Britney Spears


Super Star
Jan 27, 2012
I am rooting for her to get back to her old figure. Whilst Britney has never been thin or that slim I just want some good luck her way. I feel that the press are incredibly harsh to her. But more than anything I want Britney to clean herself up, work out and get hers abs back, release an amazing pop song and album and do a concert which actually gets good reviews.

I used to admire her work out discipline. I heard she once used to do like 1000 sit ups. Thats hard core, wish I could make myself do something like that.
I used to feel the same way. I loved her pre baby body, even if it wasnt skinny-skinny. I hope she can get her stuff together before she is too old.


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I used to love Britney and I still love her "Slave 4 U" era body.... but that Britney is long gone and she aint coming back.

I saw her last concert and it was friggin' awful. She needs to just give up the ghost and bail out.
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She was definitely a role model for most of teenage-girls, but then the press and the media fu**ed her life. Yes, I heard that she used to do 1000 sit ups every day and she had a great thin body,not skinny, but very healthy and fit !
I feel so sorry for her :(
Britney? Not much hope for her on becoming skinny again... :nopity:
Hope I'm wrong
Her pre-baby body was amazing! Yes, she wasn't skinny, but her abs were the killer :bow:
I read once that she had to do 1500 abs every day :wtf:

Wow... she's aged quite a lot... she's trying too hard to smile in that last pic...

I love her & her music and I'm going to miss her tremendously. Honestly I think she needs to concentrate on finding her own happiness and stop trying to please everyone. I would hate to see her die young like the rest of the famous over-exploited singers. :cry:
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Wow... she's aged quite a lot... she's trying too hard to smile in that last pic...

I love her & her music and I'm going to miss her tremendously. Honestly I think she needs to concentrate on finding her own happiness and stop trying to please everyone. I would hate to see her die young like the rest of the famous over-exploited singers. :cry:

She looks a lot older than 30 ( her current age). She looks old enough to be my mom when she's only 10 years older than me. She seems to be like 45, even 50 in some pics. More than 40 for sure...
Ahh, her old body is nought but a distant memory now. Reckon she could ever make it back?

i love britney and i always will but she looks terrible
itd be awesome if she made like a killer comback
dropped like 30lbs was super skinny and just fucking rocked it out
i love britney and i always will but she looks terrible
itd be awesome if she made like a killer comback
dropped like 30lbs was super skinny and just fucking rocked it out
I would love that too! However, I feel like she's still at the stage where she should concentrate on rebuilding her mental health and family health first.
She really needs to detox. Get away from the paps, live in the countryside with plenty of fresh air, eat clean and regain her mental health. She needs to be with people who love her and want to take care of her for her own sake, rather than to keep her barely surviving as a cash cow.

Right now it seems like her handlers are more concerned with keeping her medicated so she remains functional and shits out more albums, concerts and money.