Betsey Johnson

Amber Skye Forbes

Feb 12, 2015
Amber Skye Forbes was slapped in the mouth for this post.
Anyone into her eccentric jewelry? Since I've been making more money at my job, I've been splurging on her. Her jewelry is eccentric, but that is what I love about it! It's so unique and so hard to replicate. I have loads of jewelry from her now, and my favorite is her Pinktina bangle and gorgeous ballerina studs I recently bought. I love mixing and matching her jewelry, too, and I am especially in love with her mismatched earrings.
I personally think that most of her jewelry looks like over-priced junk that you could buy cheaper at Claire's.There's a few things that I wouldn't mind wearing, but the rest just looks too immature for my liking, but to each their own!
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i don't want to sound rude @Amber Skye Forbes but the threads you starts are never fulfilling for this community, plus they are always to point out your success, which is good, but not in this terms of stating a new thread every time you accomplish something, like nobody cares ;).
But if you are happy and want to share good news go to the brag thread and post it there, stop making stupid threads to point out the money you are making or your published book, you sound like jasmine and her fetish for mangoes and her threads for pajamas.
Just my two cents here.
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Was doing a spot of snooping to see what's been said about the site recently, google is a absolute treasure chest it turns out. Just a little heads up @Skinny Gurl @Anonymous Bullcock



You're welcome.
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I pity those who get so wrapped up about the internet. :nopity: You know that there is a world just right outside, right?

Forgot to add: try buying some real jewellery. Betsey Johnson - how old are you? Eight?
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i don't want to sound rude @Amber Skye Forbes but the threads you starts are never fulfilling for this community, plus they are always to point out your success, which is good, but not in this terms of stating a new thread every time you accomplish something, like nobody cares ;).
But if you are happy and want to share good news go to the brag thread and post it there, stop making stupid threads to point out the money you are making or your published book, you sound like jasmine and her fetish for mangoes and her threads for pajamas.
Just my two cents here.

Unfortunately, I agree. It comes across as very contrived, these random low-value posts about self-absorbed early-teenager things, liberally sprinkled with awkward humblebrags. They really do seem just a vehicle for adding another offhand comment about some publishing deal or other success. The more that we see of yourself on here, the more painfully apparent it becomes that your favourite topic of discussion is.. yourself. You seem very very young, and I don't just mean chronologically. Sorry. As for the BJ jewellery, I took a look and this is a bit gaudy to me. My first adjective to mind was tacky, I'm afraid, but then the styling of the website is clearly aimed at that cheap & cheerful type of thing too so it is perhaps simply aimed at a younger demographic. In which case, carry on!

If you do wish to impress however - and you seem hell bent on nothing else if not impressing - I'd aim for a classier style of jewellery and accessories. You may find dressing above your age will also help when playing above your age group in the world at large, especially if it puts you in the right frame of mind to carry yourself in an adult manner in other respects too. Perhaps try not trying so hard? There is a lot to be said for keeping something in reserve, and right now you're putting a hell of a lot of yourself out there and it's certainly not portraying you in a favourable light. Think about your future as a widely published author, and now think about what you're actually writing out there for the world to see. Is that your real name? Your actual photo as an avatar? Clever.

Well on the upside you have at least achieved a wide audience - the rubbish you spout both on here and on pro-anorexia forums will achieve a far wider readership than whatever you are pushing through your publisher right now. Is this really the quality and style of writing you want forever associated with your name on the internet? The first thing any reader interested in learning more about you will do is google your name, and guess what will come up?

Amber Skye Forbes *cries* I don't care that my thigh gap is bigger and my knees can't even touch anymore. I hate temporary weight plateaus. I WANT 95 lbs!
Status update by Amber Skye Forbes, Wednesday at 12:41 AM

Furthermore on that note, is it really a good idea to bitch out your publisher in your profile posts under an account using what I presume is your real name? Screw her? Really?? You sound like a petulant child. I am sure she is delighted to be working with you..

