Septum rings?


Nov 30, 2014
They're kind of trendy nowadays, and the best thing about them is that if you want to take it out, you can't see the hole it leaves! I got one this summer. My septum ring is a silver chain, so it's very subtle.

What do you guys think of them? Don't hold back on what you think just because I have one, lol.
I like them on others, I don't like my nose at all and I don't want to bring extra attention to it hahahah
I don't like them at all, but would never judge someone who had one :grin: I just wouldn't ever consider personally getting one.. or I would never see one and think, Oh, I really like that. Facial piercings aren't really my thing. Tiny nose rings are fine, but not anything gaudy. I used to have an industrial piercing in my ear (yes, not facial but still kind of "out there") and loveeedd that. After a year and a half it still wasn't healed all the way. I took it out for 2 days and it closed up:( I still consider getting it redone!
I think they are very tricky to pull off and actually very few people suit them. It also takes a lot of experimenting with different jewelry to find the one that looks best on you. The one that you have sounds lovely! For septum piercings I prefer the more dainty and delicate jewelry over the chunky and more, uhm... cow-like rings.

I got my septum pierced six years ago and have tried many jewelry styles since then: Tight fitting barbells with jeweled balls (which my dear mother said that looked like "sparkly boogers"), horseshoe rings, captive ball rings... I reached the conclusion that at least for me, the smaller and thinner the ring, the better it suits my face. Bigger diameters make me look more rough/punky (and not in a good way).

This is the nose ring I've been wearing for the past few months, although the stone on mine is black.


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I actually had a septum piercing before. This is so bad, but I pierced it myself on my 15th birthday :nervous: Piercing it wasn't bad at all, it actually tickled a bit, but the days after piercing it, dear god, the pain. If you touch your nose even just a little, it feels like you just got punched in the face. After a week the pain faded, and everything was back to normal. I think septum piercings are beautiful, although I think they look a lot better on people who have more extreme styles. I've only seen a few people who can pull of a septum piercing with a less extreme style, but I think that's mostly because of the style of jewelry they're wearing, and the size of it (like Remedios said). My septum piercing was a 16G horse shoe ring, I took it out a couple months ago once my style calmed down, and became less extreme. I thought my piercing made me look out of place, if that makes sense. Septum piercings are great, they're easy to hide, leave behind no noticeable scar if you ever decide to take it out, and are very beautiful! If you want one, you should definitely get one!

That ring looks so lovely @Remedios, for some reason it reminds me of what a princess would wear if she had her Septum pierced, ha-ha!
@Sakura, I agree with what you say! Especially the part when, with the piercing freshly done, you suddenly start noticing just how many times you unconsciously touch your nose on a day! Ouch. I don't know about yours but mine took ages to heal entirely.

I've also gone through phases when I don't feel that the ring "fits" with my mood or my look, in fact earlier this year I took it out for months.

And thanks about your comment on the jewelry! You're too kind. Actually a few people have approached me to either compliment on it or ask where I bought it, and I'm quite happy with it.
@Sakura, I agree with what you say! Especially the part when, with the piercing freshly done, you suddenly start noticing just how many times you unconsciously touch your nose on a day! Ouch. I don't know about yours but mine took ages to heal entirely.

I've also gone through phases when I don't feel that the ring "fits" with my mood or my look, in fact earlier this year I took it out for months.

And thanks about your comment on the jewelry! You're too kind. Actually a few people have approached me to either compliment on it or ask where I bought it, and I'm quite happy with it.
I'm glad you agree! I'm pretty sure every person who's had their septum pierced has had to go through that miserable "punched in the face" feeling. It's quite funny, because normal day things become something you have to be careful with, like removing your shirt, washing your face, and blowing your nose. If you forget you have your septum freshly pierced and you go to wipe your nose, you're going to regret it X_x. I'm sorry yours took so long to heal, that must have been horrible for you to deal with. I'm lucky mine started fading after a week!

