Your favorite blogs?


Sep 28, 2012
I love Man Repeller. Is she friggin' hilarious or what? And also quite couragious, as she hit the road in her underwear for the sake of Dolce&Gabanna SS2012. :lol: Also, she's pretty good thinspo as she is very tall and wears a size 0. She's like a Carrie with the wit of Samantha, but she's probably as awkward with guys as Miranda. :lol:

Stockholm Streetstyle is also great. Sometimes the looks are pretty boring (not in fashion month, of course, enough interesting people to photograph!), but style icons like Christine Centenera and Miroslova Duma are also featured every time Caroline sees them. She has a good eye for style.

5 inch and up is amazing, too. Sandra has a very enviable shoe collection and her sense of style is so different and personal. She's not THAT thin but she is very fit and toned and she always looks amazing in what she wears.

Hanneli Mustaparta is brilliant. Such a style icon, point.

Jak & Jil, the photography is brilliant. I also really love Tommy Ton's coverage of fashion month on

Ivania Carpio from Love Aesthetics is pretty weird and ''unconventional'' (a friend of mine once said that she would laugh if she saw IC in real life) but I think she's the embodiment of effortless cool. She doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks and she's so minimalist that you just wonder how something SO simple can be SO interesting. At least, that's what I think. :)

Vanillascented is an amazing styleblog, too. Defenitely one of my favourites, although it's mostly pictures because she doesn't really say anything, lol.
I don't follow many blogs, but I really like and, although she's not thinspo the blog is so positive and pretty.
I also started to follow ever since it was posted here. :) I don't find it triggering at all, but very inspiring to be healthy and exercise.
I love :) she has an AMAZING body, in my opinion
I don't follow many blogs, but I really like and, although she's not thinspo the blog is so positive and pretty.
I also started to follow ever since it was posted here. :) I don't find it triggering at all, but very inspiring to be healthy and exercise.

I use bloglovin' for following blogs. It's sooo easy. I follow around 50 blogs, so it's quite impossible to check them every day for new content. ;)
I like Fashiontoast, too! Rumi has a great sense of style and she's very photogenic and fit. I always adore her shoes.
I use bloglovin' for following blogs. It's sooo easy. I follow around 50 blogs, so it's quite impossible to check them every day for new content. ;)
I like Fashiontoast, too! Rumi has a great sense of style and she's very photogenic and fit. I always adore her shoes.

Interesting, I've never heard of it before. I just bookmark them :P bloglovin sounds much more convenient.