Mother Agency Drama


Community Duchess
Nov 16, 2012
Any advice or insight would be enormously appreciated. Like, serioussllly.:wtf:

This has all happened in less than 72 hours:
1. I was scouted by a small, boutique agency--we'll call them Cittie Smalls.

2. Cittie Smalls has me take a few no make-up pictures; no big deal.

3. I get the bright idea to send the pictures out to top agencies; Aremis, why not?

4. I actually get a response . . . from Ford and Whilhelmina. We email back and forth. I take more pictures. I make videos. The whole shebang. Cittie Smalls asks for a Skpe interview--I do it--they offer me a contract at the end. I have until New Years to sign it.

5. Wilhelmina has a dumb intern/scout. I wrote that I am 68" tall. That means 5'8" not to be confused with 5.667 ft--which is not equal to 5'6". Needless to say, when they asked me if I was still growing and that they could only take me if I were 5'8", I responded--I AM 5'8". They got catty and confused. Yeahh. Hmmm.

6. Ford has sent me 11 emails in 24hours--they ask if I have ever modeled [no] do I have a mother agency or any other ties [no but I have been talking to a few]<--MISTAKE

7. Cittie Smalls asks for a Skpe interview--I do it--they offer me a contract at the end. I have until New Years to sign it.

8. Ford asks who I am talking to. I couldn't decide if I should tell them. But I did.

9. I haven't heard back from Ford--it's been 6 hours.

Now I know I am not ideal model material. I am not 5'11". I am not 14. I am really toned from sports. I went into this to knock a thing off my bucket list--so when I am 95 years old I won't have regrets. I was looking for NOs--but, after talking to really good agencies, I am starting to care and willing to relocate.

10. There are other small agencies in the mix but not so drama-rich, thank god.

5. Wilhelmina has a dumb intern/scout. I wrote that I am 68" tall. That means 5'8" not to be confused with 5.667 ft--which is not equal to 5'6". Needless to say, when they asked me if I was still growing and that they could only take me if I were 5'8", I responded--I AM 5'8". They got catty and confused. Yeahh. Hmmm.
Ok, I'm not experienced in anyway at all but the little I can offer is it might be less confusing if you just write your height as 5'8", because lets be serious, who can convert from inches to ft in their head (well I can't) and it seems the "normal" way to write heights in ft or cm.
Anyway, the VIP's will be way more help than I am. Good luck and hope your questions get answered :)
Ok, I'm not experienced in anyway at all but the little I can offer is it might be less confusing if you just write your height as 5'8", because lets be serious, who can convert from inches to ft in their head (well I can't) and it seems the "normal" way to write heights in ft or cm.
Anyway, the VIP's will be way more help than I am. Good luck and hope your questions get answered :)

I do math for a living. Soo biased!!:grin:
So you didn't sign the cittie smalls contract? You should be fine. When I signed with elite they forced me to get out of my contract with my little "cittie smalls" agency before I signed with them. Luckily I was at a point where I could. Don't sign with cittie smalls. Hold out for a bigger agency.
So you didn't sign the cittie smalls contract? You should be fine. When I signed with elite they forced me to get out of my contract with my little "cittie smalls" agency before I signed with them. Luckily I was at a point where I could. Don't sign with cittie smalls. Hold out for a bigger agency.

But what if they don't like me!?
They obviously like you. Definitely hold out for a bigger agency. Where I work, we encourage models to look into a few agencies before settling on one (we're fairly confident in ourselves), but regardless, the fact that you're talking to other agencies should in no way be a major deterrent to any agency if they do want to sign you, in some cases it can even work in your favor, it asserts their decision that you are someone with potential. Don't stress it, it shouldn't harm your chances, and regardless, it's in the past. My best advice for you it to think every decision through, don't jump on board one boat until you have all your options in front of you and have researched them all. There's no rush, take your time and make sure your final decision is an educated one.
They obviously like you. Definitely hold out for a bigger agency. Where I work, we encourage models to look into a few agencies before settling on one (we're fairly confident in ourselves), but regardless, the fact that you're talking to other agencies should in no way be a major deterrent to any agency if they do want to sign you, in some cases it can even work in your favor, it asserts their decision that you are someone with potential. Don't stress it, it shouldn't harm your chances, and regardless, it's in the past. My best advice for you it to think every decision through, don't jump on board one boat until you have all your options in front of you and have researched them all. There's no rush, take your time and make sure your final decision is an educated one.

