Selena Gomez

Now that she's being regularly photographed with her new BFF Cara it's all downhill from here for her



Her face keeps getting fatter together with the rest of her :superpuke:
Oh Selena.. she looks so pudgy and shapeless and just dreadful. She was never super skinny, but she looked better before Spring Breakers.
Doesn't she have a stylist? Why would you ever wear a tummy bearing top with a tummy like that?

That being said, this is one hideous top anyway. I can't imagine it looking good on any person.
She really has the ability to look very cute - at her thinnest, she had a Miranda Kerr, babyfaced vibe that I find appealing.

Unfortunately, at a higher weight, she really looks cheap. She really should have gotten together with Orlando Bloom, he would have whipped her into shape with his "special diet."
I haaaaate cropped tops, unless you're skinny it just looks nasty.
I never understand why so many celebrities fail at looking presentable?? Doesn't she own a mirror? Honestly, how could she not realize that her outfit looked bad? :wtf:
how do I edit posts?
anyway, found this on yahoo:


Bum shorts look awful on just about 99.99% of the population - I'd go so far as to even say that no-one (not even Vlada) should wear those. Though funnily enough, why is it that the people who might actually be skinny enough to pull those shorts off, never actually wear them? Why is it always the fatties that wear these awful shorts? *sigh*
Bum shorts look awful on just about 99.99% of the population - I'd go so far as to even say that no-one (not even Vlada) should wear those. Though funnily enough, why is it that the people who might actually be skinny enough to pull those shorts off, never actually wear them? Why is it always the fatties that wear these awful shorts? *sigh*

Because cause being skinny enough means having some self-respect?
I just got my wisdom teeth out and my face doesn't even look that puffy! :rolleyes:

But if it is lupus related I do feel bad for her... not much to help that.


There is no excuse for a monstrosity like this. The sunnies are gaga-meets-wonka, the monochromatic circus tent looks like it's trying to choke her ( shame it didn't make it high enough to cover the fat hanging off her chin) and no one her size should be wearing high waisted spray on pants.
Just no
I read she is battling lupus. The drugs to manage the disease are very intense and most definitely the reason why she is gaining like crazy.
i read this twooo!!!!! and its so sad but are you sure it makes you gain weight?