

Jan 21, 2012
Hey, gurls! I found this tumblr today and thought you all might be interested! This blogger is super skinny, and she has some cute outfits!

Some pics:



Also, she's recovering from an ED and working towards a healthier lifestyle.
She's very cute but really triggering for me. She reminds me of my anorexic days plus we kinda look similar - Asian, long hair, same fashion style, and same love of preparing super low cal food.
It is insanely triggering.. It is really unfortunate that she is still in the midst of an ED (1 day ago posted that she's lost weight). I'm really upset that something so sinister lies behind all those pretty outfits and healthy food...
It is insanely triggering.. It is really unfortunate that she is still in the midst of an ED (1 day ago posted that she's lost weight). I'm really upset that something so sinister lies behind all those pretty outfits and healthy food...
Plus she lists all the calories out - exactly what I used to do.
This post makes me cry:

weight loss problems (ana)

yes you will have those stick thin legs, but even the tightest,sexiest leather pants or skinny jeans will be too big (you will be confined to wearing stockings and leggings)
bones begin to show, and tight dresses with the back showing become a big no no to wear, it’ll look scary and ridiculous.
people tell you, you’re too thin and you never feel satisfied with it.
everyday is a struggle, even at your goal weight you’re tormented by numbers.. on the scales, in food, the size of those pants or shirt or dress.
your hair falls out and no matter how long you cry or pray for you know it wont come back unless you gain some weight.
people no longer look “healthy"or “good” but you define them by “thin” or “fat”
your cheek bones will protrude making your face appear strange
your chest will hurt from your struggling heart and breathing will become difficult.
sleep will become non-existent and will be replaced by anxiety and headache’s
you loose sight of what a “future” is and instead just envision “thinner is better” “skinny is happiness”

and yet with all these problems the twisted thing is it will never be enough to frighten you, even at your death bed you surely still won’t think “i’m finally perfect, i’m finally beautiful” because no matter what the longer you go at it the less “beautiful” you become and the less satisfied.

I'd love to have the body of a starving Asian child but I'd rather not be reminded about it...
:( I'm sorry, you all, perhaps I jumped the gun making this thread all things considered. I didn't think of how it might trigger SG members. Would it be best for this thread to be deleted? Once again, I apologize.
Huh. Strange thing is, I know girls around me who look just like her, but much older, too.... :wtf: My perception is screwed being here...
:( I'm sorry, you all, perhaps I jumped the gun making this thread all things considered. I didn't think of how it might trigger SG members. Would it be best for this thread to be deleted? Once again, I apologize.

No worries. :) Same could be said for the felice fawn thread. But alot of us like to bash her, so its okay...? It just seems this girl is sweet and it makes it all the more heartbreakiing.
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:( I'm sorry, you all, perhaps I jumped the gun making this thread all things considered. I didn't think of how it might trigger SG members. Would it be best for this thread to be deleted? Once again, I apologize.

Don't worry about it :) You can't know how other people are going to react.
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Really? It never occurred to you that a blog that states twice in the header that the author has an eating disorder would be triggering on this forum?
Really? It never occurred to you that a blog that states twice in the header that the author has an eating disorder would be triggering on this forum?

Like i said. Same could be said for felice fawn, mary-kate, nicole richie, tumblr links, fat chicks in bikinis, vogue ads, virtually anything. Coconut oil might trigger certain members. Chill. I make a. Point not to bicker here, but she said she was sorry, didnt think, and dont be cruel to your fellow members.. Especially if they apologize for errors in judgement.
she's got good style but she's way too skinny for me... gave me shiver's and reminded me alot of my unhealthy skinny days... :puke:
I don't think it's awkward; obviously she knows that blogging about her ED and regularly posting pics with thinspo tags makes her body visible to and liable to discussion by the public.
Really? It never occurred to you that a blog that states twice in the header that the author has an eating disorder would be triggering on this forum?

I, personally, found it inspiring that she was trying to gain weight and overcome her ED. I realize now that other members saw it differently. I can promise you I will have more discretion with my posts/threads. Never would I want to post something that is deleterious to any member of the SG community.