Romanticizing ED’s on TikTok

I read through this thread and definitely agree with a lot of what was said! I definitely think the recent growth in "mental health awareness" (if you could call it that) has also created a huge opening for these types of people to post under those topics to openly boast and engage in validating, attention seeking behaviour while hiding behind a shield of "honesty" or "venting", and if anyone was to react negatively to it, they will throw up the defence of "body/skinny shaming, having prejudice to mental illness, 'this is the reality of mental illness dont like it don't look!!'"

I've seen a huge rise in people posting "day in the life of anorexia recovery" sort of videos, and absolutely not doing anything that really focuses on recovery, just a bunch of boasting restriction, boasting extremely low weights with a few body checks clipped in between. (I swear I have blocked so many accounts and they just do not leave my algorithm, the algorithm really doesn't let go of a topic no matter how many times you try to disengage with it..) I think the recent rise in aesthetics, fitness, "it girl" types of posts also give people more subtle opportunities to post clearly disordered behaviour under a mask that is more "acceptable".

Im not sure if i'm just overly skeptical of others or if it is how I see it, but it really seems like there are many creators who most definitely have eating disorders and love to show it off by posting grwm/fit check videos that are just body checking over and over, not saying that every thin person who posts online is attention seeking or boasting it, just the accounts that clearly engage with that kind of behaviour.

I've also seen a very cringey rise in girls aestheticising being skinny, as posted earlier in the threads, I wish these people would just go find their own communities and spaces that isn't on one of the biggest social media platforms. I can understand wanting to talk about it, get validation or flex ect, but just do it in an appropriate space. We don't need more young girls falling into these illnesses, there's clearly enough of a problem with normal social media usage let alone the weird normalisation of deadly disorders for an "aesthetic".
Almost everything I mentioned has really already been said, I just wanted to add my repetitive 2cents since it's something I think about a lot!!
Eww, what a trashy disgusting skank, good riddance.

Vomiting I Feel Sick GIF

She says we banned her for romanticizing EDs, no we banned you for being a lying pig.

Ew, when I banned her I literally wrote that she was being banned because she outed her chubby self on TikTok. So she knows what she’s saying is a lie, such a piggy.
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I think this post would be more suitable for the "Rookie Court" thread because now we know which member is in question, right?
I agree in principle but like it being here instead of Rookie Court because the gross liar's likely to read it (especially given "TikTok" in the thread title) and maybe even feel embarrassment—though given the vulgar way she appears to live and showcase her life I’m not sure she still has the capacity to feel embarrassment. :hahano:
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I’ll never understand the point in some of these people keeping their ED tiktok accounts public, I think the private ones are ok since it’s all still kept inside of the community and there is no risk of people who don’t seek out this content to see it.
The issue is when these pro ana (no offense but 99% of the time it’s either kpop fans or Skins/thirteen fans) accounts decide that they value getting followers and views more then keeping the often very young tiktok users safe from their triggering content.
It’s honestly gross how selfish they are cause there is no other explanation then gaining a following, the only acceptable way of having an Ed account is to keep it private and build a community by following and accepting requests from other ed creators.
They should simply keep it all within their community but since they’re a bunch of 16 year olds craving attention they can’t do that.
This video coming up on my fyp HORRIFIED me! For context, the image being referred to is of a 19 year old girl who passed due to a stomach rupture from purging while alone in her apartment. Her parents wanted the graphic images of her to be released with the hope that they might prevent others from seeing the same fate. I can’t begin to imagine the level of desensitization you have to reach to think that this is funny, the creator even liked a comment calling her “elvis presley”, disgusting.

I saw this image when I used to struggle with my eating disorder, and this girl and her story has always been such a vital influence in my recovery and I’m absolutely devastated she’s being disrespected like this.
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I absolutely hate bumping old threads and I know it's annoying, I apologize sincerely for my seemingly random contribution to this thread. However, ED "culture" (honestly just romantization but tiktok has to make everything into a "culture") on tiktok has 100% escalated over the past 8 months. There are several points I want to divulge into, so I henceforth apologize for the onslaught of text that is about to occur.

