Sanne Vloet

Turned on her vlog while I have tea for dinner hoping it would make me feel less like restricting, more like treating myself to the tea because she has a beautiful tea room and champions it a lot. Anyway— good news! I feel like she may be losing. Look at that waist!

Successful motivation attempt ¯\_(ツ)_/ I’ll take it. Even if she is a vanilla model best at playing the mom in Ralph Lauren ads.
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I believe she is quite good at controlling and looking after herself.
Although she won't go back to like her old modelling days, as she mentioned in a recent video, people would comment "you're looking great!" when they had been severely undereating due to how busy they were in fashion weeks, and how unhealthy they were.

On the flip side, she appears to eat super clean, with good portion sizes, tiny snacks (if any, doesn't snack all day like some do), works out often. She has also mentioned in some vlogs that after having a fun meal (like crepes, pasta, ie a "cheat meal") that she feels like eating something clean, fresh, and healthy.

I think since that "Everything I Did to Get Back in Shape" video, she seems to be continuing and maintaining, prioritising a balance of size and health.
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she is a vanilla model best at playing the mom in Ralph Lauren ads

When she was coming up, her agencies always tried to position her as the heir to Valentina Z's RL throne. They compared her to Valentina bc they knew how much RL loved her. But she never looks anywhere near as classy and regal as Valentina did, no matter how hard she tries. Valentina could bring "aristocratic yacht club" in her sleep, Sanne has to strain just to bring "paddleboat club".
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She's definitely nothing special, but these pictures were in my mind for years!
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Between her YT channel and Instagram, she is trying desperately hard to become an influencer. Grasping for attention... Thanks for contributing yet another groundbreaking banana pancake recipe :eyeroll:

Since I saw this I decided to see what she has been booking lately... How very ~Sears catalogue~ of her. My coffee table is more interesting.

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Recent - she's moved into the cringe lifestyle influencer bracket (not all are) with ease:

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I’m sure this is a flattering mirror, but I have seen her looking better slowly these last few months. Progress is progress
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Is it just me or is Sanne looking far better than earlier this year? It looks like it could be the slimmest she's been in her "career". Her arms are unfortunate though...:disgusted:

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Is it just me or is Sanne looking far better than earlier this year? It looks like it could be the slimmest she's been in her "career". Her arms are unfortunate though...:disgusted:

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Her body is looking good, and I am so happy for her nuptials , but what in god's name is wrong with her face? Is she having some kind of reaction? so puffy...... Do you all think it's a case of too much filler, bloat from food or drugs, or what? She didn't used to look like this.
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Her arms are unfortunate though...:disgusted:
Agreed - I’ve noticed this a lot with women who have more toned/muscly arms where their arms look really nice when their muscles are flexed, but otherwise their arms look big and flabby. This is actually the reason I use the lightest weights possible (or none at all) when doing any weighted arm exercises, because I found this to be true for my arms when I started lifting heavier weights :hahano:

For reference:

Sanne’s arms when her muscles are flexed - look decently toned, skinny-fit

Sanne’s arms when her muscles aren’t flexed (taken within a week of the photo above)
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Her thighs are in plus size territory now


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She's gone into detail about how she's on a "weight gain journey" and wants to "build more muscle".
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Maybe this is misplaced anger but I hate hearing these models who couldn't stay skinny talk about getting their periods back like it's the end goal of a healthy, balanced life.. I've been in hormonal hell since getting my period back 4 years ago, and PMDD has wrecked my life in so many ways
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I don’t have a problem with the fact she decided to gain weight, BUT!!!!!

After all of her healthy lifestyle videos she used to make, now she claims she always felt weak and tired, and not healthy at all?!??!??

And this groundbreaking new video of her giving “useful” tips to become healty………..

are you all curious 👀???!!????

1. Eat your proteins
2. Don’t stress
3. Write down your goals

Thanks girl!!!!!
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