The Obama Deception

:lol: Well I certainly have some left-wing views - especially when it comes to social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. And I do believe firmly in the separation of the church and the state. But when it comes to the economy and finances, I'm completely on the right side. (And let's be honest, money is what makes the world go round. ;))

Haha, yes it does :). And I think for me it kind of correlates to my opinion on weight - you need to take responsibility for your decisions and make yourself - it isn't up to other people to do it for you.
I believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag. I believe that the Aurora Theater shooting was a false flag. Both to win support for gun control.

I believe that the Boston bombings may have been a false flag, I am still waiting for evidence to be collected and to hear my favorite 'conspiracy' thoerists weigh in and discuss it all.

I believe that we are slowly being put under martial law, not outright and openly as to not cause chaos and panic.

I believe in the New World Order.

If anyone is interested in these subjects, these are some of my favorite videos discussing them:

9/11: Loose Change: An American Coup (make sure you watch the 2009 version, there are earlier versions that were put together as more information was put together, the 2009 is the final cut) It is on netflix or can be found on It is the best film I have seen on 9/11 and isn't so biased it is pushing it in your face every minute, it just gives you facts and evidence and shows you clips and pictures and lets you come to your own conclusions. There were so many things about our government that I learned from this film that I can research myself and find to be true from multiple sources. I recommend pausing the video after they show you the first quote on the screen immediatly. Really think about who could have said that and why they would say that. Then continue the video to see who actually said it.

Sandy Hook: I have seen a lot of clips but together, there isn't really a formal film out yet since it happened so recently. I just found the following clip which says it puts together all the evidence, I will watch it now and see if there are any other videos I should add to get the full story of questions.

Aurora Theater:

FEMA mass coffin liners, trains and camps: search FEMA camps on youtube and the web for more info

On Obama:

I know it is a lot to view and you will end up researching a lot while watching and afterwards but I believe we should educate ourselves on what is happening in our country and prepare ourselves. I'm not saying you should take all of this as the absolute truth and believe everything in every video, sometimes you have to weed out the silly evidence they try to use to back up points and rely on the evidence you think is more sound.
prepare ourselves.

Secret Skinny Gossip bunk. :cool: Everyone gets one box of crackers for the month and a non-stop dance party is mandatory:

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