How the hell does Jill Stuart go from Vlada to Daphne?



Some daily Vlada love and some Daphne takedown to get us through. :lol:

Jill Stuart 2008 Beauty ads with our favorite Russian doll: :luv:





Jill Stuart 2012 Beauty ads with our favorite Dutch to takedown: :rolleyes:


Now Daphne does not look as bad as she usually does. But still... From Vlada to Daphne? :superpuke: That's like going from Google Chrome to Internet Explorer.

Sorry D, but it's true.
No one can compete with Vlada.
Especially not Daphne.
Daphne sort of looks like a cheap inflatable sex doll...sorry, that's my first impression of those ads! yuck!
She looks soooooooo stunning in this one, her eyes/the look she's giving :luv:

Jill Stuart 2012 Beauty ads with our favorite Dutch to takedown: :rolleyes:
You're right, she does look better than usual... but she just doesn't seem like a model to me. Her face just seems to commercial, as in cheap #sorrynotsorry
This is how I imagine her as in 15 years

Basically Daphne makes me think of how there's so many tall pretty Dutch girls out there... why her :nopity:
shes probably just rotating all the biggest names she can in her brand..
daphne is just another big name, i mean common, Lindsey Wixon?
Lindsey has like, a really puffy fat looking face.:wtf: I know some people like the chubby round cheek look, but I think it looks horrible, especially on her.

And eurgh, Daphnes eyebrows will never stop annoying me.
Ahm, sorry, but I don't think it was a good idea to chose Vlada for an eye cream add. Everyone who knows who the model is has the proof the product doesn't work and how higly photoshopped the picture is when her giant eye-rings disappear - just for this add. Of course, none of the models in adds owed her beauty to the product she promotes but at least us ordinally mortals can cherish the illusion.

And now... please don't kill me for this. :nervous:

Ahm, sorry, but I don't think it was a good idea to chose Vlada for an eye cream add. Everyone who knows who the model is has the proof the product doesn't work and how higly photoshopped the picture is when her giant eye-rings disappear - just for this add. Of course, none of the models in adds owed her beauty to the product she promotes but at least us ordinally mortals can cherish the illusion.

And now... please don't kill me for this. :nervous:


I think Vlada looks beautiful in the ad, and I don't think it was wrong to use her. It's marketing, plain and simple. It's about creating an illusion, of beauty in this case, and selling a product. Marketing plays on the hearts and minds of the consumer to make money.

Most people don't even know who Vlada is, let alone the fact that she has eye bags. They see a gorgeous face. And even if the consumer did know of her and her eyes, maybe they are stupid enough to think a cream could correct them.

I see the irony in it, but I don't care...and I'm guessing neither do the gurls that know and love her.