1. Wonyoungism

A lifestyle (I'm not putting this in quotation marks for reasons that will be covered shortly) notated as "Wonyoungism" has absolutely taken over tiktok, specifically a demographic of people under the age of 20. Wonyoung herself is absolutely gorgeous and clearly in good shape, minus that bump in the road that occured last year. She takes care of herself, works out regularly, and eats clean as well as taking care of her appearance immaculately. The term Wonyoungism seems harmless, almost helpful and positive, at first. And for some it genuinely is. They are working on eating cleaner, working out more and with structure, skincare and personal hygiene, dressing well, and fostering self love. That side of Wonyoungism is beautiful to see. However. The other side, with more followers from what I have discerned, are simply taking it open themselves to glamorize anorexia and orthorexia to an extreme I haven't seen in a minute. The amount of actual children I have seen on tiktok who are using Wonyoungism tags and proclaiming to follow her "lifestyle" are consuming two cucumbers, five pieces of peppermint gum (sugar free of course), a bowl of ice with water, and green juice. That's it. On top of this they are doing pilates for hours, running every chance they can get, and still body shaming themselves when they are literally wasting away. I saw a profile of one 15 year old girl who claimed to be 5'8" and 41.7 kg, which is 91.9 lbs. Her UGW was 37 kg. That is deadly. That is not achievable though healthy means. And she was actively comparing herself to Wonyoung and saying that she "just needs to live the lifestyle a bit longer so she is less fat and skinny like Wonyoung". The fact this content is even allowed on tiktok, even worse SEARCHABLE, is despicable and absolutely triggering for some.

2. ED Bait Audios (and the slideshows that come with them)

Recently there has been an audio trending on tiktok that literally says "you can always be thinner, look better". I 100% agree with that audio, do not mix up my words, but some of the slideshows accompanying this audio are atrocious. I saw countless accounts utilizing this audio to post pictures of them now as the first slide (you can always be thinner) and then attach an image of them in the absolute worst physical state of an ed they have/had. I saw several people that only skin and some patches of thin hair was preventing them from looking like the skeleton kept in the back of a 7th grade biology classroom. And they were, in their caption, reminiscing and saying how much they missed looking so "pretty" and "dainty". The ones that were the worst were the ones who posted straight up scale pictures and were talking about how gross they feel at 43kg (they are 5'6.5") and how they want to be 40 kg again. This, in my personal opinion, is absolutely horrifying.

3. WIEIAD gone rogue yet again

Not too much to add here but the WIEIADs are getting even more out of hand. "Yassss girlypop, so proud of you, you only had a matcha and two egg whites today!!! I wish I was less fat 🫰🏻". We know you want to lose weight and you should but when the account who posted said WIEIAD says the egg whites were a "cheat meal" there is a bigger issue at play. It's just getting worse over there.

Those are the main ones I wanted to touch up on but there are more behaviors and trends I have seen that are just downright unhealthy. I'm all for piggies losing weight but making starvation quirky and cute is not the answer. The Bulimia side of tiktok is so unbelievably foul at this current moment that I fear it's ineffable in the worst way possible. Again, I apologize for bumping this thread. I hope all of you skinnies have a wonderful day.
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However, ED "culture" (honestly just romantization but tiktok has to make everything into a "culture") on tiktok has 100% escalated over the past 8 months.
I’ve been thinking about what seems to be a big increase in ED ‘culture’ on social media lately - it’s always been around as we know (Tumblr, edtwt), but I absolutely agree that it’s getting even bigger and more out of hand recently. I think the one of the main reasons, as has already been pointed out in this thread, is that the algorithm suggests pro-ana/disordered content to anyone who might be interested in weight loss, whereas in the past it was much harder to stumble across.

It seems that algorithm generated content has extended to other apps too - I used to use Twitter quite a lot, and then it became ‘X’ and they added a ‘for you’ section. For some reason, the algorithm decided that I wanted to see nothing but content from edtwt despite the fact that I obviously don’t follow anyone from there/interact with their posts. It made me wonder how many (especially young) people have had this content shown to them and how many have been influenced to employ dangerous methods of weight loss because of it.

Maybe it’s just an illusion and ED communities are just the same as they’ve always been, but something feels different and even more sinister to me lately. Makes me even more grateful for a community like this where we support reaching our goals in a healthy way :luvluv:
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I’ve been thinking about what seems to be a big increase in ED ‘culture’ on social media lately - it’s always been around as we know (Tumblr, edtwt), but I absolutely agree that it’s getting even bigger and more out of hand recently. I think the one of the main reasons, as has already been pointed out in this thread, is that the algorithm suggests pro-ana/disordered content to anyone who might be interested in weight loss, whereas in the past it was much harder to stumble across.
I also believe that part of the problem is the amount of young kids, especially pre-teen girls that have their own personal phones. When I was that age, I had to use a shared family computer to look at anything online.

Now, almost every kid has a phone. I’ve seen kids as young as first grade with their own IPhone. :hyper: I think a lot of the ED-type stuff is coming from younger, sad teenagers.
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