Absolute thinspo! Especially in that dress!
Absolute thinspo! Especially in that dress!
Absolute thinspo! Especially in that dress!
Yes, but that is how she used to look likeNow she gained weight. She isn't fat now, but neither skinny.
Yes, but that is how she used to look likeNow she gained weight. She isn't fat now, but neither skinny.
Those photos remind why I should never eat while walking about
unbelieveble. and i thought that people like her nevr gain weihgt..
I always loved her in that amaaaaaazing green dress in Atonement.
Wow, her collarbones and stomachshe has the "cut" but still looks feminine. Amazing.
She isn't a real thinspo anymore
If it can happen to her, it can happen to all of us...eeeep!
Jeepers, it looks like she's eating a huge pastry or hot dog
or something...
Now, show your mercy to this... :hmm: