Rich Kids of Beverly Hills


Rising Star
Oct 24, 2015
New York
I watch this show occasionally as a guilty pleasure. Mostly because I think Morgan is funny and slim. She does annoyingly always talks about how skinny she is though and is CONSTANTLY asking everyone around her for reassurance. She's slim and has lost weight since the show first aired but not as skinny as she thinks. EJ on the other hand lost like half his body weight.
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don't want to sound rude but why don´t you first take a look around the forum and see how it works instead of starting unnecessary threads
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don't want to sound rude but why don´t you first take a look around the forum and see how it works instead of starting unnecessary threads
Agreed. @AllyKat, maybe you should read the whole Amber Skye-Forbes saga to get an idea of why we don't like people joining and suddenly bombarding the forum with threads. We like to maintain a certain level of quality, and, frankly, I don't think your threads are up there.

Wow, this came out a bit more bitchy than I meant. Guess I'm hungry.
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I do apologize if I've bombarded the site. I was excited to be a new member and actually have content not previously discussed. I searched "Morgan" "Stewart" "#rich" and "rich kids of Beverly Hills" before creating the thread. Maybe I don't have access to the whole site because each case told me no results. I'll try to be more careful so thanks for the advice.
I do apologize if I've bombarded the site. I was excited to be a new member and actually have content not previously discussed. I searched "Morgan" "Stewart" "#rich" and "rich kids of Beverly Hills" before creating the thread. Maybe I don't have access to the whole site because each case told me no results. I'll try to be more careful so thanks for the advice.

I don't think it was about posting redundant threads; more along the lines of make sure the threads you post are on par with the ones around here and the girls are as skinny (and relevent like up and coming models) as we like etc.
Anyone correct me if i'm wrong that's my takeaway/input on it!
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When I look like this chick, I think I'm fat. Like, her everything in that black bikini... There is so much pudge there, ew. She looks to have a "thigh gap" because of wide set hips because the rest of her is hella fleshy. She could easily drop 15, and then should struggle through another 5 - 10.
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@AllyKat As other girls said, this is about the kind of issues you submit for discussion. I'm not hungry at the moment, so I won't be a bitch about it :lol:.
I'll just say you need to lay low with the threads for a while, and read more. Think about what kind of threads are being created in each section and what is the community's feedback on them.
I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually.

Check list for choosing subjects in the future:
  • skinny
  • high-fashion
  • relevant
  • fresh perspective
  • useful and new advice
  • juicy takedown
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This show is so incredibly stupid. Even for "reality" show.
I never thought she was skinny nor got impressed by her body when I watched it, she's just an average girl (...and all what the girls said here already)