Stanislava Postnova (ruby.tear) Instagram


Rising Star
Oct 25, 2012
I couldn't find a thread with her and I think she deserves her own. She is a 17 year old Russian ballet dancer with Bolshoi Ballet Academy. She is like a living doll. She posts the most beautiful videos and photos of her dancing. I find the photos of her in street clothing also very inspiring. She is worth the follow :luvluv:






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Very sweet and elegant. And with Bolshoi? Girl has a bright future ahead of her.
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She's one of my favorites :luv: It's kind of uncanny how much she looks like Diana Vishneva as well
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She has the most incredible muscular but tiny body, I can only imagine how hard she must work! Nothing but respect for her. :luv:
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I really hope she doesn't get exposed for photoshopping or having an awful attitude like most other girls in this section seem to :eek:

She's cute though, looks younger than 17 but in a cute baby faced way. And her body/form in dance poses is :luv:

This photo looks totally out of place and wrong on her feed. Her arms look very thin but proportionate on every other photo..but this?? Very bizarre looking.
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This photo looks totally out of place and wrong on her feed. Her arms look very thin but proportionate on every other photo..but this?? Very bizarre looking.
Maybe its just the angle? I know certain angles make my arms look scary :nervous: I don't suspect photoshop or anything
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I can't wait to see where she goes after graduating the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. Also her turnout and her legs in this picture :bow:
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why can't the general population appreciate ballerinas (this is just one example but there are many) more? It takes years of practice and sacrifice. Instead they look up to the likes of Gigi, Kylie, young talentless Hollywood actress (looking at you Kirsten one emotion Stewart).
Strive for greatness, to be something inspiring, not mediocre.


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why can't the general population appreciate ballerinas (this is just one example but there are many) more?

Because people (especially the younger generation) are getting more stupid and don't appreciate art.

When I was 12 I loved opera and classical music (still do) and sure I would spend afterschool watching the Simpsons - but it's all about the balance. But kids these days are just like mindless zombies that speak in hashtags and abbreviations.
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I've been scrolling through her Instagram. Ah, it's true: ballerinas are so inspirational - graceful, but incredibly scrong.

New video from earlier today (that balance, holy crap).

And then some lovely pictures!

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