How long does it take the board to deside typically? I hate waiting. I sent my pictures to others and haven't heard anything--though it has been about two days--when should I scratch them off my list? Or should I send stuff again? I don't want to be annoying. I realize they in no way have time to give everyone watermarked rejection letters.
6. Ford has sent me 11 emails in 24hours--they ask if I have ever modeled [no] do I have a mother agency or any other ties [no but I have been talking to a few]<--MISTAKE

Don't stress! I don't think that was a mistake. If they like you, then they'll go after you regardless if you're talking to other agencies or not. When I was looking for a new agency I was in contact with three different agencies who are all very well known in my area, and each of them knew who I had seen. In the end (and after some discussion between two of the agencies, as I later found out ;) ) one of them brought me on board. It's not a crime to shop agencies! :)
I would just relax, and see what happens.
As for having to sign that contract by new years, I would ask for an extension. A lot of agencies close up for the holidays and that doesn't give you all that much time to hear back from a larger agency, and you definitely want to give them a chance to respond to you. But maybe this boutique agency knows this and wants to snatch you up while they can:sneaky:
Don't stress! I don't think that was a mistake. If they like you, then they'll go after you regardless if you're talking to other agencies or not. When I was looking for a new agency I was in contact with three different agencies who are all very well known in my area, and each of them knew who I had seen. In the end (and after some discussion between two of the agencies, as I later found out ;) ) one of them brought me on board. It's not a crime to shop agencies! :)
I would just relax, and see what happens.
As for having to sign that contract by new years, I would ask for an extension. A lot of agencies close up for the holidays and that doesn't give you all that much time to hear back from a larger agency, and you definitely want to give them a chance to respond to you. But maybe this boutique agency knows this and wants to snatch you up while they can:sneaky:

Oh THIS makes sense. They were very speedy-pushy about everything. Guess I am going to have to wait.

Oh THIS makes sense. They were very speedy-pushy about everything. Guess I am going to have to wait.


haha! yes give yourself time, especially if they want you under contract...some agencies have their models sign 5 year contracts.. so before you sign anything really give yourself time and options! :)
and also, congrats on getting out there and hearing back from such wonderful agencies! I wish you the best of luck :kiss:
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i don't work in the industry, so i don't know, but here's what i think:
if the boutique agency is so pushy about everything, they will probably still sign you in a month or so in case nobody else wanted to sign you.
if they don't want to sign you any more after you have checked back with ford, wilhelmina and possibly others, they are probably not too fond of you in the first place. if they are not too fond of you in the first place, there's no reason for you to sign with them. (sounds like the are indeed fond of you though.)

i think you have to decide for yourself what you're doing this for. you stressed that you never intended to be a model and that you never thought you could ever be one. would it be a dream come true for you to be a model? or are you more devoted to your sports (which you would have to reduce judgidng from your pics in the showcase section) or to other career options? would you be glad to do a few shoots with local photographers for local brands or would you want to go all in? are you willing to sacrifice your current career (whatever it is?) to be a model?

i would say: think about these questions. if it turns out you're an all or nothing type of girl, wait for the bigger agencies and take the risk that you might end up with no agency at all.
if you just want to see how it feels to be photographed, sign with the boutique agency and see what happens. if being a model turns out to be your favorite thing ever, you can still try to change agencies.
i think you have to decide for yourself what you're doing this for. you stressed that you never intended to be a model and that you never thought you could ever be one. would it be a dream come true for you to be a model? or are you more devoted to your sports (which you would have to reduce judgidng from your pics in the showcase section) or to other career options? would you be glad to do a few shoots with local photographers for local brands or would you want to go all in? are you willing to sacrifice your current career (whatever it is?) to be a model?

i would say: think about these questions. if it turns out you're an all or nothing type of girl, wait for the bigger agencies and take the risk that you might end up with no agency at all.
if you just want to see how it feels to be photographed, sign with the boutique agency and see what happens. if being a model turns out to be your favorite thing ever, you can still try to change agencies.

How keen you are:kiss:

I am an all or nothing type of girl. I have no physical or psychological need to be photographed. I'll sell my business and my furniture (not that I am a Fortune 100 or habitant of a Southern palace:rolleyes:) but not for Sears catalog or Mr. Marty's Eye Mart--and I've heard those girls make money and that's nice for them. I don't know what I am going to do with the 8 years of Vouges (in multiple languages) if I have to move AGAIN. I'm one of those that peruses things out of spite (at first anyways). If the going conception is that something is hard, exclusive, or even impossible, my desire to do it skyrockets. While this behavior is incredibly productive and lucrative, I am anxious a lot.

