harry potter: books versus films and everything else harry potter

Feb 13, 2012
i noticed in the hunger games thread there were a few comments about the transition of hp books to films, so i figured id make a thread for it...

anyway some questions to get us started:

Q. do you love hp?
A. YES, im a diehard fan, the hp books were the first books i ever remember enjoying reading, skip ahead to the present and im doin a degree in eng which i doubt would have happened if hp hadnt started my love for books

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. i loved the books and used to hate the movies, but then the books finished and i started loving the movies because they were all i had

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. i love all the books, but my favourite ones were prob POA, OOTP, DH. but i hated the PS and COS films because they seemed really unrealistic :)lol:) with students with their ties done up properly and correct uniform and lame one liners (e.g. "let us hope that mr potter will always be around to save the day" "dont worry i will be") POA was decent, GOF meh, OOTP hated cause it was the longest book and the shortest movie and they cut SO much out, HBP meh, DH1 was actually really good imo as was DH2

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. hmm, a lot. the books is full of important lessons not just about love and doing the right thing but all sorts of other pearls of wisdom, but one i remember atm is never judge a man by the way he treats his superiors but by the way he treats his inferiors

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at A. portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
in the books i love harry, in the movies i love ron cause he does exceptionally well at being ron. and evanna lynch was such a good luna! i heard she chose to make her radish earrings, because they werent gonna include it and she was like ok, i'll do it myself. i also loved gilderoy lockhart, kenneth branagh was almost too good at being him. hmm, i have nothing against the actress because it wasnt her fault but i hate the film version of ginny her relationship with harry is all wrong, they have no chemistry and i swear to god the screenwanker, sorry writer, was a harry/hermione shipper cause he gives harry and ginny awful scenes like tying the shoelace, yelling at the quidditch team, staring dumbly in DH when they reunite at hogwarts, not helping neville up the bridge, cliche kissing scenes

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. ron and hermions obviously (will never understand harry and hermione shippers) was perfect in book and film, they make total sense
harry and ginny make total sense in the film, they are attracted to each other he always describes ginny as pretty and focuses on her hair and how vibrant it is (note how hermione's hair is just brown and bushy), they have similar sense of humour too, and they connect really well, whenever he cant open up to hermione and ron he can somehow talk to ginny like in the OOTP in the library about Sirius and i love how shes not scared of him when he's all angsty and mad hermions and ron are kinda scared but ginny yells right back, like in OOTP when he's all you dont understand and shes like your stupid ive been possessed by voldy too, and he like i forgot sorry and shes all lucky you

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. so many, but i think popcorn's gross, which is maybe why i throw it. i get why they changed it in the movie but the death of voldemort annoyed me in the film they made so dramatic and visually appealing and magical but i thought it was really important when voldemort died in the book he died very human and vulnerable and ignorant

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. again a lot, but i just watched HBP so i'd say everything about the lead up to hp and ginny hookin up with that jealousy of dean and that fight with ron and ginny and the quidditch and the kiss! also i kinda wished theyd gone through more of the memories ppl had of voldemort instead of just the one about the horcrux.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. line up 7 directors, each for 1 hogwarts year/season to agree to a few things long term for continuity. it really annoyed me how dementors and death eaters costumes would change with every movie.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. i hope daniel, he's so charming, but dammit his height really holds him back, grow daniel grow! plus im quite impressed he's done theatre, dance, singing etc. i feel he's quite dedicated because of that

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. i wish gryffindor but probs hufflepuff

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. yep, i went to the exhibition in sydney (and i touched the costumes so i could be all "ive touched something ron wore"), beware the every flavoured beans! vomit was too realistic imo

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. they say april...but i dont know that believe them anymore

please submit your own questions too! i love talkin anything hp, makes me feel like a little kid again
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Okay, I'll apologize now because this is going to be long and likely rambling because, like I expressed in another post, I am a Harry Potter dork!

Q. do you love hp?

A. But of course! I wasn't really introduced to the books until college when my roommate insisted we go see PoA (sad, I know), but have been a fan ever since. Each year, I do a re-reading (usually at Chrismas) and I always seem to find some other little tidbit that I missed previously. It was my way of preparing for the next book or movie to come out. But, now I don't know whether I will continue.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. In my experience, books are almost always better than films. And, Harry Potter is no different. There is a certain amount of detail/insight that you can get from the written word that film can just not give.
That said, I have come to view them as separate enough that can fully enjoy the films for what they captured.

