Victoria Justice



Okay so I saw that thread about Miranda Cosgrove, and it made me think about those terribly irritating disney or nick stars. They all get on my nerves, but god I just love Victoria Justice. She's got a cute face, and she seems pretty fit. What do you guys think about her?





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Meh, just looks like another shortish, average, cookie-cutter All American teen to me. Nothing striking or envious about her body. :/
i think she's cute :luv: her body looks in pretty shape, not skinny, but it looks like she takes care of it :)
Well, her stomach is nice in the bikini picture, but I agree with Samira, I don't see something special. Just average pretty girl. Not really my cup of tea.
I always found her to be quite lovely. I babysit an 8 year old and a 2 year old a few times a month, and we often watch Victorious. Its good motivation not to eat junk food with the girls!


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I love her body but its so obvious that she puts no effort into it.
nice body for a teenager....we'll see what happens when that super fast metabolism slows down.
I prefer Nina Dobrev, who likes like a thinner, hotter, and slightly more exotic clone of Victoria to me.

That being said, you are right. She is very cute.
woah they look so similar in those pictures! i prefer Nina too, Victoria looks like the average good looking teen.
^ This. She looks like a hotter version of the "hottest" girls in my school. She does look good, i can't criticize cause I don't look that good.

But Nina.... :luv: Skinny legs to. And hot boyfriend.

I will say this. I have serious tooth envy of Victoria Justice. I'm 18 and still don't have my braces off. I hope my teeth look like that when their gone.
I think she looks skinny to me :) and her face is nice <3

I believe she was a secondary actor in the series of Zooey 101 and she wasn't that pretty.
I prefer Nina Dobrev, who likes like a thinner, hotter, and slightly more exotic clone of Victoria to me.

That being said, you are right. She is very cute.

This. Victorias like a downgraded version of Nina. I never realized how similar they look though!
Ok I will admit it I watch these silly shows with my boys and i have to say she is hilarious on screen!!!! While i am at it I will cop to watching iCarly too! Uggghhh how sad am I that at 34 yrs old i am watching these things! LOL

Any how... I think she looks good, agreed nothing amazingly striking about her but she is def on the pretty side!
I love Victoria! I actually prefer her over Nina... she just seems a bit more graceful and beautiful in my opinion.
She still looks good. I think she has potential to get really thighy though if she ever let herself go. ie those bikini pictures.
Pretty face.