I see such small girls explode like this.
I think she is absolutely stunning when thin. Not a fan of the thick black eyeliner on her..... For some reason it makes her look goth!
She yo yos like crazy! when she is super skinny she is hot but her voice is super duper annoying.
She'll never get skinny unless she stops the grains or starts working out like a maniac. Fortunately she is so beautiful that I doubt anyone will ever care.
She had the cutest body in buffy...like season 6-8 not the first season she was on. but some of those later pics.....ouch. the most recent ones look ok though, she has obviously been making an effort.
She has a stunning face but her legs let her down massively. Here's her sat next to women with normal legs. How unfortunate. :facepalm:


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Oh my god! I always imagine her as skinny, some of those photos literally had my mouth hanging open.

She seems to store extra pounds in her arms and legs regardless of her weight... That must be frustrating :/ it makes for a pretty awkward shape when she gains.

My thoughts exactly! I guess I've always thought of the teenage girl she used to be. I hope she can get back down to a skinny weight, she looks soooo awkward fat!
That's crazy!! she really looks SO much better when she thins out! Her legs look so stumpy now! Although, she was wearing gladiators and capris... :hmm:

I LOVED her in Eurotrip... definite inspiration there... but she really has gained weight!
WOW! I had no idea she had gained so much weight! Whenever I think of her I always picture her from Eurotrip (or Harriet the Spy - anyone else remember that lol?)
WOW! I had no idea she had gained so much weight! Whenever I think of her I always picture her from Eurotrip (or Harriet the Spy - anyone else remember that lol?)

I'll up you one... When I think of her I always picture her from the Adventures of Pete and Pete TV show :oops: (yep, I'm feeling old). But, she did get to have Iggy Pop for a dad in that series. What more could a kid want?