I used to lurk on GOMI. Most of their commentary about the healthy living bloggers is on point, but I got a very strong vibe that most of the members are overweight...hehe
i agree, most people seem to be overweight even for normal people standards. i guess i lurk mostly for the entertainment, like carrots n cake who used her PEE STICK in cake pops for her pregnancy announcement....dafuq??!! i probably should spend my time doing more worthwhile things though..
I don't lurk on there much, but there was a period of a few days where I just lurked the healthy living bloggers section hehe.
Actual appearance-wise or the way they act? I don't know what they look like, but I think sometimes the commentary on certain bloggers shows that their standard of skinny is ... not that skinny haha.
Ah, my internet worlds are colliding! I particularly relish the Taralynn page. That girl is a gift--she was recently caught photoshopping her hair longer, of all things.