Once Upon A Time

Jul 16, 2014
I went pretty back and couldn't find anything... but do any of you watch Once Upon a Time? I just started (they're all on Netflix!) and I like it a lot! I like how it mixes the fairytales with the modern world! :)
I tried watching it! Loved first series but struggled with the second. Need to get back into it :P. One pet peeve though... Snow whites modern day hair lol. How far have you got into the series?x
I tried watching it! Loved first series but struggled with the second. Need to get back into it :p. One pet peeve though... Snow whites modern day hair lol. How far have you got into the series?x

Oh I'm only on the first season! Maybe 8 or 9 episodes in! Honestly, I don't like Snow White's modern day hair, or her fairy tale hair! It's kind of messy and looks matted... even when she's a princess!