Razor Candi


Apr 15, 2012
Alright, probably not the type of model you guys are used to, but whether you like her style or not, some of you will have to admit she has one hell of a great body.

Actually, I could post a TONNE of Alternative girl thinspo, not just limited to Razor Candi.XD I just don't know if there are many alt girls on here.


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There are actually FAR better thinspo pictures of her but I don't seem to have them saved.>___> Might have a hunt later.
Thanks for posting!

I really love alternative / goth scene models (and tattoed rockabilly girls! :luv:), but most of the time they´re not much of a thinspo. However, she is!
Thanks for posting!

I really love alternative / goth scene models (and tattoed rockabilly girls! :luv:), but most of the time they´re not much of a thinspo. However, she is!

Same! If you want later on today I can make a "Alternative Girl Thinspo" thread and spam it full of pictures I have, I'd just have to sort out the thinspo from the normal girls (I just have a MASSIVE folder of hair, outfits, make-up, shoes, etc that I like haha)
Same! If you want later on today I can make a "Alternative Girl Thinspo" thread and spam it full of pictures I have, I'd just have to sort out the thinspo from the normal girls (I just have a MASSIVE folder of hair, outfits, make-up, shoes, etc that I like haha)

Good idea, I would love to help you with some more pics I found!
Ít´s not like us metalheads or goths need extra thinspo than fashion models, but it´s really nice to see girls I can relate to! ;)
Wow amazing body! :luv: I like to see alternative style its so cool and her piercings are just awesome. Thanks for posting :)
If you want later on today I can make a "Alternative Girl Thinspo" thread and spam it full of pictures I have, I'd just have to sort out the thinspo from the normal girls (I just have a MASSIVE folder of hair, outfits, make-up, shoes, etc that I like haha)

Please tag me if you do that! Love alternative thinspo, especially tattoo models :).


^ Cheek bones. x___X

I'm trying really hard to find her "older" stuff. Recently shes been doing "adult" modelling so thats mostly whats coming up.>__< But I love her older stuff.



I'm into a lot of oldschool goth music like The Birthday Party, The Cure and The Jesus and Mary Chain, so I think I have a tendency to really like more alternative girls as my general taste leans that way. I've been described as "Chanel Goth" before, haha. I tend to like mainstream models more, but I really do like Adora Batbrat. She has a great body for someone who is 40 or so and has had kids. She does cute little tutorials on youtube which are worth a watch.



Literally was JUST hunting down pictures of Adora for my alt thinspo thread.XD

Infact, I think I may make an album on my profile full of them so its always there, so if anyone has any they want put into the album, they could send me them for me to put in?:3

tagging @Skinny2012 and @Fili so they can see this.^-^
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Same! If you want later on today I can make a "Alternative Girl Thinspo" thread and spam it full of pictures I have, I'd just have to sort out the thinspo from the normal girls (I just have a MASSIVE folder of hair, outfits, make-up, shoes, etc that I like haha)

Please do it, I love alternative models! and Razor Candi looks amazing ;)
awesome thread!! thanks girls :luv: count me in the alt camp haha anyone know of Emilie Autumn? I'll see if I can get some pics up, she is thin, don't know about super skinny, but definitely on the thin side.
awesome thread!! thanks girls :luv: count me in the alt camp haha anyone know of Emilie Autumn? I'll see if I can get some pics up, she is thin, don't know about super skinny, but definitely on the thin side.

Ahh I used to kinda like her, but it turns out shes.. not the nicest person so that kinda put me off. There is ONE song of hers I really like though, "Marry Me".

I've uploaded a few pictures to the album I uploaded, her name is Jen Obscene, I wish I could find more pictures/info on her, she is like REALLY thin.O_O This girl:

Hmm I'm really not much of a goth person, but I do love the alternative style, especially steam punk... Anyway I want more of this thinspo! Do start a thread for it please!
Hmm I'm really not much of a goth person, but I do love the alternative style, especially steam punk... Anyway I want more of this thinspo! Do start a thread for it please!

I made a little album (but didn't realise I had limited picture space) but I'm thinking maybe just make this the alternative thinspo thread?:3 Is it possible to re-name a thread?



^ Wow.o_O Thats even a little too thin for my personal tastes (aka, what I would want my own body to look like)


Only decent images of "Jen Obscene" I could find.