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. Hmm... for the books and movies PoA and DH are probably my favorites with CoS as my least favorite - even though it was very important for the pieces it introduced. I liked OoTP the second time I read it. For some reason, I thought it dragged on too long the first time through plus I just wanted to shake some sense into angsty Harry a few times.
The first two movies are not as enjoyable as the later installments even though they are probably the two which followed the books closest. I think it had to do with the fact that so much needed to be introduced and the actors were so green. PoA was my first introduction to HP, so I have a soft spot for it. Plus, I love Lupin and the Marauders! GoF was meh... I can't stand the dragon chase. I understand that the scene needed to more exciting than what was written in the book but honestly, you spend all this time explaining that this tournament is dangerous and that all these precautions are being made to protect the contestants but then let a dragon chase after a teenager all over your campus! I mean they had some of the best wizards and witches in the audience plus a team of trained dragon handlers; but, lets have Harry handle it. On a redeeming note, it was my first introduction to Clemence Posey, who I think is absolutely stunning. OoTP, I actually liked. I think Daniel did a good job really portraying the angst. But, I wish they hadn't cut so much especially since this book has some moments that show the building friendship/relationship between Harry and Ginny. I didn't care for HBP all that much, it wasn't bad but wasn't great. And, it did seem like all of sudden it was "and here's GINNY" there was no lead up. Finally, I think they did well with the DH films - again, some annoying changes and omissions but overall I really liked them.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. I think JK Rowling did an excellent job of interjecting lessons into the books. I particularly like that she included so much about "not judging a book by its cover." Umbridge is one my a favorite characters because of her pure evilness covered in pink and bows. I think her evil of quietly introducing hate and fear mongering and her die-hard belief in what she is doing is probably one of the scariest concepts introduced. Peter Pettigrew is another good example of overlooking the true risks. Because it is so easy to spot the guy who's going about killing people in the streets and acting like a loon, the subtile changes that can lead to desensitization that we can sometimes overlook. I also loved how she developed the characters so fully; everyone had a flaw and (almost) everyone had a quality that could be considered redeeming.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
A. I have a love for the Marauders that I can't really explain. Lupin is probably my favorite character but I do love the golden trio as well. There's such a tragic undertone to Lupin's character and I have to respect his attempts to make the best of it (usually). Plus, David Thewlis did a wonderful job portraying him; he plays tragically haunted very well. I also love Gary Oldman as Sirius; well, Gary Oldman in general. I've had a thing for Alan Rickman's voice since Dogma so I do love him as Snape. As far as the un-established actors, Evanna Lynch simply was Luna Lovegood. I don't think they could have done any better had Luna simply walked out of the book. I do think the main three improved so much over the course of the movies and really did a good job of developing the characters. Overall, I thought they did an excellent job with casting.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Okay, this is going to sound kind of weird but in the books it was obvious Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny, and I supported and loved it. But, in the movies I actually thought there was so much for chemistry between Dan and Emma than between Emma and Rupert/Dan and Bonnie; so I felt sort of torn. Of course, so much was cut from the development of Harry/Ginny in the movies that it just seemed forced. I did love the dance scene in DH1 as good representation of Harry/Hermione friendship.

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. I totally agree with you about the overdone death of Voldemort and as I mentioned before, the dragon chase in GoF and wand breaking in DH2. Oh, and the way the actor walked when Harry had taken the polyjuice potion to get into the Ministry of Magic and was looking around for the locket in Dolores' office. I mean they are trying to blend in, so he walks like he has a broom stuck up his bum!

