SG hate

I've never heard the term "butterfly" used that way
I think it's from a movie (Starving in Suburbia?), that or the movie picked up the motif andfurther popularized it. Either way, butterfly is in line with the whole "goddess ana"/"if I faint, I'm so dreamy"/*get's mad at other girls for distracting from her victim-hood* crowd.
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Lawyer from nyc former print model
I understand some of them must be sick, really actually ill with an eating disorder. But for the most part, from my (admittedly cursory) exploration, they seem like they’re full of failed dieters? Who hate us because they can’t get in?
legit EDs
people who genuinely suffer from ED’s

Time for my Ted Talk on the DSM. Mine's not in front of me, but I get nerdy about it.

For every single diagnosis possible to give, you have a list of symptoms and how many they need to check off, a timeframe they need to have had the symptoms for, and two little bulletpoints that look the same no matter whether it's depression, substance use, trauma, an ED, ASD. Those two bulletpoints are "not better explained by another diagnosis" (i.e. someone technically meets criteria for ADHD, but you don't diagnose ADHD if symptoms are directly related to anxiety, or being a new parent, or the meds they're taking, or a medical condition) and "causes clinically significant distress or impairment for self or others." I can't stress how important this last sentence is. To make a diagnosis, you or someone else has to say, yes, this is really fucking with my life.

Let's say you endorse every single criteria for depression (and you only need 5 out of 9 symptoms to be diagnosed). It's almost inconceivable that you would experience "persistent negative affect, anhedonia, hypersomnia/insomnia, changes in appetite, fatigue, difficulty focusing, negative cognitions about self, excessive guilt, worthlessness or hopelessness" and not be significantly distressed, so this doesn't usually come up. But if you and your family were to tell me it didn't bother you, didn't interfere with work/school/relationships/other functioning, and you were totally fine with this, you don't need to be diagnosed. This is a way to avoid overdiagnosis and account for cultural impact of certain disorders.

The "causes clinically significant distress" criteria also works to be flexible in the opposite direction. Let's say you only meet two criteria for depression, but it's really upsetting you and you want to be seen by a clinician through your insurance. You don't get turned away because you're not depressed enough, because going to a therapist usually means you're distressed "enough," so you get seen for Not Otherwise Specified depression.

Make sense to everyone? Moving on to EDs.

Many of us here, if it weren't for "causes clinically significant distress," could meet criteria for an ED. Like I said, my DSM's at work or I'd copy it word for word, but I'm 90% sure this is accurate for the latest edition.
Anorexia Nervosa: 307.1 (F50.01 or F50.02)
A. Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements leading to a significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health. Significantly low weight is defined as a weight that is less than minimally normal or, for children and adolescents, less than that minimally expected.
B. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, or persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain, even though at a significantly low weight.
C. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
We restrict to a low body weight, we very much don't want to gain, some of us have dysmorphia, and gaining weight upsets us unduly. But does it cause clinically significant distress? Only you get to decide that. Most of us here don't skip social events because there will be food, or exercise until we're passing out, or restrict so much we're having heart problems. Many of us here care deeply about our health and longevity, getting quality nutrition and living long and happy lives. When you log on to MPA, every other post is someone wanting to die because they ate a cupcake and comparing what's the most fucked up thing their ED made them do. It doesn't have to be to that level to cause distress, but my point is that there's a difference.

Ok, now let's look at the other side of it. Let's say you're crash dieting, starving and then binging, every meal is anxiety-provoking, a cupcake brings you to tears, you hate your body, there is something very disordered about your eating and your relationship with food - but since you don't induce vomiting, you're overweight, and you haven't lost any weight, you might not meet criteria for anything. It's more likely to be Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (and depending on the compensatory behavior, might meet criteria for bulimia) than nothing at all. There's clinically significant distress.

I don't like to minimize the pain that disordered eating can cause by calling them "fake EDs" or "just failed dieters" because I don't know that the pain isn't genuine and intense. EDNOS is absolute hell for those going through it. Even if they're "just doing it for attention," think of how distressed you have to be to make a plea for attention that hurts yourself, how lonely you have to be to seek connection by disordered eating. Most people don't seek out negative attention unless they don't have the skills or ability or hope of getting positive attention. Is there some romanticizing of "being crazy" or "so skinny you make people worry"? Yes, and I hate it, and I will rant about how much I fucking hate when people build their identity around a mental illness when I don't have paperwork to do.