I'm jealous that your septum didn't close up after removing it for a couple of months! It's good that you have the option of being able to wear, and remove it!
You're very welcome! It's a very beautiful ring, I bet it looks stunning on you! You've probably make a lot of people want their septum's pierced ;)
I've got a septum piercing seven years ago and I wear a small horseshoe ring since day one. Prior to that I've had a 'classic' nose ring which I took out for the septum piercing. Totally agree on the pain afterwards, it took about 2 weeks for me to become somewhat tolerable. About a week after I had it done I had to leave a party because my eyes were tearing up like crazy after I had accidentally touched my nose.
I once had to remove it for a job, to my surprise I was able to put it in again a year later. I still wear it today:)
I don't like them at all, but would never judge someone who had one :grin: I just wouldn't ever consider personally getting one.. or I would never see one and think, Oh, I really like that. Facial piercings aren't really my thing. Tiny nose rings are fine, but not anything gaudy.

I completely agree. Personally I think a tiny stud in the nose may be cute, and I've considered it, but that's the most out there I'd go. I don't judge anyone though for it - it's all about what you think looks and fits you the best!
I used to have an industrial piercing in my ear (yes, not facial but still kind of "out there") and loveeedd that. After a year and a half it still wasn't healed all the way. I took it out for 2 days and it closed up:( I still consider getting it redone!

Off-topic but exact same thing happened to me!! i had mine for a year and a half and it fell out in my sleep then when I went to put it in 2 days later, I couldn't :( but I am constantly deciding whether or not to get it redone!

As for the septum - I also don't judge but personally not my thing but hey everyone do what makes them happy :)
I think they are very tricky to pull off and actually very few people suit them. It also takes a lot of experimenting with different jewelry to find the one that looks best on you. The one that you have sounds lovely! For septum piercings I prefer the more dainty and delicate jewelry over the chunky and more, uhm... cow-like rings.

I got my septum pierced six years ago and have tried many jewelry styles since then: Tight fitting barbells with jeweled balls (which my dear mother said that looked like "sparkly boogers"), horseshoe rings, captive ball rings... I reached the conclusion that at least for me, the smaller and thinner the ring, the better it suits my face. Bigger diameters make me look more rough/punky (and not in a good way).

This is the nose ring I've been wearing for the past few months, although the stone on mine is black.

I love this ring you posted, unfortunatelly full rings don't suit my face :(
I had my septum done couple of months ago and I'm usually wearing small barbell with simple silver balls (3mm), if I feel like more extravagant look - black 8mm horseshoe with 3mm studs, it is edgy but does not look cheap or vulgar. If I need to hide it - no problem either, I have bioplast retainer (it's transparent and you hide it inside your nose - not very comfy but does the job).

It healed very quickly, just as all of my other piercing, maybe I have predispositions to be treated with needles? :D

All in all it's one of my favourite piercings so far but I agree that not everyone looks good with one.
what do y'all think about the septum ring on her? i kinda like it, i's definitely growing on me!
songofstyle.jpg aimee_song_make_up.jpg septum.jpg
what do y'all think about the septum ring on her? i kinda like it, i's definitely growing on me!
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I like it on her, actually. First I wasn't so sure but it has grown on me.
(I've been following Aimee for a while and she used to be so much skinnier :( but I like her for some reason, although her style and look is completely different from my preference)
I have a septum ring and love it. I'm always doing things to make myself seem older (someone asked me if I was 13 the other day) and this is a way to do it. Plus I can just flip it up whenever I don't want it and you can never tell the difference. If anyone wants me to, I can post a picture of me with it down
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I have a septum ring and love it. I'm always doing things to make myself seem older (someone asked me if I was 13 the other day) and this is a way to do it. Plus I can just flip it up whenever I don't want it and you can never tell the difference. If anyone wants me to, I can post a picture of me with it down
Yes pic please!!
Yes pic please!!
My picture should be attached!

Also Abbey Lee has one now and it's definitely grown on me. If I knew how to put an image up, I would do it right now haha


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My picture should be attached!

Also Abbey Lee has one now and it's definitely grown on me. If I knew how to put an image up, I would do it right now haha
Dayum. You definitely are one of those few people who look good in septum ring. I recommend this shape for the more edgy and rock and roll look:

Also on completely unrelated note I wonder how you would look with bangs.
Dayum. You definitely are one of those few people who look good in septum ring. I recommend this shape for the more edgy and rock and roll look:

Also on completely unrelated note I wonder how you would look with bangs.

I have really thick hair so the bangs themselves look really good, but I just look super young again with them- now I'm definitely consider them again though. My forehead doesnt normally look so big haha. I dont know whats going on with that picture. :wtf:

I've been wanting to get a tiny golden ring, with maybe some white/diamond crystals. I have lots of gold jewelry so I wanna match it up.