Mr. Robot is an American Cyber-punk thriller drama, with an interesting plot revolving around the world of hackers, big evil corporations, conspiracies, and that Matrix-like premise that we all live in a sort of intellectual and spiritual slumber, being controlled by the few powerful companies and individuals that relay on keeping the population numb and entertained with thoughtless feed and routine, taking away our freedom without us even noticing.
I saw the first three episodes and so far it looks quite promising. Also, the lead actor Rami Malek is hot, which is always a plus...
His character in this series actually reminds me of Lisbeth Salander in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Has anyone else seen it? What do you think?
I saw the first three episodes and so far it looks quite promising. Also, the lead actor Rami Malek is hot, which is always a plus...
His character in this series actually reminds me of Lisbeth Salander in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Has anyone else seen it? What do you think?