actually i still prefer us vogue over our vogue, i just get really annoyed cause its too celeb focused now, and im fine with it occasionally for someone special, but what was up with jlo bein featured talkin about that music show she judges??

i just think theyve lowered their standards a lot which is a shame considerin their power, australian vogue on the other hand i feel is makin an effort but obviously its harder cause theres a smaller market here and they dont have as many resources at their disposal
right on! and i dont get why they think models are not healthy? ok sure their will power makes them resist a lot of food and some of them smoke, but if you think about it the 'healthy girls' they talk about probably have some unhealthy binge issues and im sure some of them would smoke too, so why focus on 'healthy' because its so hard to find people who arent unhealthy in some way and its not a health magazine its a fashion magazine