Twin Peaks is one of my favorite TV shows (probably #1). I've seen a few mentions of the show, but no actual thread. Considering the comeback ("I'll see you in 25 years"), I would love to hear/discuss the new season, as well as the old!
This is one of my favorite shows too. I love the atmosphere the show creates combining being creepy and weird with some really good humor. Personally I have been really liking the new season. It's a bit more out there and typical Lynch than the original series, but it's keeping the story going in a way that isn't a direct remake but still loyal to the feeling of the first run. Except episode 8 of the new series...that's like all the strangest parts of Eraserhead smashed into a Twin Peaks episode or something. If you've caught up on the new series any theories as to what's going on right now? (I don't want to spoil anything for you if you aren't)
Yeah, I agree that you definitely have to like the Lynch aesthetic to get through the new episodes. And Fire Walk with Me for that matter which is pretty essential to this reprise.My thoughts exactly!
I think that you have to be an all around David Lynch fan to like and empathize with the new series. Especially considering Lynch's artistic background started with painting. Looking at his paintings really cemented his aesthetic for me, I was just like "I get you now, this all makes sense."
Here are some of his pieces:
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*Maybe Spoiler Alert?*
I am caught up, and I've read about some theories, but they're all kind of "mini-theories" because they are somewhat designated to different characters and plot lines, i.e. Michael Cera's character, Wally, was hired to pretend to be Andy and Lucy's son because he was killed long ago, or that Diane is just a figment of Cooper's imagination, etc.
The only theory I really think will happen later this season is that Audrey Horne is going to be the "millionaire" that hires people to watch the cameras in that room in the first couple of episodes. But other than that, I really think nothing can be expected of this season, so I kind of take every understanding with a grain of salt, if that makes sense haha
Apparently this is going to be David Lynch's last film/series ever
Yeah, I agree that you definitely have to like the Lynch aesthetic to get through the new episodes. And Fire Walk with Me for that matter which is pretty essential to this reprise.
*the rest of the post is spoilers if you're not caught up on the new season*
Oh, I'd never thought of Audrey being the millionaire from the beginning. That's and interesting way for her to fit in.
Right now, one of my biggest questions is when Cooper will come back to his old self. He's been getting closer in the most recent episodes with is case file and badge obsession, and now that bad Cooper is dead (maybe?) that would make way for him to fully return? And along with that, how is the trailer park Teresa Banks lived in going to fit in and the agent who disappeared there?
Hopefully some other members enjoy the show too. It be interesting to hear some more opinions
*spoilers* I'm so glad to see tp being discussed here! It's also my favorite show! I definitely agree with the theory that Audrey is the anonymous billionaire, and I'm eagerly waiting to see why a town of 5k (I know the sign says 51k but that's just because ABC wanted it to appeal to more viewers so they added a zero on the end of the sign) has a packed roadhouse every week (with NIN playing no less) and east coast money staying at the great northern...
My currently theory is that the girl who swallowed moth/frog BOB in New Mexico 1956 is actually Margaret, the Log Lady, as you can see a marking on her knee in the shot of her swallowing the bug, which is similar to the one that is on the Log Lady (mentioned when discussing Brigg's marking in the original run).
Have any of you read the Secret History of Twin Peaks written by Mark Frost? I'm only a a hundred or so pages in but it's wild! Turns out the Milford brothers have been surrounded by the mysteries in the Ghostwood their entire life and both brothers independently had incidents at Glastonbury Grove in the 1920s as boy scouts! And the ring goes as far back as the Lewis and Clark expedition.
I love the world that Lynch and Frost have built and just how influential it's been on TV shows ever since. As someone trying to make a career of it, watching their work is awe-inspiring. At least, the episodes they worked on.. Nothing fictional has made me geek out this hard since I was a kid!
*spoilers for episode 11*
I think Cooper is starting to get really close to snapping back to his old self. It was really great to hear him say 'damn good' cherry pie again
I was watching the last episode of the original series last night and I noticed the etching they find in the cave is really similar to Hawk's map. I wonder if they are the same thing?
Well he is definitely back! Any theories on where Audrey is? I'm guessing either the black lodge or institutionalized, leaning towards institutionalized due ton the lack of backwards speaking...but with Lynch who knowsOkay so I didn't respond because I had to catch up and didn't want any spoilers, but now I am!
I think slowly slowly he's coming back. He's had coffee and cherry pie, and I have a feeling that if he sees a photo of Laura maybe it'll snap him out of it? Aghh, I don't know though, Lynch is so unpredictable.
I think you're right about the cave and Hawk's map. I don't think it's just a coincidence, that's not very Lynchian
I just watched the newest episode! Ahhhh I'm so glad real Coop is back.Well he is definitely back! Any theories on where Audrey is? I'm guessing either the black lodge or institutionalized, leaning towards institutionalized due ton the lack of backwards speaking...but with Lynch who knows
A little difficult to accept that ending as the end....but there it was? I guess most of the questions are left unanswered in typical Lynch fashion. Where did Audrey go? What was up with Sarah Palmer? What year is it?
But in the end I feel like Lynch stuff is more about the experience of watching it than the answer so we should be happy we ever even got the answer to 'who killed Laura Palmer'
Either way, it was a really interesting comeback of Twin Peaks