Skinny Fitness Content

Great! I’m curious to see your results. I don’t know if you saw that a JB thread was made and all his workouts got posted there :)

I didn’t see it - but I also don’t have access again yet to some major parts of the forums. But I’m excited to give it a try and see what I think, and don’t feel bad financially supporting his work in the slightest.
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Recently I came across Lisa Hawthorne, she's a vegan long-distance runner who runs her own vegan food company. She's definitely on the more muscular side but I think she's inspiring!



“[I’ve been eating] lots of seitan for protein, I am using a lot of the Love Seitan range and mixing it in with my favourite greens – broccoli, green beans, peas, cauliflower, kale and spinach” she says.”I have also been eating a lot of oats, rice cakes and quinoa to give me some sustainable energy to fuel both run and bike sessions.

(Quote from this article)
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I didn’t see it - but I also don’t have access again yet to some major parts of the forums. But I’m excited to give it a try and see what I think, and don’t feel bad financially supporting his work in the slightest.
There is a chance that this isn't what @clairefhjao was talking about, but I bookmarked this post when I saw it (in the thread Before-afters average to skinny). I'm not sure if there's a way to link directly to a post without quoting, but it's on this page. The post is about halfway down from @AlJo.
There is a chance that this isn't what @clairefhjao was talking about, but I bookmarked this post when I saw it (in the thread Before-afters average to skinny). I'm not sure if there's a way to link directly to a post without quoting, but it's on this page. The post is about halfway down from @AlJo.

Found it - thank you! Now I’ve got a few extra exercises to add to the mix! 😊
I’ve followed @awayohealthy (her name is Manom) for some time. She is so toned and fit and also had an impressive transformation and overcame binge eating disorder. She gives tips about healthy mindset and living and she is also vegan

However I am not very sure if she really eats 3000kcal a day as she says, she is 161 cm tall and I find her TDEE must be quite lower but idk


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Hey ladies! So I've been scoring the web recently and I came across the John Benton Workouts - Since I was inactive for a while and no longer have access to the Diet&Workout section, I figured I'd post it here since it is also a kind of "Skinny Fitness Content". Unfortunately does not include the nutritional guide, but I think that has been outlined in the forums. Hope it's ok to post despite not paying for it - but really, just this for 400-1000 bucks? Seems like a lot of money for not a whole lot of innovative stuff. I've done workouts 1, 2 and 3 so far and they are very core heavy, quite long but overall easy to moderate, so nothing earth-shattering. Definitely workouts that are do-able when severely restricting, since the intensity is really kept at bay.

I am trying to attach the .docx files, but am getting an error message. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


  • Copy of Workout 1 Cardio, Core, Inner Thigh Toning.pdf
    134.7 KB · Views: 366
  • Copy of Workout 2 Cardio, Core, Booty Toning.pdf
    135.2 KB · Views: 251
  • Copy of Workout 3 Cardio, Abs, Inner Thigh, Hamstring Toning.pdf
    134.5 KB · Views: 220
  • Copy of Workout 4 Arms, Chest, Upper Back, Core Toning.pdf
    135.2 KB · Views: 229
  • Copy of Workout 5 No Nonsense Treadmill Workout.pdf
    125.2 KB · Views: 221
  • Copy of Workout 6 No Nonsense Home Workout .pdf
    134 KB · Views: 238
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Wasn’t sure of the best place to post this, so I’ll dump it here (as a lot of you are Sjana fans I hope you don’t mind)

She looks so graceful and thin and strong and just lovely in this video, I’m obsessed :luv:
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Wasn’t sure of the best place to post this, so I’ll dump it here (as a lot of you are Sjana fans I hope you don’t mind)

She looks so graceful and thin and strong and just lovely in this video, I’m obsessed :luv:

The only person who can avoid looking slutty while wrapping herself around a pole
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Just discovered Maria Solovyeva @Avant recently, and she’s a great example of skinny-fit imo

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totally agree that it’s super hard to find fit girls that actually look sg skinny! one of my faves is mads rafferty, she’s a bit MIA at the moment but she used to post fitness videos on her youtube and her stories are pretty inspiring! i also think her body is the perfect mix of skinny but super toned.

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i also like john benton’s page for workout inspiration and transformations, even though most of the models featured on his page aren’t super skinny.

I really love John Benton, I used to be a client of his and we would video chat. He is super honest and it drives you. However, a lot of his models seem to slim down to a certain amount and then not losing anymore. Doing the bare minimum in other words...
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I would've edited my last comment if I could, but I can't - so please don't hate me - I've decided to share some of John Benton's recommendations. Keep in mind, he was working with me about 4 months after I had a baby, so his recommendations might need tweaking for you. If you'd like the videos, please message me and I'll happily send them to you. I decided to post them since I know spending £350+ for an hour's video chat is ridiculous for many people, and even if you have paid for John Benton's time, you might want to see what he recommends to other clients. I scribbled out the number for obvious reasons, so please don't ask me for it, ask him.

IMG_0819 2.jpgIMG_0821.jpgIMG_0820 2.jpg
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I feel I've seen a post about this guy before where his take on nutrition confused me. Like where he says he doesn't want you eating carbs at dinner... but then according to his recommendations dinner is supposed to be mainly vegetables with protein only if you "want" it in which case... uh vegetables are carbs? So if I had no protein I would be having a fully only carb meal? (Not gonna touch the whole calories purportedly converting to fat easier somehow during sleep thing--as stuff could be said but honestly I do think that thinking that way can help, I kind of wish I believed it myself sometimes lol)
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I feel I've seen a post about this guy before where his take on nutrition confused me. Like where he says he doesn't want you eating carbs at dinner... but then according to his recommendations dinner is supposed to be mainly vegetables with protein only if you "want" it in which case... uh vegetables are carbs? So if I had no protein I would be having a fully only carb meal? (Not gonna touch the whole calories purportedly converting to fat easier somehow during sleep thing--as stuff could be said but honestly I do think that thinking that way can help, I kind of wish I believed it myself sometimes lol)

So if I’m right, which I may not be so this is a disclaimer, he is very skinnygossip-smart in the sense he knows eating loads isn’t realistic for his clients goals. When I worked out the recommended grams of carbs and protein, it worked out I was eating a maximum of 900 calories. Closer to 500 if I’m being honest. The carbs I was getting were from cauliflower rice, sweet potato (like 1-2 sweet potatoes was my entire allowance for the day) and I would eat lean white meat. He said not to eat carbs after 3pm and not within 3 hours of working out. I asked him if my 50g-60g of carbs was good and he said that sounded right... honestly when video chatting with him he does eyebrows and slight nods which all imply to me that less is more when it comes to food.
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Not sure if this is the right place for this but I was watching the Olympic channel and saw this bit on Polish biathlete Monika Hojnisz. I thought you girls might appreciate it:


She is 5’7 and 112 lbs. Her body fat is also incredibly low. It seems that being skinny and light gives her an advantage in an endurance sport like that, where she is carrying extra weight.
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