Kay Smetsers (Girlnah on Tumblr)

I think some people are getting wiser to fake followers; one client asked me recently about types of followers, whether I was followed by any journalists or influential people in my area of work, rather than just amounts, which was interesting. That's the first time - for me, anyway - that there's been any depth to a question about social media.

It's amazing that more people haven't focused on fake followers since it's so easy to find out this and so many people do it. I guess it's laziness, but hopefully as people adjust to the changing influence and get wise to the tricks people pull, there will be more consideration given to how someone promotes their brand as opposed to just how many people are aware of their brand.
I only asked because I'm wondering if this is one of those times when there's a disconnect between actual adopters of technology vs older generations who are aware of technology, but aren't aware entirely how these things work (making a major assumption here that employers are 'older', i.e. 35+). So they know enough about Instagram to know that follower counts are important, but not enough to be aware that you can buy followers (because they likely don't extensively use the technology- assumption here is that these people are too busy doing actual work to extensively document every moment of their lives on social media.. unless their 'work' and media intersected in some way)

What the hell. Such a try-hard.

i swear she's nuts. period.
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What do you think drives people to "purchase" fake followers?

Wanting to appear more popular online. I can't think of any other reason people would do this. It seems ridiculous to me, just because it takes someone 30 seconds with a free app to discover that you've done this.

I only asked because I'm wondering if this is one of those times when there's a disconnect between actual adopters of technology vs older generations who are aware of technology, but aren't aware entirely how these things work (making a major assumption here that employers are 'older', i.e. 35+). So they know enough about Instagram to know that follower counts are important, but not enough to be aware that you can buy followers (because they likely don't extensively use the technology- assumption here is that these people are too busy doing actual work to extensively document every moment of their lives on social media.. unless their 'work' and media intersected in some way)

I think that probably is the case yes.

Although - as you mentioned - in professions where social media and work intersect it can be different, there's a massive gulf between people who work with tech directly and those who don't. I've certainly found that a lot of 30-45 year olds who use social media to promote their own work or who work directly with tech are extremely aware of all of this stuff, but that people in that age group who don't deal with social media accounts as a direct part of their job, seem to know very little about how it works, even though almost all of them have profiles on everything, instagram tumblr, twitter etc.
I can't think of any other reason people would do this. It seems ridiculous to me, just because it takes someone 30 seconds with a free app to discover that you've done this.

Ooooohhh I did not know this, what's the app?? I have my suspicions over certain peoples follower counts and definitely want to do a sneaky check.
I would have laught so hard if I'd walked by and seen her takig this! Also, why does she keep using french words? Not even complete sentences... Just words. Like kids trying to learn a new language and lacking voabulary. :yawn:

Likely because she thinks she sounds educated in culture and the arts.

I knew someone like that. His Instagram headline is in French. It's not even grammatically correct but the google translation version.
Very into the flavour of the month. He decided he wanted to be a banker when Wall Street 2 came out without any degree. Right because anyone just waltzes in past the Magna cum laude students and earns millions.

That's her. Very cliche. I'm surprised she doesn't smoke too posting 7393 pictures per cigarette.
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So my day turned out quite different. I got sent home by self service after getting my makeup done. They thought i was too skinny and that they would love to work with me in the future but not with this body. I felt so embarressed and deplorable. It was so odd to just leave like that. Also because i was going to be shooting with a male model who gave me this ‘huh where are you going’ face. I went back to my agency and they were utterly sweet and absolutely supportive. They set out a plan for me and well…I’m leaving Paris tomorrow, and I will be back in february. I’m not sure how I feel about it…I feel like the colour taupe I think…yes that’s all I can say about it. I’m very sleepy. I should sleep.

why did i expect something like this to happen? this girl hasn been signed for approximately half a year now? and has yet to move a single step forward with work. somehow i cant imagine that this was the first time shes been told that shes too skinny by her clients
i think this is the last chance she has to get her shit together if she is serious about modelling.
Ooooohhh I did not know this, what's the app?? I have my suspicions over certain peoples follower counts and definitely want to do a sneaky check.
Even if you just click on a person's followers, you can eyeball and check. Basically, if the majority of followers have a "blank" account with a gibberish username and are following way more people than have followers (eg. 600 following, 46 followers).. likely a fake account. Same goes for comments. If most comments are just users tagging other users w/o leaving any real content/commentary, it's likely to be a bought comment

The other rule I've heard is 10% - you should have around 10% of your followers in "likes" so if someone has 100k followers but only 1000 likes, there's something shady going on. Tbh I'm not too sure of the 10% bc what I normally see is 3-5%, but I'm not sure if this number is diluted by the fact that these users are already buying followers. Sry if this is incoherent, it's quite late here.
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why did i expect something like this to happen? this girl hasn been signed for approximately half a year now? and has yet to move a single step forward with work. somehow i cant imagine that this was the first time shes been told that shes too skinny by her clients
i think this is the last chance she has to get her shit together if she is serious about modelling.
Sorry if I'm being stupid, but it's not like she hides how skinny she is so wouldn't her clients (assuming this is true) already know what her body looked like plus have her measurements etc. This has happened too many times and I think she's just making things up and saying she got turned down because of her body for followers so she can get real jobs.
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Sorry if I'm being stupid, but it's not like she hides how skinny she is so wouldn't her clients (assuming this is true) already know what her body looked like plus have her measurements etc. This has happened too many times and I think she's just making things up and saying she got turned down because of her body for followers so she can get real jobs.
no, i agree, i think she is clouded by delusion and living in a bubble of denial. however there must be some truth to what she says, assuming that her agency keeps up to date with her social media, etc.
Ohhhhh.. my bad, I thought you meant instagram. I don't even know how how twitter works haha.

Ah sorry! I think Instagram purged a lot of fake followers a while back actually so they might be more on top of it than twitter but it's definitely harder to tell with Instagram although what @ZeroDiet's said about the likes versus follower numbers sounds pretty interesting.
what @ZeroDiet's said about the likes versus follower numbers sounds pretty interesting.

haha yeah, except I get about 3-4% the amount of likes on my photos as followers (around 200 for a bit over 6000) and then some will randomly only just make it over 90 so I'm not entirely sure it's accurate... either that, or I'm just really boring
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haha yeah, except I get about 3-4% the amount of likes on my photos as followers (around 200 for a bit over 6000) and then some will randomly only just make it over 90 so I'm not entirely sure it's accurate... either that, or I'm just really boring

I find hashtags make a massive difference on Instagram. If I post work and tag it #drawing #art it gets many more likes than if I post a personal picture, which I only ever hashtag with something vague and meaningless. Popular hashtags definitely get seen by more people..
I find hashtags make a massive difference on Instagram. If I post work and tag it #drawing #art it gets many more likes than if I post a personal picture, which I only ever hashtag with something vague and meaningless. Popular hashtags definitely get seen by more people..

Maybe that's it then, I refuse to hashtag. I can't imagine any of my friends would let me live it down if I started haha.
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Maybe that's it then, I refuse to hashtag. I can't imagine any of my friends would let me live it down if I started haha.

Haha, yes, for the most part, hashtags are horribly misused.

I can understand it when a travel photographer tags his work with the name of the city he's photographing or something like that, but most hashtags are just stupid side comments or something