Lidiia Vidrenko

The Bullcock

Special Guest
Staff member
Jan 9, 2012
New(ish) face @ Q Models






I see a bit of Cara in her because of the eyebrows. That said, I just love her nose. It's very different and makes her stand out, but not in a bad way.

Also, can I just say ...DAT HAIR!




She's gorgeous and has some serious potential. What bugs me here is that she looks like any other model out there these days - because of her eyebrows. There's a huge eyebrow trend going around, and now every other model seems to have these massive, dark and bushy brows. That makes them blend into a generic mass, if that makes sense. The big brows were really nice when everyone wasn't sporting them and now they just make me yawn. I want to see something new!
I see a bit of Cara in her because of the eyebrows. That said, I just love her nose. It's very different and makes her stand out, but not in a bad way.

This was my first thougt! "She is a more elegant version of Cara"
Maybe I'm blind, but I swear to god, ever thread about a 'new' model I click on, I find that they all look the same (partly because, as @Alex N. said, there's that eyebrow thing going on)

I liked it better when there was more variety among models, for instance, Vlada had (and still has) a particular face, very different from any other model, and so did sasha, and so did a lot of them.

Now, I feel like they all have the Line Brems-Cara-Lidiia look, you know? Sure, they are amazingly beautiful, and you don't meet them in real life often, but they don't stand out as much, because there are 10 other girls in the business that have the same kind of look.
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Maybe I'm blind, but I swear to god, ever thread about a 'new' model I click on, I find that they all look the same (partly because, as @Alex N. said, there's that eyebrow thing going on)

I liked it better when there was more variety among models, for instance, Vlada had (and still has) a particular face, very different from any other model, and so did sasha, and so did a lot of them.

Now, I feel like they all have the Line Brems-Cara-Lidiia look, you know? Sure, they are amazingly beautiful, and you don't meet them in real life often, but they don't stand out as much, because there are 10 other girls in the business that have the same kind of look.

THANK YOU! So I'm not crazy or the only one who's noticed this!
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