Ariana Grande

I was going through her instagram ( and she's definitely gotten thinner. Her new song "Problem" came out...I personally can't stand her voice. It's so nasally, and I can't ever understand what she's saying.

I read somewhere that she MAY have had an eating disorder cause she constantly wears a red ana bracelet but I'm not sure if it's true.
I agree 100% about her nasally voice. When I heard problems I had no idea what she was saying, it was like listening to someone with the flu singing.
She has lost quite a bit of weight, she definitely looks better skinnier (as does everyone) but she has such a small frame and didn't carry the extra weight well at all.
based on some instagram/twitter posts I suspect that the weight-loss hasn't been 100% healthy, but hey, who really knows.
She lost a shit tonne of weight


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A pretty good friend of mine was/still is family friends with her from Florida. From what little she's said about her, i've heard she's a sweet girl but things easily go to her head. :rolleyes: And that she gets around a lot in hollywood. A natural social climber. Interesting to hear some behind the scenes stuff especially since this girl basically appeared out of nowhere.
A pretty good friend of mine was/still is family friends with her from Florida. From what little she's said about her, i've heard she's a sweet girl but things easily go to her head. :rolleyes: And that she gets around a lot in hollywood. A natural social climber. Interesting to hear some behind the scenes stuff especially since this girl basically appeared out of nowhere.

Anything interesting you've heard that you can share? Her image change and sudden rise to fame intrigues me..
Anything interesting you've heard that you can share? Her image change and sudden rise to fame intrigues me..
I'm not sure how much I can disclose as me and my friend are pretty close and I wouldn't want to get involved too much (just in case). but the next time she brings up anything interesting about her i'm definitely all ears. ;)
I used to love her way back when she was starting out on Victorious. She was much humbler then- great singing voice, kind of outshined by Victoria Justice. Ariana has changed a lot, not just in weight. She does look better now (and cuter clothes), but I wish she would do something different with her hair! It's always the same.
I love her voice, but all her songs sound the same and are too mainstream and autotuned. I liked her better when she had more original and varied music that she did on the side of acting in Victorious.
Not a big fan of her diva personality but she looks tiny on her new album cover so I guess I forgive her lol
Sorry if anybody already posted this but she has officially said that her weight loss was because she changed her diet. And I think a few months ago she said that her red bracelet is for Kabbalah
I did not realise she used to be so pudgy.:wtf: And that red hair looked awful. Shes so much cuter looking now. But I've never watched whatever show it is she was in, nor heard her sing. I just think she looks cute, couldn't really give a damn about the rest lol
I can't stand this chick. Just want to slap the attitude out of her, but I have the impression a slap won't do much help.

Some people need a high five…
On the face.
With a chair.
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I never realized how chubby she was before. I do find her pretty in a cute way now and she is pretty thin and petite.
However, I have also heard her attitude is fucking atrocious and there is nothing that special about her that will keep her around if she acts like a huge bitch and burns bridges
I can't stand her she's so annoying lol. This pretty much is how I feel about her:
Though I'm not a fan of Nicki Minaj either. I think Ariana Grande has *some* musical talent, but she tries way too hard vocally and it's just a mess. Also her dancing weirds me out and she just seems desperate and pathetic.

In terms of her weight: this girl I follow on tumblr has an ED and knows her and said something along the lines of her eating habits not being the healthiest, but that she definitely does not have an eating disorder. She wouldn't go into more detail than that, but I thought you guys might be interested to hear that!