Before & After: Impressive


Rising Star
Jan 26, 2012
I find this girl incredibly thinspirational, she went from pudgy & thick to model skinny. I thought I should share with you the photos.

Click here for her blog.










Wow, good for her! :highfive: She went from looking like every average girl out there who thinks they are skinny to quite thin.
In that last photo her thighs look so muscular.
very impressive indeed! I was actually surprised when I read her blog because it's german. I felt almost weird to read that when I expected english, SG really improves my english :grin:
very impressive indeed! I was actually surprised when I read her blog because it's german. I felt almost weird to read that when I expected english, SG really improves my english :grin:

care to translate?
I'm really impressed! There are so many before & afters out there where after is just so... average.

I wonder if she says anywhere how she did it.
I actually thought the "before" was after and that she looked good, omg.
Then I scrolled down... amazing!
Just goes to show that skinny is best, "good" looks so average compared to after! :p
so I found a blog entry on her site and it's about the ideal of beauty. It's more her general idea of it and not very long. Anyone interested?
So this is the article I told you about. She has a few articles on her blog in which she mentions that she has been bullied because of her weight. She also said that she gets criticized and called anorexic because of the figure she has now.
You might be quite surprised of what she writes, at least I was. I do not share her opinion. Personally I think she wrote that because people were being so rude to her.

This is where I have the article from:

The Ideal of Beauty, Friday 8th of June 2012

I think there is no topic as much discussed as how you look, but who decides what is good looking and what not? Media!
In the past curvy women were the ideal of beauty. Everyone loved them. Then there came the skinny girls. And they really were the ideal of beauty a long time. There were only skinny girls in the media. No one had muffin tops then. Everyone was so delicate and fragile. No wonder people were so insecure...
And now curvy becomes fashionable again. I recently discovered that when I was watching an ad. I was surprised when a plain and normal women wore a bikini. Funnily enough it was an ad for a certain diet, but apparently she already was at her goal weight. Sure, there is this D*** ad I don't really like. I thought this one was much better.
To be honest I think it's good that women who are curvier are more fashionable again. How are the supposed to give birth to a child if they don't have real hips?! This is so weird! First dream measurements were like 90-60-90 (in cm) or even 85-58-85.
Funnily enough that I am the one who writes this article, isn't it? I mean I know that I am not really curvy, BUT I was curvy once and to be honest I don't like it at all on myself.
I always admired thin people. Even when I was a kid. My ex-boyfriend was extremely thin as well and I liked it very much. I even thought Bill Kaulitz (German singer from band Tokyo Hotel, very popular a few years back) was perfect because he was so thin. Besides I did a lot of sports when I was younger but I have always been heavier than others and yes, I have been told so very often. Sure, I wasn't bad at sports but I never really looked like an athlete. I never had a flat stomach, I was so depressed because of that. Especially when we were wearing bikinis and I was standing next to skinny girls. -.- And NO, I have never been really fat for those who don't know me.
I like being skinny and thank god everyone has his own ideal of beauty. I don't rant or nag about your taste anymore so please respect my taste as well. And yes, I have been influenced by the media as well. Thank you, media haha :D
Above all every women sees herself differently than how she really looks like. I recently sent this photo to a few of my girlfriends and asked them what number they were and half of them estimated herself to be one number heavier than she really is.
In the end it doesn't matter what the media says. Everyone should love his body the way it is.

So I'm curious of what you girls think. :)
To all the german-speaking girls: please feel free to correct my translation. I sometimes didn't translate word by word but I hope I didn't make too many mistakes.
Enjoy :)
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I'm really impressed! There are so many before & afters out there where after is just so... average.

I wonder if she says anywhere how she did it.

Her new weight is just sooo awesome!

I did a little digging on her instagram/twitter and it seems she has a bit of disordered thoughts going on... self hate, thinking she has fat thighs, wanting to be a size zero, feeling guilty when eating and having a lot of thinspo.

I hope she does find a way to be happier. :(

As to how she did it, I see her entries slowly morphing from mentioning McDonalds BigMacs, other junk and alcohol to McDonalds/Starbucks Caffee Lattes with whipped cream and alcohol, and also going to the gym a LOT (runnung 2 hrs, doing 600-800 sit ups) and sometimes fasting ("again").

She does still seem to love her junk food though. I would speculate 80% caffee latte diet and one meal or so per day, with alcohol/partying and some fasting thrown in between ... and a lot of jogging.