Reverse Thinspo @ tumblr

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Some of those I can see as reverse-thinspo...some of those just seem so ANGRY. They worry me. It definitely paints both sides of the spectrum in an unpleasant light.

I'm glad this forum is not that tumblr. The pics help (thank you) but I am SO happy there is more support here...and less hate.
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Yeah a lot of the posters are suffering from anorexia and/or bulimia. It's hard to see them saying "I'm so fat!" when they're already so skinny :(
This pic I saw there, made me laugh out loud! :lol:

Some of those I can see as reverse-thinspo...some of those just seem so ANGRY. They worry me. It definitely paints both sides of the spectrum in an unpleasant light.

I'm glad this forum is not that tumblr. The pics help (thank you) but I am SO happy there is more support here...and less hate.

This. I hate the ones that post obviously thin pictures with captions like "OMG I'M SO FAT." It is such transparent whoring for compliments.
This might offend some people but if you ask me there's a difference between a legitimate eating disorder and just being plain old desperate for attention.
Of course, the latter is still a problem and probably the result of major insecurities that need to be adressed, but... ugh. I just get so tired of girls going around making melodramatic borderline anorexic statements just to get people riled up and worried about them. :rolleyes: Girls like that are the reason why so many people don't take real eating disorders seriously.

Always reminds me of Mean Girls:
Regina: I need to loose three pounds.
Friends: ...
Regina: :supermad:
Friends: OMG what are you talking about? You're so skinny!
Regina: :sneaky:

Spot on.
Yikes.... Disturbing. Reverse thinspo doesn't do anything for Me like it apprently does for these girls.

Yeah, me too! I always just think they're from a different species than me :nervous: I can never relate to them.
This. I hate the ones that post obviously thin pictures with captions like "OMG I'M SO FAT." It is such transparent whoring for compliments.
This might offend some people but if you ask me there's a difference between a legitimate eating disorder and just being plain old desperate for attention.
Of course, the latter is still a problem and probably the result of major insecurities that need to be adressed, but... ugh. I just get so tired of girls going around making melodramatic borderline anorexic statements just to get people riled up and worried about them. :rolleyes: Girls like that are the reason why so many people don't take real eating disorders seriously.

Always reminds me of Mean Girls:
Regina: I need to loose three pounds.
Friends: ...
Regina: :supermad:
Friends: OMG what are you talking about? You're so skinny!
Regina: :sneaky:

Spot on.

I don't know why those links are in my post or where they came from...?
Can an admin get rid of them please? Sorry.. :run:
This. I hate the ones that post obviously thin pictures with captions like "OMG I'M SO FAT." It is such transparent whoring for compliments.
This might offend some people but if you ask me there's a difference between a legitimate eating disorder and just being plain old desperate for attention.
Of course, the latter is still a problem and probably the result of major insecurities that need to be adressed, but... ugh. I just get so tired of girls going around making melodramatic borderline anorexic statements just to get people riled up and worried about them. :rolleyes: Girls like that are the reason why so many people don't take real eating disorders seriously.

This really bothers me too, I used to spend a reasonable amount of time on tumblr but I've really done much less recently because of this. It's a shame that anonymous expression seems to so often turn into a medium for shameless attention seeking. And even more of a shame that for some who do really have problems it really does seem to be their only outlet.
Oh and on the topic, the only reverse thinspo that works for me is pictures of myself at my HW ... :puke:
Oh and on the topic, the only reverse thinspo that works for me is pictures of myself at my HW ... :puke:

Girly, this is true of me too! I feel awful looking at reverse thinspo ---but when I look at old picture of me: WOW. I wanna choose a salad and no cake!

I noticed they took the link down ---maybe because it used the word Thinspo?