Romee Strijd.
Born on
19 July.
My style is
“A little bit rock but I also love simple basics”.
My fashion tip is
“Good jeans and good basics!”
My favourite TopModel is
“Kate Moss”.
My favourite dress is
“A leather black dress”.
Fashion is
“Travelling a lot, see a lot of different places and - of course - people!”
A funny fashion moment
“My English is not very good, so when a photographer asked me if I wanted some coke I was like… Pardon?!”
My interests are
“Going out, doing fun things with friends and of course modeling”.
“I love house music and I am doing fitness and hula hoop”.
My best experience was
“The shows for Burberry, Prada and Christopher Kane”.
Future and projects
“I am waiting to see what comes next, it’s very exciting”.
My biggest dream
“To be a fulltime model and to see a lot of places”.
One day I want to
“Go to New York”.
“Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan and with friends on holiday to Mallorca”.
I love
“The quote: be happy for this moment, this moment is your life”.