Model Eat!

Olga Sherer


Cailin Hill




Jac Jagaciak

Frida posted a comment on this:
fridabgustavsson "Can I have a skinny soy vanilla latte, make it extra skinny and soy. Oh, and it is organic, right?! LOL"

Must have been tempted by the snacks. :hmm:

Look at the face of the mom with her two kids right behind her!

She is thinking one of these two things:

1. ''Good Jesus, what an unclassy way to behave! And those oh-so-short shorts... Kids, look away!!''

2. ''Damn I'll never be that thin... How can she even be that thin and eat ice cream? Life is unfair ... oh I wonder if there is an IHOP near!''

Look at the face of the mom with her two kids right behind her!

She is thinking one of these two things:

1. ''Good Jesus, what an unclassy way to behave! And those oh-so-short shorts... Kids, look away!!''

2. ''Damn I'll never be that thin... How can she even be that thin and eat ice cream? Life is unfair ... oh I wonder if there is an IHOP near!''


LMAO the moms facial expression is priceless!
Beware of the feeder model


Morbid curiosity led me to calculating the calories in those things when she was first passing them around NYFW and if the recipe she gave journalists is to be believed, they are the furthest from low calorie (~400) I've seen in a long time for "healthy" cookies. :disgusted:
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Fat girls, take notes... there is no secret, there is no magic pill. It's just as simple as this ;)

From Vlada's IG:

"#DesertOfTheDay" - Vlada

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Fat girls, take notes... there is no secret, there is no magic pill. It's just as simple as this ;)

From Vlada's IG:

"#DesertOfTheDay" - Vlada


Fat girls plates look like that too ....... after they've eaten the whole cake
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