Amber Skye Forbes Screw that publisher. If she's going to be unforgivable and hold a grudge, I don't want to work with someone like that.
Status update by Amber Skye Forbes, Saturday at 8:18 AM

Finally, does your Mummy know you're wandering Teh Interwebz unsupervised?
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As a long time member here (i remember coconut-gate and jasmine-gate) i vote her off the island. no more pro-ana's (or betsey johnson fans--sheesh bad taste) welcome
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Was doing a spot of snooping to see what's been said about the site recently, google is a absolute treasure chest it turns out. Just a little heads up @Skinny Gurl @Anonymous Bullcock

View attachment 6216


You're welcome.

OMG thank you SO much for busting this dumb bitch! :tribe:

I know I don't post very often lately, but you gurls always keep things working around here (along with AB of course.) I promise I'll be spending more time on here this spring and summer.

Omg. I knew this girl was trouble. Please @Anonymous Bullcock.. slap this biatch out of here..

@Xsmall you have it exactly right. I already got a bad feeling about her when she refused to show @Anonymous Bullcock any thanks or respect (as I ask ALL new members to do - very simple - please thank him for what he does for us). Well, that's why I'm not going to slap her and kick her out. I'm going to let AB do it! And I think he's gonna like it. Y'all gotta promise to watch and cheer him on :twisted: :slutboobs:

Finally, does your Mummy know you're wandering Teh Interwebz unsupervised?


As a long time member here (i remember coconut-gate and jasmine-gate) i vote her off the island. no more pro-ana's (or betsey johnson fans--sheesh bad taste) welcome

HAHA. I can't decide if the bad taste or the pro-ana is more offensive.

And I know AB loves you so your vote probably counts twice ;).

I dunno.....I actually like the entertainment. :popcorn:

I think AB will be providing plenty when he's back on.

YOU ALL ARE SO WONDERFUL! (Except you-know-who.) :luvluv:
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OMG thank you SO much for busting this dumb bitch! :tribe:

I know I don't post very often lately, but you gurls always keep things working around here (along with AB of course.) I promise I'll be spending more time on here this spring and summer.

@Xsmall you have it exactly right. I already got a bad feeling about her when she refused to show @Anonymous Bullcock any thanks or respect (as I ask ALL new members to do - very simple - please thank him for what he does for us). Well, that's why I'm not going to slap her and kick her out. I'm going to let AB do it. And I think he's gonna like it. Y'all gotta promise to watch and cheer him on :twisted: :slutboobs:


HAHA. I can't decide if the cheap taste or the pro-ana is more offensive.

And I know AB loves you so your vote probably counts twice ;).

I think AB will be providing plenty when he's back on.

YOU ALL ARE SO WONDERFUL! (Except you-know-who.) :luvluv:

Seems someone's taking her bat & ball and stomping off home to sulk..
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I am still rather flabbergasted by the fact that somebody so obsessed with self-promotion would proactively associate that name with such controversial pro-anorexia activities. By which I don't mean this site, but the membership, and her blatant continuation of that type of rubbish here. All I can come up with is that she is so stuck on self-promotion and the need to boast about those ridiculous fantasy trashfics that she could not resist using her true identity, even when a complete idiot could see that there's a reason even the site owners do not reveal their true identities! These posts will be here and searchable via google for an awfully long time, well beyond even the time it takes for Little-Miss-24-going-on-13 to grow the hell up and realise how stupid she has been..

Thankfully it has been blazingly apparent to all here that her profile and thread posts are far below that which we expect in terms of their juvenile nature and pro-ana tone, and despite the entertainment factor during a rare week off work for myself I do think it is for the best of this site that her arse be kicked out of here sooner rather than later. The last thing we want or need is for anyone to believe her to be typical of SG members.
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Oh FFS. I knew I shouldn't have looked.
The stupidity! The idiocy! The blind, excruciating hypocrisy! I'd say at this point "trolls gonna troll", but dang there is no way this child is smart enough to troll. @Skinny Gurl

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Must... resist... I said I would let the girl alone :speechless: Oh god, this is not easy....
Ehm... I don't like that jewelry. That is ok, isn't it?
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Hm, was my comment on this thread deleted? Or was I just excessively exhausted yesterday morning and forgot to hit the post button?

Just wondering.