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Quite a lot. Again, I agree with your list but I'd also have to say that I wish they had included Dudley and Harry's good-bye in DH. I think was so nice to see that even Dudley had grown and had come to respect Harry despite their differences. I also wish they had included the backstory of the Marauder's Map, but again, I have Marauder bias. They also skipped through a lot of Dumbledore's backstory which is kind of upsetting, because it showed just how human Dumbledore was and that despite is greatness as a wizard, he had shortcomings.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. While part of me loves this idea, there can never be enough HP; I don't think it would be practical. The budget necessary to do the effects well would be absolutely astronomical. One of the things I loved most about the movies was that they maintained the cast, I think it really allowed the actors to become comfortable with and develop a true understanding of the characters. I think they could have used more consistency in the movies when it came to directors; though, I'm glad they didn't keep Chris Columbus in the chair throughout.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. I think Daniel is the only one of the trio who really seems dedicated to developing a full acting career. As you mentioned, he's expanded beyond movies so I'm rooting for him. I do wish he would grow more, but it seems unlikely at this point. Poor guy had to feel so bad when all the other kids had their growth spurts. Although, not part of the trio, I hope Tom Felton does some more work, too.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. I don't really know. I don't think I have more of any one of the house traits. I like to think I'm reasonably intelligent so maybe Ravenclaw. My social anxiety usually gets in the way of my bravery, I'm not cunning enough for Slytherin, and I think I'm too lazy for Hufflepuff.

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. None of the above. But maybe one day. I already plan on indoctorating my nieces into the HP madness when they get old enough so I will have an excuse ;).

If Jo Rowling wanted to make me really happy she would come out with some more about Hogwarts during the Marauders area. There is so much I want to know... how did the others learn about Lupin's condition? how did they confront him about it? why was Peter in Gryffindor - everything we know about him suggests something other than bravery, daring, and chivalry? could it simply be because he asked? if he did, why? why did Sirius pull the prank that almost cost Snape his life? what was so important that he risked his friendships/the only family he cared for? why was he so suspicious of Lupin before Lily and James went into hiding?
Even later... I wish we had more insight into how Lupin reacted to the discovery of Peter's deceit. I mean he explains things so matter of factly to the trio but he had to have been a mess inside. Everything that he had known for the last decade was wrong. I also would have loved more interaction between Sirius and Remus after Sirius' release. Was their friendship ever the way it was before or was there too much lost trust?
I also have this funny picture in my head of having Fred and George learn who the Marauders were. Or think it'd be fun to have the series viewed by another character - like Hermione or Ginny, what was going on in the girls dorm?
Q. do you love hp?
A. Nerd-ily so.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Prefer the books, but I love the films, too. I'm no purist :)

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. My favourite films are the Chamber of Secrets and the first Deathly Hallows. My favourite book is Goblet of Fire.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. My most important lessons was from the film, and it is that funny is sexy. Because the Weasley boys are babes. Every last one of 'em, except Percy.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at the movies?
A. My favourite character is definitely Ron, and I love Luna, too :) Alan Rickman is an amazing actor, and he portrayed Snape absolutely perfectly.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Ron and Hermione, because everyone tells me I look like Emma Watson and that means I can live vicariously through her in the films. I also liked Hagrid and Mme Maxime, because how adorable is that :luv:

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. That dumbass scene in the final Deathly Hallows with Voldy and Harry falling. Wtf was that shit, honestly?

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Ron and Hermione's kiss was different, and that pissed me off, because it was a huge part of the final book.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. Ah, I don't know, perhaps they should just leave it.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Emma Watson has the most exposure, but Dan is adorable in interviews and such, and he really developed as an actor, so I hope he does well :)

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. Ravenclaw, according to the test I took on their website in grade 2.

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. What is it?!?!?!
Q. do you love hp?
A. Hell yes.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Books, books, books. I 'don't mind' the films.

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. Favorite book was Order of the Phoenix & film & torn b/w Sorcerer's Stone & Order of the Phoenix.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Oh wow. I don't know how to answer this. Probably that there's a way to get out of even the crappiest situations? I actually feel better when I read the book, when in a crappy situation - more than learning from the book about it.
But most importantly - the power of imagination :)

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at the movies?
A. I loooooove Snape, of course. JOY to watch. Then, Hagrid & the Weasley twins too :D

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Ron & Hermione (not done as well in the movies as in the books, especially the last movie - where they're hunting Horcruxes one second and then making out the next - I get that was the point in the book too but badly done in the movie.
Ginny & Harry - I loved Ginny towards the latter books, how her character developed & how chilled out she was. I think I actually liked her more than Harry, in their relationship.

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. The scene in Deathly Hallows 2 where Harry breaks the Elder Wand like a twig (where in the book, he placed it back in Dumbledore's tomb) :mad:

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Above one, for sure. Also, Dumbledore's funeral. The way it was done in the book, I literally wept.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I don't think so. I think all that was to be done about HP is done. If it was to become a tv show with each book = 20 episodes, it would be overkill. I'd probably have preferred that if the movies weren't made altogether.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. I want Rupert Grint to do well! I really don't know who'll do well, because none of them really seems to be making waves, as such.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. Gryffindor (I took a test too), but just for fun, I wouldn't mind being in Slytherin ;)

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. No I really want to go. To ALL of them!

