White skinny jeans


SkinnyGossip Royal
Aug 1, 2013
I am tempted to buy a pair but not sure. Ladies what r your thoughts? I'm 5'4 and 49 kgs.

What do u think about white skinny jeans in general? A good look or something only models should wear?
I would wait until at least your goal weight.. white is not the most forgiving.
What do u think about white skinny jeans in general?


I have never worn anything white pants-wise, I think it's a difficult color to wear and most people can't pull it off. If you have the confidence you can wear whatever you want.
I have more pairs of white jeans/trousers and love them, but for skinny jeans in generall you should be skinny, otherwise it doesn't look good. You must judge yourself
I have one pair of white shorts and they make my thigh gap look amazing. I say yes, especially if you have nice slim, long legs. I think thighs larger than 25" shouldn't be crammed into skinny jeans though. So maybe get to your GW so you feel even more fabulous. But it doesn't hurt to try some white jeans on :) just make sure you don't have a tragic accident with Mother Nature that day. White isn't forgiving. Maybe try to find white straight-legged jeans instead of skinny jeans. The subtitle difference does wonders on some body types.

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
You should also consider you skin tone. I don't think they look good on pale girls (especially when dark haired like me).
But blonde and tanned is perfect in my opinion :kiss:
White is a HARD look to pull off if your legs are less than stellar. I am not even talking about super skinny legs, or even skinny bodies. I've seen normal looking girls (well, "normal", 18.5 BMI let's say) who have amazing legs that are long and lean, and they rock those skinny jeans. I think the main issue with white skinny jeans is when your legs are not that great. I have awfull legs: short, chunky. Even at a 16 BMI. So, I stay the fuck away from white. It just highlights the chubiness of the thighs in my opinion.

So, be your harshest critic.
I think white skinnies are some of the hardest pants to pull off, mainly because your legs have to be absolutely perfect. White is not in the least bit forgiving, and it will highlight every bulge and jiggle, so if your legs aren't toned and tight, or thin with a miniscule amount of fat, they can end up making you look extremely chunky.

That said, when you can rock them, you rock them. If you really want them, they can be a great motivator to help you get those perfect legs.
I have one pair of white shorts and they make my thigh gap look amazing. I say yes, especially if you have nice slim, long legs. I think thighs larger than 25" shouldn't be crammed into skinny jeans though. So maybe get to your GW so you feel even more fabulous. But it doesn't hurt to try some white jeans on :) just make sure you don't have a tragic accident with Mother Nature that day. White isn't forgiving. Maybe try to find white straight-legged jeans instead of skinny jeans. The subtitle difference does wonders on some body types.
25 inches??? Is that for one thigh or two? :wtf: Some of our girls here have waists smaller than that... (25" thighs are HUGE btw)
My thighs are 18" (which are still huge to me) and my waist is 25" hips 32" I'm just saying that I think average looking girls look "okay" in skinny jeans. But that's IMO. I'm saying 25" maximum, over looks gross. I don't want to hate on all body types and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.. Since I don't know her stats. :s @ZeroDiet

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
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25 inches??? Is that for one thigh or two? :wtf: Some of our girls here have waists smaller than that... (25" thighs are HUGE btw)

haha wow you are right! I am Aussie so use metric system so the significance of this didn't register with me until I went and measured my own thighs!
My thighs are 18" (which are still huge to me) and my waist is 25" hips 32" I'm just saying that I think average looking girls look "okay" in skinny jeans. But that's IMO. I'm saying 25" maximum, over looks gross. I don't want to hate on all body types and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.. Since I don't know her stats. :s @ZeroDiet

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7

Thanks @wonderland. Don't worry my thighs are much smaller than 25 inches. They're actually 19 inches (I just measured for the first time). My BMI is 18.7 though. I find it really interesting that there's only 1 inch difference between our thighs and your BMI is 2 whole points lower than mine. Congrats on the stats by the way - 16 BMI is really impressive.
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Hmm, I guess it could be a couple different things.. Like our height and weight. My height is 160cm and weight is 43kg. I burn more calories than I eat according to my doctor and only have 5% body fat (and I even have boobs!) so that's like 2% on each side and the rest goes to my thighs. (Sigh) /: @Tinyportia

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
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Oops.. My weight is like 43.9kg.. So let's say 44kg. Sorry I did the conversion in my head. :p

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
I burn more calories than I eat according to my doctor and only have 5% body fat (and I even have boobs!) so that's like 2% on each side and the rest goes to my thighs. (Sigh) /:

Wait... What?

I think you might want to revise your method for calculating body fat... I mean, female models and lean athletes usually are somewhere between 13-18% if I remember correctly, so a 5% body fat would put you below the minimum necessary for normal body function and survival...

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Oops sorry I'm looking at my data from a Body Composition Analyzer back when I weighed 99lbs a month ago, I was just trying to remember.

fat precent is 7.6%
Fat mass 7.6 lbs
And my BMI was at 17.1

I'm guessing it's lower now that my BMI is at 16.7. I can take a picture of the receipt if it's to hard to believe. @Remedios

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
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I stood on a scale that printed off my body comp. so I didn't miss calculate anything, as I estimated a stat that wasn't fresh in my mind. And I'm definitely not a model or a "lean athlete" I'm 5'3" and personally, I'd feel like a tub of lard if my body fat was 13-18%. And I sort of take offense to you saying I have minimum necessary body function for survival. I'm an active gymnast, participate in Motocross, ballet, zumba, yoga, and fitness training at our local gym, I'm 17 and have already ran a mini-marathon. I'd hardly say I have minimum body function. I feel great actually.

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7
Well I have some white and light beige skinny jeans and I really like them. It may not be the ones I look the slimest but with proper styling I feel awesome in them :) it's a change from my everyday black or navy blue skinnies.

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I stood on a scale that printed off my body comp. so I didn't miss calculate anything, as I estimated a stat that wasn't fresh in my mind. And I'm definitely not a model or a "lean athlete" I'm 5'3" and personally, I'd feel like a tub of lard if my body fat was 13-18%. And I sort of take offense to you saying I have minimum necessary body function for survival. I'm an active gymnast, participate in Motocross, ballet, zumba, yoga, and fitness training at our local gym, I'm 17 and have already ran a mini-marathon. I'd hardly say I have minimum body function. I feel great actually.

CW: 98 lbs
GW: 95lbs
BMI: 16.7

13% BF is pretty damn lean. 6% is close to the bare minimum needed for females to survive. Males can have lower bf but females tend to have higher for... womanly functions. Since your bf is so low, make sure your bones are healthy since I'm guessing you're probably not menstruating?