Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 by SGF

Feb 13, 2012
I think we are in agreement that the VSFS has lost its way.
I mean REALLY lost it's way.
It's always been a bit of a joke, but at least it used to be entertaining and fun to watch. Only, the past few shows have been a bit of a hardship to endure.

So let's give VS a clue, shall we ladies?
This is a bit of a silly thread, but hopefully that'll make it fun.
Basically, if SGF were running the 2014 VSFS how would we do it?

Pick your angels, your models, your segments.
Your music, your singers, your dancers.
Your costumes, your runway, your set design.
What would you do if you ran the next show?

Look back to your favourite VSFS moments, and what they should hold onto.
Look back to your most cringe-worthy VSFS moments and what they should NEVER EVER do again.

I'll start us off with a few ideas.

-2008 Pink Planet

I found it so funny how they had that drill beforehand about "The Plan" and "I know it's tricky" and Abbey Lee later saying "we remembered the plan and we rocked it".
I also loved the Ting Ting's "It's not my name" music selection, very easy to walk too and look good.
And the dance group behind the runway.
The models nearly all seem to have some personality show through. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun and dancing and singing backstage while people are trying to fix their costumes. The cheeky underwear flashes to the audience. The energy during this segment makes it one of my favourites.

-2009 Star Trooper

Again, I loved the energy in this segment.
I'm not a huge fan of BEP or this song, but it was really great when they performed it at VSFS, along with the futuristic set and the dance choreography. And the lights, and the audience waving their little lights. Looked so fun.
And again an easy song for the models to walk to, and I love it when they do a bit of a dance onstage. I especially loved how Abbey Lee was like, I can't just walk down the runway I've gotta have a party on my way down. Her and the guys from BEP are how the model and singer interaction should be done right.

Also, I would demote Lily A from Angel status. I would not ask Cara to walk (although I really want to see her walk from last year since it was so bad it was cut last year). I get that VS prob wanted Magdalena to gain, but since the point of this thread is SGF running VSFS, I'd get her to lose and tone up. I was a bit disappointed with her body this year.

I'll add more suggestions for SGF's VSFS later.
Let us know your suggestions :)
I have to think about it (but I'll let you know ;) )
all i can say after seeing those video is... the models were so amazingly skinny! (Erin!)
. I especially loved how Abbey Lee was like, I can't just walk down the runway I've gotta have a party on my way down. Her and the guys from BEP are how the model and singer interaction should be done right.

Completely agree with this! I found Rhianna (last year) and Taylor's interaction completely staged- and it showed, the models were uncomfortable and the singers, specially Taylor, were just awkward.. Abbey Lee was amazing and love that bit too!:highfive:
Make Gisele come back is #1 on the list. I love HF models but a lot of my favorites look so awkward in VS. Gisele was the Angel with the best body/walk/personality/sex appeal for Victoria's Secret. Not even the new "A-list Angels" like Adriana or Candice compare tbh.



Also, tell Lily A to go. Replace her with Magdalena (who will go back to being her gorgeous skinny self).

Possible Segments:

A segment featuring sarafans and furs (all sexed up because it's VS of course) and a copy of the Imperial Crown of Russia worn by either Natalia, Vlada, Sasha P or Natasha. They can fight for it.
Models: Natasha, Vlada, Sasha Pivovarova, Sasha Luss, Snejana, Tanya, Maryna, Natalia, Anna Selezneva, Anabela Belikova, Vika Falileeva. Basically, Eastern European girls.
Music: "Back Into The USSR" by The Beatles

A tacky but endearing segment. Models walk in pairs. Basic lingerie in different colors for each pair.
Models: Frida and Jac, Karlie and Toni, Gemma and Lily, Vlada and Sasha, Naomi and Kate, Abbey and Freja, Karlie walks again with Jourdan, Magda and Edita.
Music: "Lean On Me" by Bill Withers

80's-90's fashion. Really disheveled, grunge rock look. Only the sexy version.
Models: Ana Beatriz Barros, Abbey Lee, Freja Beha, Angela Lindvall, Liya Kebede, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Sui He, Snejana, Magda, skinny Chanel Iman and Gisele.
Music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

Each model represents a different Old Hollywood starlet.
Models: Doutzen as Grace Kelly, Jac Jagaciak as Audrey Hepburn, Cintia Dicker as Ginger Rogers, Constance Jablonski as Marilyn Monroe, Karlie as Vivien Leigh, Magda as Bette Davis, Gisele as Ingrid Bergman, dark-haired Frida Gustavsson as Liz Taylor and Adriana Lima as Sophia Loren.
Music: "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" by Marilyn Monroe

:lol: That was fun. And as tacky as it sounds it will still be less tacky than what VS actually does today... :rolleyes:
Make Gisele come back is #1 on the list. I love HF models but a lot of my favorites look so awkward in VS. Gisele was the Angel with the best body/walk/personality/sex appeal for Victoria's Secret. Not even the new "A-list Angels" like Adriana or Candice compare tbh.



Also, tell Lily A to go. Replace her with Magdalena (who will go back to being her gorgeous skinny self).

Possible Segments:

A segment featuring sarafans and furs (all sexed up because it's VS of course) and a copy of the Imperial Crown of Russia worn by either Natalia, Vlada, Sasha P or Natasha. They can fight for it.
Models: Natasha, Vlada, Sasha Pivovarova, Sasha Luss, Snejana, Tanya, Maryna, Natalia, Anna Selezneva, Anabela Belikova, Vika Falileeva. Basically, Eastern European girls.
Music: "Back Into The USSR" by The Beatles

A tacky but endearing segment. Models walk in pairs. Basic lingerie in different colors for each pair.
Models: Frida and Jac, Karlie and Toni, Gemma and Lily, Vlada and Sasha, Naomi and Kate, Abbey and Freja, Karlie walks again with Jourdan, Magda and Edita.
Music: "Lean On Me" by Bill Withers

80's-90's fashion. Really disheveled, grunge rock look. Only the sexy version.
Models: Ana Beatriz Barros, Abbey Lee, Freja Beha, Angela Lindvall, Liya Kebede, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Sui He, Snejana, Magda, skinny Chanel Iman and Gisele.
Music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

Each model represents a different Old Hollywood starlet.
Models: Doutzen as Grace Kelly, Jac Jagaciak as Audrey Hepburn, Cintia Dicker as Ginger Rogers, Constance Jablonski as Marilyn Monroe, Karlie as Vivien Leigh, Magda as Bette Davis, Gisele as Ingrid Bergman, dark-haired Frida Gustavsson as Liz Taylor and Adriana Lima as Sophia Loren.
Music: "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" by Marilyn Monroe

:lol: That was fun. And as tacky as it sounds it will still be less tacky than what VS actually does today... :rolleyes:

WOW girl, get this idea delivered! I'd love this show :luv:
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