New Pantene Commercial

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I thought this commercial was rather poignant in regards to how men are treated in the workplace versus how women are treated there.

"In a widely-read study, business school students were given a case assignment on Heidi, a real-life successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. But there was a catch. Half of the class randomly received their case with one teensy tiny change made: The name "Heidi" was changed to "Howard." Afterward, the students were surveyed, and though Heidi and Howard were found equally competent (as they should have been because they are the same person), the students found Howard much more likeable." This was talked about in the book "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg.
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I feel like this is all just Pantene's idea of creating a little drama to sell their shitty product. It's that little bit of racism/sexism/obnoxiousism that they create to come out on top. Sorry, I just hate when people, let alone companies, play women as victims...this point has been argued to the death.
I feel like this is all just Pantene's idea of creating a little drama to sell their shitty product. It's that little bit of racism/sexism/obnoxiousism that they create to come out on top. Sorry, I just hate when people, let alone companies, play women as victims...this point has been argued to the death.

Perfectly stated, and I agree 100%. Also, in addition to their obnoxious advertising ploys, their products are not good at all. They contain wax and silicone, both of which can damage and weigh down your hair.
Perfectly stated, and I agree 100%. Also, in addition to their obnoxious advertising ploys, their products are not good at all. They contain wax and silicone, both of which can damage and weigh down your hair.

You're absolutely right. The wax and silicones make hair feel soft, but just add build up! Once I was in NY doing hair for a shoot, and the stylist next to me was talking about a Pantene shoot she had done where the model had just come from a salon with a shine treatment. Not surprising, but still makes me hate Pantene even more!
You know, I get it. I do. I don't feel discriminated against by men, however. It's women who are labeling other women as selfish, bossy, manly, vain, etc. It isn't something to be upset about, as it is only jealousy. It happens. The thing about this commercial that REALLY irks me is that they are showcasing this woman with perfect hair that probably took hours to style, shitload of products, special lighting, computer imaging, layers of makeup. Nothing wrong with those things of course, I do take pride in my appearance and consider myself somewhat vain. But if you are trying to empower women, why use this image of one? Why not show a hard working woman who is natural, who doesn't style her hair every day, who doesn't wear makeup? I think the commercial is a little ironic. And Pantene products SUCK
The commercial makes good points. We do view the identical behaviors of men and women differently. It reminds me of how baby boys are described as "big and strong," while baby girls are "so sweet and delicate." I mean, come on.... We definitely ascribe different meanings and values to behaviors based on gender.

But it is ironic that Pantene is taking a feminist stance while hawking beauty products....The video is true, but how does it make a good commercial? It has nothing to do with the product itself. Dove kind of did the same thing.

I just wish there were more positive messages that came from sources other than advertisements. But I do think Pantene should get credit for putting this out there.