Reddit - dieting subs

Reddit is so confusing to me but this was very helpful! I was looking at this, it doesn't look bad but 586 cal for dinner it's way too heavy :wtf:

Maybe dinner is her big meal? I skip breakfast most of the time (not hungry in mornings), and have a yogurt or small salad for lunch (~200) and a cappuccino later in the afternoon (100-150). So my dinner usually is around 600-700. Maintaining for me is around 1000-1200.
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Reddit is so confusing to me but this was very helpful! I was looking at this, it doesn't look bad but 586 cal for dinner it's way too heavy :wtf:
IDK what those round carby things are, but cut that out and her dinner seems reasonable for a "heavy" meal. 400-450 kcals. She already has pasta, why does she need more plain empty carbs?? And then sub whatever sauce she used for lighter, way less pasta... and voila, a reasonable 300 kcal meal.
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Eh I dont really like posting on Reddit as it seems to be a magnet for idiots and drama. However I do lurk on the loseit subreddit it used to have a very no nonsense attitude that I appreciated despite disagreeing with the advice given at times but its really mellowed out since its become so popular. Progresspics can bring up some good before and afters. Of course everyone knows the beauty of fatpeoplestories. The problem with reddit is pretty much anyone can join and that means on the weight loss forms having to wade through a lot of crap before you can find something useful or relatable.
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Eh I dont really like posting on Reddit as it seems to be a magnet for idiots and drama. However I do lurk on the loseit subreddit it used to have a very no nonsense attitude that I appreciated despite disagreeing with the advice given at times but its really mellowed out since its become so popular. Progresspics can bring up some good before and afters. Of course everyone knows the beauty of fatpeoplestories. The problem with reddit is pretty much anyone can join and that means on the weight loss forms having to wade through a lot of crap before you can find something useful or relatable.

Check out r/trueloseit. It's loseit without the fatlogic. I haven't been on there much, but there seems to be more of a no-nonsense attitude. There's also a new sub called r/loseabit, which is for people loosing smaller amounts of weight. It's brand new, so I'm not sure if it'll be any good yet, but it does look a bit promising.
The community of r/1200isplenty really irks me sometimes. If people exercise and post intake members say "I hope you are eating those calories back!!!!!". Also is anyone mentions they are taller than 5'2" they get a shitstorm of "check your BMR cuz if u eat less than that for one day you will starve to death and die!" I just forget sometimes that they are all 5'1" and 170lbs. Once in a while there are great posts like that I actually find helpful.
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