Adele wants to be healthy now!

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I knew this would happen.
After being rude and showing no class at skinnier girls (who by the way are WAY healthier than her), she finally stopped bashing on skinnies and is trying to fix her health.
You know what, good for her. I'm actually happy this is happening. Maybe her, um, chubbier fans will realize that the problem isn't the thin people it's them! And finally maybe the health of overweight and maybe even obese people will be better.
Thank God Adele stopped smoking and started to lose the pounds. I think she has a pretty face and she's tall too, who knows, maybe she'll be a thinspo someday (yeah, highly doubt it)?

Adele is doing everything she said she wasn't going to do. Xiaxue already bashed her for doing this like appearing on vogue. Whatevs, i don't think i will ever like Adele but hopefully she can lose however much weight she wants to lose and maintain it, i highly doubt thou that she can.... but she might prove me wrong.
Wow, her quote at the end of the article was offensive. It's as if she's saying all skinny girls are whores. obvious jealousy.

I hate when women call each other sluts. When are we, as a culture, finally going to get over the fact that women are sexual beings and not sexual objects?

anyway, feminist rant over.

I hope Adele meets her goals. I do love her voice.
"My aim in life is to never be skinny."

Well well Adele, that's a tad hypocritical, don't you think.

Xiaxue ftw oh yeah
She is such a snob. I hope she loses a ton of weight and gains it all back :sneaky:

She's probably doing it for the money and has little to no self-control. How much weight do you ladies think she'll lose and how long until she gains it all back?
She's probably doing it for the money and has little to no self-control. How much weight do you ladies think she'll lose and how long until she gains it all back?

She'll drop maybe 30 pounds, enough to genuinely notice, and then get frustrated over the lack of crisps and chocolate in her diet and say that her manager forced her into it and skinny girls are nasty.
It's funny how she always find a sentence to be on the title of some newspapers :hmm:
i hope she does well! hopefully she'll set an example for her fat fans, and show them that their health IS important :) good luck adele!

i don't really like hating on her. i dont think she meant to be offensive to skinnies, i think she just didnt want to change her appearance just because she's a singer and its kinda what the media expects of people in the spotlight. so i really hope she's doing this for her and not just to fit in with the a-list crowd.
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I'm always in support of people wanting to get healthier. And I'm glad she quit smoking. I can't even imagine why someone who's entire livelihood depends on their voice would smoke.
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I hate when women call each other sluts. When are we, as a culture, finally going to get over the fact that women are sexual beings and not sexual objects?

anyway, feminist rant over.

No, keep going haha :) I love that someone else noticed that, I thought it was completely unnecessary of her to say that - I mean, why did she have to turn to disparaging the sexuality of other girls? What does that have to do with their weight? And why should it matter how they conduct themselves sexually, anyway? Adele obviously needs to read some Thomas Hardy if she can't comprehend the thought of female sexuality. Ok, done now. *huffs loudly*
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It annoys me how self righteous she is. She labels everyone around her and then she is pissed because someone labels her.
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It annoys me how self righteous she is. She labels everyone around her and then she is pissed because someone labels her.

This: self-righteous is the perfect word for her. Why is it that fatties are always so self-righteous?

I laughed so hard at this! :lol:

Omg, what if I lose weight and people start to like me? I had never thought of this aspect; I seriously now consider becoming chubby to prevent this!

PS. If she says it's important people know she does it for health, not looks, then she is the worst role model ever for having said she likes being fat and wants to stay that way, when she knew she has health problems from being overweight.
No, keep going haha :) I love that someone else noticed that, I thought it was completely unnecessary of her to say that - I mean, why did she have to turn to disparaging the sexuality of other girls? What does that have to do with their weight? And why should it matter how they conduct themselves sexually, anyway? Adele obviously needs to read some Thomas Hardy if she can't comprehend the thought of female sexuality. Ok, done now. *huffs loudly*

I agree with both of you. First of all, what makes a thinner person more "sluttier" than a heavier one? Second of all, who cares if a girl is what you perceive as "slutty"? It's her body, she can do what she wants with it - her rules, her prerogative, her enjoyment. This is not Victorian England, and calling someone slutty because you think they like male attention or enjoy having sex is just plain repressive thinking.
Hi guys, first post here (Wasn't able to locate an introduction thread). Is it just me or does anyone else think the whole "I lost weight cause of throat surgery" thing total b.s? I reckon Adele got gastric sleeve or gastric banding done, hence the weight loss. I'm surprised no one else seems to have considered that a possibility.

What do you guys think?
This is a common thing: overweight person "proud to be large" and a "real woman" until they lose weight and suddenly they get a chance to be in the spotlight and be proud about their journey, ha. Oh really? Smoking and carrying extra weight ISN'T good for anything except for fuelling your tirade (and maybe as a form of population control)? Gee. :rolleyes:
Hopefully this will bring to light the myriad of health issues this could have brought about had she continued; her "sticking to her guns" by maintaining her size and smoking would potentially have sent the wrong message to her fans, particularly when she's so vocal about how "anti-thin", "anti-anyone-influencing-me-I'll-do-what-I-want" she is.