

Mar 3, 2013
I just came across this website and I have to admit it really made me freak out. As it says in the description "This site deals with the stark reality and deadly consequences of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders, pro ana, self-harm/injury, suicide, and depression."

Some articles are really disturbing (like this one and this one - WARNING: contains graphic images). What do you think?
I stumbled across that site years ago. I'm glad a site like that exists - it's a harsh contrast to all the pro-ana sites and portrays anorexia/bulimia for what they are - cruel and debilitating mental disorders.

With that said, it didn't phase me when I saw it. If you're going to develop an eating disorder, you're going to develop it anyway. It has really little to do with 'media' and outside influence - at the time I saw the site, I just thought "Oh that will never happen to me. I'm smarter than that. I'm not that sick." So I dunno, on one hand it's 'backlash' against pro anorexia sites but to a current sufferer, it may make them feel like they're 'not sick enough'. It's a double edged sword.
it may make them feel like they're 'not sick enough'

I've never thought about it in that way but you're absolutely right! And I'm sorry to hear about your ED :( I've never suffered from anything like that but I can totally relate to what you said ("at the time I saw the site, I just thought "Oh that will never happen to me. I'm smarter than that.") and I'm getting kinda obsessed about my body and food. I'm so scared that it might be happening to me someday..
Wow, it's scary and I guess it's a good way to dissuade any girls that are considering throwing up as a means to lose weight S:
"In France there are, I think, less than one per cent of people who are too skinny.

"There are nearly 30 per cent of young people who are too fat. So let's take care of the zillions of the too fat before we talk about the percentage that's left."


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