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. I don't really know/care about it TOO much. I'm mildly excited about Rowling's new book, that's unrelated.
Q. do you love hp?
A. YES YES YES! I've read the series 8 times! (god I was a geek) I thought I was a wizard until the sixth grade. That's intense. I remember asking my mom if any of our family was "magical" and I remember looking outside of the window for owl's. And I always thought I had two chances to go to Hogwarts because my birthday's in september (so I could be early or late)
Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Books. By far. I'm a book person.

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. I've actually only seen the films in german, and I haven't seen the fourth or the fifth. But out of the books, probably the first because it drew me in, and the seventh. But I also enjoyed the fourth and sixth a lot.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Too many to type. Those books kinda sorta changed my life when I first read them.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Ron and Hermione, and I was really attached to Snape and Lilly's thing. I re-read those parts over and over.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I agree, but they would really have to stay true to the books, and they couldn't make it stupid.

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. NO :( But I will
Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. Please let it be soon!
I'm feeling mentally lazy so I'm only going to answer a few of these ;).
Love HP - Books >>>>> movies.

It's hard to choose only one favorite. Fave books are 3 and 7. Fave movies: 3 and 5.

I was so pissed with the 6th movie. I don't usualy mind when things are left out, but I mind when they are changed - for the worse. They totally ruined Harry and Ginny's kiss. It was supposed to be so spontaneous and exciting (post quidditch win) and instead they were alone and the kiss was lamely executed.
Q. do you love hp?
A. Of course! I've read the books so many times (every time a new movie came out I read them all again) and I first got hooked when my mom would read then to me before bed. Like aelie I figured I had two shots at getting a Hogwarts letter, since my birthday is in November. When I didn't get one, I printed one off on fancy paper and hung it on my wall.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Definitely the books.

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book and I think the Philosopher's Stone is my favorite movie (they were all so cute and they didn't have enough experience to suck at acting)

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Never give up and so many others.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
A. My favorite character is Hermione and I thought Emma Watson did a good job. I thought Alan Rickman did an awesome job as Snape and I really didn't like Rupert Grint's acting in the Goblet of Fire.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. I supported Ron and Hermione and Ginny and Harry in the books and I thought Ron and Hermione's relationship was well portrayed in the movie, but I thought Harry and Ginny's seemed forced and not natural.

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. Pretty much the whole forth movie, if I were one to throw popcorn. In the Chamber of Secrets I dropped my popcorn accidentally when the basilisk came up through the floor.

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. I couldn't understand the scene with Harry and Hermione in the tent dancing and it irritated me that the director was trying to make it look like Harry and Hermione might turn into a couple :mad:

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I would watch it if they made one, but TV shows seem to be a kind of hit and miss thing. If they made it like Vampire Diaries with fights in every episode and a completely different plot line than the books (even though in this case I like the TV show better) I would want to throw my TV out the window.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Emma Watson, since she's the one you hear about most, although Daniel Radcliff doesn't seem to be that far behind and he seems to be becoming a triple threat.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. I like to think Ravenclaw but sometimes I do stuff I know would land me in Slytherin.

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. I want to go so bad! My aunt and uncle went with their kids to Harry Potter world in Florida and brought me some stuff back, but I want to go myself! I don't care if I'm eighty by the time I have enough money to go, I'm going.

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. Signed up for it as I was answering these questions :grin:

And a question that is missing that I am curious to know, What is everyone's favorite part? Mine is in the Prisoner of Azkaban when the Map is insulting Snape.
Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. The scene in Deathly Hallows 2 where Harry breaks the Elder Wand like a twig (where in the book, he placed it back in Dumbledore's tomb) :mad:

actually in the book Harry did break the elder wand but he fixed his own wand first which i was sorta disapointed that they didnt do that in the film
actually in the book Harry did break the elder wand but he fixed his own wand first which i was sorta disapointed that they didnt do that in the film

