I'm in love with this blog, and I thought you ladies would like it as well.
I'm in love with this blog, and I thought you ladies would like it as well.
Oh I love this blog!
I love the faux hatred of the Smith family, her crush on the Beckhams, and her dread of the inevitable announcement of the Duchess of Windsor's pregnancy.
Omg the Willow Smith thing kills me I really hope Katie Holmes has heard of it and thinks it's funny/harmless.
This blog is so addicting. I read it so much I think that I'm starting to believe Suri is actually snarky like that.
I read the whole blog in one go, I couldn't stop myself!
Same! I'm on hols right now so that provided amazing poolside reading yesterday
With the book coming out though I'm surprised that Katie/Tom haven't had anything to say about it? Surely there's legal issues there? Hmm :hmm:
I would have thought that anybody could write whatever they want about whomever they want, as long as it's not defamatory or libelous, and since this is obviously a joke an accusation along those lines would be unlikely to stick.
Besides, if there's any scrap of normal humanity in them, they'll think it's hilarious.
Any scrap of normal humanity...that rules out Tom, I guess. :hmm:
He thinks its real. He's got Shiloh and Willow under surveillance.