"plus size models are REAL woman!!!"


May 29, 2012
To all the people out there that think plus size models are the movement, well its all a sham.
My model friend in New York has plus size mode roommate (i know, ew) and i got some interesting info.
The plus size model has to stuff her face every night, to the point where she is ill. She complains that she feels sick, and wishes she could eat like the rest of the roommates. (greek yoghurt and juice ;))
She (and all other plus size models) also have to carry around pads to castings. These are pads for your arms, legs, and mid section, to make you look fatter. The clients at castings ask if the models have their pads.
So societies (aka fatties) pretty little image of plus size models really pisses me off because plus size models are going through exactly what skinny models go through, just on the other end. Unhealthily getting the body that clients want.

*i apologize for the crappy writing, did it quickly on my phone in rant-mode*
So while skinnies are being criticised for promoting anorexia, fatties are being praised for promoting binge eating disorder?

And that my friends is the smell of a double standard ... :run:
I don't see how models stuffing their faces is better than models starving/dieting... Where is the progress they aimed at by placing plus-size models on the runways?
The plus size model has to stuff her face every night, to the point where she is ill. She complains that she feels sick, and wishes she could eat like the rest of the roommates.

Why on earth would you do that to yourself? :wtf: I'd do pretty much everything else instead of having a job that requires me to be sick and ugly.
Unhealthily getting the body that clients want.

It's always what the client wants.
"plus size models are REAL woman!!!"
No, all models apparently not real women. High fashion models or plus sized, We aren't treated as real people.

It is way way way MUCH more harder work than people thing, it's not stand around be pretty, it's 16 hr day sometime, hair, makeup, samples better fit OR ELSE, pose, change, run, change, walk, run, twist body every way, flashes until your eyes burn, be sexy with cold, hot, mud, water, milk, bugs, snakes, horses, hurty shoes, people poke you, pull you, move you like doll, touch you, push you, paint you, pull your hair, yell at you, tell you what to do, where to go, how to be, how to stand, how to sit, who to be, you can not be you, everyone else own you (rent you), talk about you like you are not there, nothing ever good enough, you can always do better, you can alway BE better, people take much of your money, when all done you hurt everywhere, so you sleep and miss alarm so you late, rush to get cab to do it all over again.

Disclosure, there are some amazing people in the industry that aren't like this, but as a whole, there is more bad than good.
Wow. Can't they eat what they want and try and lose weight and see if they can make it into high fashion? Or am I being naive, that thy would be accepted?
True, I have heard they have to maintain a certain weight just like the thinner models. If those plus size models really want to eat like the thinner models, why don't they? How about they lose weight and try to make it to a size zero or something of that sort. Or perhaps I am foolish for thinking that :lol:
True, I have heard they have to maintain a certain weight just like the thinner models. If those plus size models really want to eat like the thinner models, why don't they? How about they lose weight and try to make it to a size zero or something of that sort. Or perhaps I am foolish for thinking that :lol:

No, you are not being foolish at all, you are stating a very reasonable point! Why put yourself through stuffing your face when you could be a skinny? Ugh. I just can't take the fat standards that have been put in place for a "real" woman. Skinny girls have to stick together. :highfive:
No, you are not being foolish at all, you are stating a very reasonable point! Why put yourself through stuffing your face when you could be a skinny? Ugh. I just can't take the fat standards that have been put in place for a "real" woman. Skinny girls have to stick together. :highfive:

Yes, that irritates me. Even a normal healthy weight women may not be "womanly" enough!
To all the people out there that think plus size models are the movement, well its all a sham.
My model friend in New York has plus size mode roommate (i know, ew) and i got some interesting info.
The plus size model has to stuff her face every night, to the point where she is ill. She complains that she feels sick, and wishes she could eat like the rest of the roommates. (greek yoghurt and juice ;))
She (and all other plus size models) also have to carry around pads to castings. These are pads for your arms, legs, and mid section, to make you look fatter. The clients at castings ask if the models have their pads.
So societies (aka fatties) pretty little image of plus size models really pisses me off because plus size models are going through exactly what skinny models go through, just on the other end. Unhealthily getting the body that clients want.

*i apologize for the crappy writing, did it quickly on my phone in rant-mode*

That's shitty as hell. Poor girl. Maybe she should use protein shakes for the extra calories?
Why not just photoshop like they do with everything else? I guess the pads are for runway? :confused:
OK, I accepted - they are real... Which makes me want to be surreal ;)
Yeah, I wonder who buys this "real women" crap... probably only a few obese people :rolleyes:

If they wanted "real women" to be models, why don't they just get average girls on the runway?! I feel that nowadays people just forgot that average, slim people exist :rolleyes:
Well, if you look at statistics, average BMI of developed world is nearing overweight limit - which means that an average consumer is closer to fat than model thin.