Milla Jovovich


Jan 22, 2012
Milla Jovovich is my ultimate girl crush! I love her attitude and her roles in movies-- especially her role in resident evil and dazed and confused.

I think she is absolutely stunning! Not the thinnest, but I think she looks great and toned.

I attached photos and there is one of her when she was pregnant, and she stated she got up to 192 pounds! But she lost most of the weight. I attached a photo of her in maxim where she posed after she had her baby.

She is reported to be 5'9 and she said she gained 62 pounds so she had to of weighed 130 before she got pregnant.

Here is a link to the article where she discusses how she lost the weight:


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She's pretty, and her little girl will be just as pretty as her momma!

Young Milla

Hmmm... not a fan of those thighs :wtf:


There's something about her face I really don't like. Her features aren't delicate IMO
I liked the Resident Evil movies but after seeing Three Musketeers (WHYYYYY) I didn't like her even more
She looked soooo much better when she was younger
and the hair length she has going on doesn't help either
I liked the Resident Evil movies but after seeing Three Musketeers (WHYYYYY) I didn't like her even more

Hey, that's how I watched that entire movie! ... WHYYYYYYYYYY.
WHYYY did I waste $1.26 in Redbox for THIIIIIIIS? :meh:

... but I dig Milla's tough-girl look.
I busted on her hard for a loooong time because a guy I had a crush on was totally in love with her, but now I respect her, and... yeah, I have a girl-crush on her, too. That body! Girl works HARD for what she works!
Her face takes some getting used to... I agree, not delicate, not even conventionally "pretty", but then again, it fits her personality and fit bod perfectly. She's got that Something.

And WOW! After seeing those pinup-esque photos of her... :luv:
I never would've qualified her as "beautiful" before... "unique", definately, but those pictures are bring out all of her best features.
No, not delicate... but she is certainly no one but herself.
I think she's pretty. She has a unique look but it's not so unique that she looks weird or anything. I like her body too. She has muscle tone but is still thin (by my standards at least). She was really good in the movie Dummy. It's not very well known but it's one of my favorites.
I think she's pretty. She has a unique look but it's not so unique that she looks weird or anything. I like her body too. She has muscle tone but is still thin (by my standards at least). She was really good in the movie Dummy. It's not very well known but it's one of my favorites.

YES! I loved her in dummy. And Adrien Brody is a hot potato in that as well.

(unrelated: is it wierd that I use skinny guys like Adrien Brody and David Bowie as thinspo?)
Yes, I'm a fan of Milla, she's not really lanky looking, but she obviously keeps herself in check (other than the pregnancy bit, but hey).

(unrelated: is it wierd that I use skinny guys like Adrien Brody and David Bowie as thinspo?)

(Unrelated: Nope. I don't think so. I use old Vitas (Витас) here & here videos as thinspo:cool:)
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(Unrelated: Nope. I don't think so. I use old Vitas (Витас) here & here videos as thinspo:cool:)

:lol: Where did you get that creepy dude from!? (my opinion).
For some reason, his songs made me laugh in a very.. humm weird way I'd say!
I liked the second one, the opera thing.
Oh Vitas, he is somewhat popular where I lived, I love how eccentric he is (from goofy to moving in other MV's!)

But onto Milla, she started acting so long ago (I remember her long ago from the movie Kuffs, Dazed and Confused, etc anyone else?). I think she's also a bid odd, but seems to keep herself in shape & employed, so good for her!
(unrelated: is it wierd that I use skinny guys like Adrien Brody and David Bowie as thinspo?)

I don't think it's weird at all. I hate when guys are skinnier than me. I'm 5'10 so I have to deal with some that are shorter than me but skinnier is not cool. When I imagine myself with Adrien Brody I don't want to picture myself as a big fatty that's gonna crush him.