But that's besides the point!:p
I don't really like to break contracts--even little ones. I thought you had to sue and a-bunch-of-other-nonsense to get out of a modeling contract? How does having a small mother agency affect your chances of getting a larger one--I know they will for [contracted years] take a little-off-the-top of all you do? My big concern, though: Cittie Smalls says I am "both exotic and classic" and would be on their development board but I am not sure how much "FASHION" work I'd get from them. I feel uncomfortable asking for client lists, averages, and just generally specific information--which is funny because I do all of this in "real life."

Thanks for all of your advice. It means a lot. A lot. A lot.
And if anyone needs help with math or Chopin--hit me the eff up. :wtf:
because lets be serious, who can convert from inches to ft in their head (well I can't) and it seems the "normal" way to write heights in ft or cm.

Anyone who works for a modeling agency should be able to do that stuff in 2 secs, but I know what you mean :)

They obviously like you. Definitely hold out for a bigger agency. Where I work, we encourage models to look into a few agencies before settling on one (we're fairly confident in ourselves), but regardless, the fact that you're talking to other agencies should in no way be a major deterrent to any agency if they do want to sign you, in some cases it can even work in your favor, it asserts their decision that you are someone with potential. Don't stress it, it shouldn't harm your chances, and regardless, it's in the past. My best advice for you it to think every decision through, don't jump on board one boat until you have all your options in front of you and have researched them all. There's no rush, take your time and make sure your final decision is an educated one.

I agree! Once you're signed it can be VERY hard to get out of the contract, especially if the agency has invested time/money into you and have been keeping up their end of the deal.

As for having to sign that contract by new years, I would ask for an extension. A lot of agencies close up for the holidays and that doesn't give you all that much time to hear back from a larger agency, and you definitely want to give them a chance to respond to you. But maybe this boutique agency knows this and wants to snatch you up while they can:sneaky:

Agree with this, too.

You have some good answers here already, so I don't think I can offer much more. Good luck though. :)
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Anyone who works for a modeling agency should be able to do that stuff in 2 secs, but I know what you mean :)

I agree! Once you're signed it can be VERY hard to get out of the contract, especially if the agency has invested time/money into you and have been keeping up their end of the deal.

Agree with this, too.

You have some good answers here already, so I don't think I can offer much more. Good luck though. :)

I am soooooo glad you agree!
I'm visiting family in [southern city] for the holidays and I told my mom what's up--she modeled in the 80s when she was 16 and was sent over to Europe where she only just escaped cocaine and kidnapping (she's not too bright). She wanted me to stop into one of the local "agencies." I agreed so as not to hurt her feelings. Did you know I will never model unless I buy $2000 glamour shots? They were even willing to throw-in free make-up classes! Bless them.

I am taking a few days off from work to go to NYC after New Years to pop-in to the agencies--just say I tried and see if I can get any new leads (I doubt email is the most successful avenue to become a model).

I probably won't have any more news until then seeing as everything is closed. THANKKK YEW FOR THE ADVICE.

Life Savers.
My god, that all happened in 72 hours?! haha..

The girls gave good advice, I feel like the boutique agency is just trying to scare you into signing with them right away, that's why they are giving you this dead line :rolleyes:

Hold out for a bigger agency :)
My god, that all happened in 72 hours?! haha..

The girls gave good advice, I feel like the boutique agency is just trying to scare you into signing with them right away, that's why they are giving you this dead line :rolleyes:

Hold out for a bigger agency :)

72 HOURS--Screw you, James Franco!!:cool:

I know I am going to get some rejections from the big guys. Like a ton. Oh well!

Going to check into the Hunger Games to give myself something to do in the meantime!
The trip was a success!
I'm moving to Manhattan . . . to model? WTF!!

Apparently they like my face.

I'll take it.

that is incredible, aremis:party:
how was it going, what did they tell you, when will you start...that's so exciting
that is incredible, aremis:party:
how was it going, what did they tell you, when will you start...that's so exciting

I start as soon as I can get my butt back up there--after I sell my car, furniture, etc. So about a month. I'm very excited but a little sad because I have to leave my boyfriend--we're not breaking up but still. He's the only thing I will miss within any measure (and that's using microscoptics). So, yeah. :nopity:

Now I just have to get rid of my geek posture and "maintain my hair and skin's nourishment" whatever that means. I bought a bottle of vitamins. That should do the job ;)

I'm going to be digging through a lot of old threads this month--beware.