I just rummaged through my library & got out my copy of Deathly Hallows - Pg 600
He (Harry) laid down the broken want upon the Headmaster's desk, touched it with the very tip of the Elder Want and said,'Reparo.'
As his wand resealed.......felt a sudden warmth in his fingers, as though want and hand were rejoicing at their reunion.
'I'm putting the Elder Want,' he told Dumbledore('s portrait), who was watching him with enormous affection and admiration, 'back where it came from. It can stay there. If I die a natural death like Ignotus, its power will be broken, won't it? The previous master will never have been defeated. That'll be the end of it.'
It doesn't say anything about him breaking the want. Did I miss something?
PS: I'm not trying to prove a point/myself right, I'm just a HP junkie :oops:
But I don't think a wand can simply be cracked in half by someone? Especially one as powerful as the Elder wand. I think at some point in the book(s) this was referred to. :hmm:
I just rummaged through my library & got out my copy of Deathly Hallows - Pg 600

It doesn't say anything about him breaking the want. Did I miss something?
PS: I'm not trying to prove a point/myself right, I'm just a HP junkie :oops:
But I don't think a wand can simply be cracked in half by someone? Especially one as powerful as the Elder wand. I think at some point in the book(s) this was referred to. :hmm:

im sorry, i could have sworn he broke it, i guess the movie messed with my memory
Ahhh. You've been warned. I'm the biggest HP dork ALIVE. I breathe this stuff in constantly like a drug. And I cannot believe I admitted that here.


Q. do you love hp?
A. More than you can fathom. Luckily, being an Elementary Teacher means that I can collect anything I want and still be considered "cool."

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. The books.

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. The Half-Blood Prince was my favorite movie, but The Goblet of Fire was my favorite book.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. When making Horcruxes, it's better to not be so predictable in your object selection.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
A. Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape are my favorite book characters due to the complexity of their situations. Alan Rickman did the best job overall for me. Whoever that bitch was that played Cho Chang was a wet blanket. I'm also NOT a fan of Ginny Weasley.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. I'm really a Draco/Harry fan myself..

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. Any awkward scene with Ginny/Harry. When she asked him to zip her dress up or when she tied his shoe for him? Gag.

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Peeves. Just...Peeves.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I disagree. They effed this up once. I'm going to stick to my books before it turns into a Twilight thing.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Daniel Radcliffe.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. Slytherin. (Go Go)

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. Nope.

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. Don't get me started!

And a question that is missing that I am curious to know, What is everyone's favorite part? Mine is in the Prisoner of Azkaban when the Map is insulting Snape.

My favorite part in the movies? Snape's Memories...even if they are a bit illogical (How would Snape know what was going on in the room with Harry and his mother if he wasn't there yet?)

Favorite part in the books? The Yule Ball.
Q. do you love hp?
A. OMIGAWD YES. I've been with Harry Potter since the very beginning and have stuck with it until the very end. Ever since my mother read it to me when I was a little kid, it's shaped my childhood, my teen years, and I expect it to continue well into my adult life.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Books. Always books. That being said, the movies are still amazing. But the books always win out with the possible exception of Luna/Neville. I <3 that. XD

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. Oh hell...Well, I know my LEAST favourite film is the third one, closely followed by the fourth. The movies just went so down hill after the loss of Richard Harris and Chris Columbus stepped down as director. My favourites are, always will be, and always have been the first two movies. My favourite books are the last two and I don't know why.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Oh, so many. You're braver than you think. You're stronger than you believe. You're smarter than you think. Evil is a choice. Love conquers all. And I could go on but I think I'd be boring you.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at A. portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
My favourite character is without a doubt Luna. She didn't just portray her character - she was her character. I could never in a million years picture anyone but Evanna Lynch as Luna. Tom Felton was also amazing at portraying Draco - as an ignorant little prick in the first few; then as a prick whose ideas were being threatened; then, at his oldest, a boy who's having too much asked of him, and just wants to be a child again. Oh, and don't even get me started on Alan Rickman.... *dreamy sigh*
Worst? Probably Sir Michael Gambon as Dumbledore (movies 3-7). Richard Harris was really and truly the perfect Dumbledore and I cried when he passed away. No one else could have possibly done as good as he could have.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Oh god, where to begin....
I ship Romione, which I loved in the films. Emma and Rupert are so freaking cute together.
I ship Neville/Luna so freaking hard and I'm so angry that it's only movie canon. They were so adorable together.
Don't kill me, but I kinda ship Drarry really, really hard. XD
While I like that it happened, I'm not really that interested in Harry/Ginny.
OH! And I love Rose/Scorpius. Don't ask me why. I just do. XD

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. Um.....The part when Nagini lunged at Snape in DHp2, mostly because it scared the shit out of me. =p Oh, also, "HARRY. DIDYOUPUTYERNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIRE??????" In the book, if I remember rightly, it says, "Harry, did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire," asked Dumbledore, calmly." CALMLY Cool yer jets, Dumbles. Cool yer jets.