TL;DR: @MPA "no u" *pulls out Uno Reverse card because I'm fluent in GenZ*

This is also loosely related to why I have some criticisms of having a weight requirement for anorexia (@Natalie you asked to be tagged when we discussed this last time). I don't know if early intervention could improve outcomes for AN (which has a notoriously high mortality rate), but it sure feels fucked up and unhelpful to tell a client that they need to have the disease a little longer and harder before you can give them an accurate diagnosis that will allow them accurate treatment. Assuming it's the exact same behavior, waiting for an 180 lb client to get down to 80 before you accurately diagnose them means that they've had lots of time to be reinforced for the behavior (i.e. compliments and attention for weight loss, getting in the habit of using restriction as coping) and makes it much harder to treat.
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Was thinking about posting this in the before and after thread but this thread is a bit more fitting.
i posted ashley mae’s pics in the before and after thread, so im taking it personallyView attachment 68275
View attachment 68276View attachment 68277View attachment 68278
you bitches need to calm your tits and let a women do what she wants with her body. Damn. BuT ShE looked haappyyyy before
Her before pics arent even professional modeing pics, theyre pics of her out with friends.. so of course shes smiling...
She isnt smiling in her professional pictures because, if you havent already realized this, and you clearly havent models arent supposed to smile. Unless they were instructed to.
She looks sick? Thats body shaming, you faux body positive dicks.

if she were truly unhappy, she wouldn't be doing it. Anyway. I look forward to spam loving everything she posts on instagram and laughing at the plebs.

Update -

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What agency in their right mind would ask her to gain? Must be a shitty commercial agency. Sick of this fake body positive/fake HAES movement that really just brings down skinny bitches as a way to build up fat bitches. I stan ashley. I believe her.
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What agency in their right mind would ask her to gain? Must be a shitty commercial agency. Sick of this fake body positive/fake HAES movement that really just brings down skinny bitches as a way to build up fat bitches. I stan ashley. I believe her.

She’s with Fashion in Milan which is actually a top agency
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It seems like we have a rat in here

This was accompanied by multiple tweets about them eating ramen while scrolling through here. Maybe if you swapped it out for some actually nutritious food you wouldn’t need to use your sisters photos.
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Sorry to bump an old thread but they’ve updated the skinnygossip urban dictionary this past year and it’s pretty amusing.


These usernames lmao, “actually-skinny-not-proana” “Real skinny and sane”.
This ones old but my favourite, who on here made this one :meh:
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I did a little search to see if anyone’s been whining about us recently and was not disappointed.

There were the usual uninspired, eye roll inducing posts about how TB is a pedo and how we have to send in revealing pics to get in:


This dumb bitch who probably left due to being hazed for her illiteracy (good riddance :smash:):


My 2nd and 3rd favourites:



And finally, my favourite:


How sweet is it that she thinks about us every single day :luvluv:
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I did a little search to see if anyone’s been whining about us recently and was not disappointed.

There were the usual uninspired, eye roll inducing posts about how TB is a pedo and how we have to send in revealing pics to get in:

View attachment 152894View attachment 152895

This dumb bitch who probably left due to being hazed for her illiteracy (good riddance :smash:):

View attachment 152896

My 2nd and 3rd favourites:

View attachment 152897
View attachment 152893

And finally, my favourite:

View attachment 152898

How sweet is it that she thinks about us every single day :luvluv:
These sort of posts irritate me so much because these bitches act like TB / FT put a gun to their head and made them send the proof pictures. It's genuinely so pathetic how desperate they are to evade any sense of accountability.

If SGF is the fat-shaming, woman-hating forum that is so antithetical to your values, then why in God's name did you make an application? I guarantee that if they actually had a realistic chance of being accepted, the moral posturing would disappear in an instant.
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Oh, spare us your sanctimonious crap. It's laughable hearing this from someone who promotes eating disorders, laxative abuse and a community that passes around half-naked if not fully nude body checks of mostly sick minors on a public domain. Get off your high horse, bitch, and take a long, hard look in the mirror at the real source of evil and vile behaviour.
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If this is a breeding ground for “evil and vile bitches,” I’ll take it. At least we’re honest, not wolves in sheep’s clothing.
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