I hate blonde


VIP - Insider
May 24, 2012
Not sure if this is really for online, or more of a takedown, I certainly don't like her, but she's a pro skinny blogger so thought you might have some interest. I personally hate the over bleached, over tanned, look with the hookeresque outfits and heavy duty makeup. I also get a really bratty, self obsessed vibe from her... but those are all very shallow reasons to judge someone and I've never met her so may be completely off regarding the personality, but i'll be interested to hear what you think..


here are some images:











I hope this post doesn't come across as too bitchy, just interested to hear others weigh in.
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hmmm, i kind of like her body- if the boobs didnt look so weird
as for her face....that makeup doesnt seem to be doing her any favours
She looks like a clown with all that paint in her face.... it's kind of sad.

I wonder how old she is, it's really hard to guess her age.
Not on the laptop so I'm just judging by the pictures.. Eugh.:| Some nice boots, thats the only nice thing I have to say
I love light blonde hair...but I hate overly tanned skin.

She's skinny which is nice, but her face is ummm...not appealing. The total package is very underwhelming.
Well she is definitely skinny, but I just don't like the look of her.
The fake tan and makeup is horrible.
She looks like the type of girl who's super extroverted on the outside and super insecure on the inside, hence the overdone make up and everything so over the top that she looks like a carricature of herself. Those girls are aweful because they often bully others to hide that. I bet being skinny is the only thing in her life she holds onto because it makes her feel superior to be able to call others fat.

She is definitely skinny but she looks old and disgusting. She should step out of the sun maybe her brains on fire ...
She looks like the type of girl who's super extroverted on the outside and super insecure on the inside, hence the overdone make up and everything so over the top that she looks like a carricature of herself.

I got exactly the same feeling from her pictures.
Her tattoos are just...WRONG. Ugh. (Are they even real?)

She is skinny. But that was it. Nothing more.
I came across her through Lookbook a while ago. Yes she's thin but her body looks awful in my opinion. And don't get me started on her "outfits"...