I worked very
very closely with Julia for a couple of years. Here's my thoughts...
said she was really sweet and shy, but that her heart never seemed fully taken with modelling.
Yes, very true.
Also, someone at Julia's school put the photograph of her wearing the sheer Christian Dior Fall Winter 2010/11 closing gown on Facebook. Apparently it really upset Julia and knocked her confidance.
First of all I don't have any sympathy for a model who gets her photo plastered everywhere. That's her job. But that little drama didn't "knock her confidence" - more like it set into motion some things for her that were going to happen anyway.
She was
really, really struggling with her weight. Part of it was that her head wasn't really in it the way a girl has to be. Then this girl at her school (who hates her) took that picture and started posting it and mocking her 'fat ass and thighs' to many of her dear, personal friends on Facebook. She was of course mortified. This wasn't nameless faceless bodysnarking but going on on Facebook among circles of her close school friends.
And she was already in a pretty sad place at the time. A very shy person, she had not made many friends the way most other models do, so the extended time away from home already had her dreadfully lonely. She was quite miserable, but had been trying hard to see it through for all the obvious reasons.
She also, due to her weight, was doing quite poorly at castings, and it wasn't looking like the next season was going to be very good for her. So when she decided to take a "break" to pursue photography and maybe acting, I knew she would not return to the runway. And for Julia that was definitely the right decision. She's a smart, very sweet girl and did the right thing for her.
Now she is doing a lot better - much happier, has had a few successful exhibitions of her photography, and just got a part in a musical (Titanic) which starts later in the summer.
Selfishly, I'd love to see her rail-thin again and back on the runway, but it was not realistic and she was really just miserable.