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Hmm....probably the entire SPEW thing, changing the context of Ron and Hermione's kiss.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. No. Just no.

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Either Dan or Emma. Probably Emma - she's gorgeous and she's an amazing actress. Dan's a great actor, but he's so short... Sorry Dan. XD

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. HexRPG put me into Slytherin (which is what I identify myself as), but Pottermore put me into Gryffindor. I disagree with this. (Slytherclaw? Hey look, ma! I'm a walking contradiction!)

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. Ha ha, losers. I got in for beta testing. XD It's really not that great. XD

OH! And favourite part?
The Prince's Tale. Duh. *tear*
Q. do you love hp?

Worst? Probably Sir Michael Gambon as Dumbledore (movies 3-7). Richard Harris was really and truly the perfect Dumbledore and I cried when he passed away. No one else could have possibly done as good as he could have.

Oh, also, "HARRY. DIDYOUPUTYERNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIRE??????" In the book, if I remember rightly, it says, "Harry, did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire," asked Dumbledore, calmly." CALMLY Cool yer jets, Dumbles. Cool yer jets.

OMG! I could not agree with you more about this! When the friend who got be addicted to HP and I saw the post "Harry's name coming from the goblet" scene we literally yelled "what the hell" (which earned some very angry stares from a few of the parents in the audience :oops: oppies). Like you said, in the book Dumbledore was calm! Which is why he was Dumbledore, everyone else was up in a tizzy but he could calmly and cooly analyze the situation.
Another scene that I thought Michael Gambon ruined was in HBP (I think, darn it my memory is slipping) when Dumbledore and Harry are in his office and he states that he feels something is slipping through his grasp and he just kind of throws his hands up and crouches down in a corner... it just isn't a breakdown Dumbledore would have; he just didn't show frustration like that. There's just something about his position that is so not what I'd expect from the greatest wizard of their time.
I loved Richard Harris portrayal: calm, soft-spoken yet demanded respect with his mannerisms. Though, I do wonder whether he would have been able to bring the physicality that was needed for HBP.
OMG! I could not agree with you more about this! When the friend who got be addicted to HP and I saw the post "Harry's name coming from the goblet" scene we literally yelled "what the hell" (which earned some very angry stares from a few of the parents in the audience :oops: oppies). Like you said, in the book Dumbledore was calm! Which is why he was Dumbledore, everyone else was up in a tizzy but he could calmly and cooly analyze the situation.
Another scene that I thought Michael Gambon ruined was in HBP (I think, darn it my memory is slipping) when Dumbledore and Harry are in his office and he states that he feels something is slipping through his grasp and he just kind of throws his hands up and crouches down in a corner... it just isn't a breakdown Dumbledore would have; he just didn't show frustration like that. There's just something about his position that is so not what I'd expect from the greatest wizard of their time.
I loved Richard Harris portrayal: calm, soft-spoken yet demanded respect with his mannerisms. Though, I do wonder whether he would have been able to bring the physicality that was needed for HBP.

Yeah, Michael did get more into Dumbledore, but in the beginning, I think most fans can agree that he...could have used improvement, to put it kindly.
OK, well, you asked ;)

Q. Do you love HP?
A. LOVE? LOVE? I BREATHE Harry Potter! I've read each book (at least) four times, and seen each movie (at least) thrice. Even now that I'm all grown up-ish, too much LURVE :oops:

Q. Do you prefer books or film?
A. If I HAD to choose between the two, books. But I can appreciate the films in and for themselves. The films are good, and I like them. The books are magical and wonderful though, which has little to do with general plot and much to do with JK's writing style - RESPECT

Q. Which were your favourite books, and films?
A. My favourite books were - all of them, I can no sooner choose between my mother and father. Films.. Um, OotP and DH1 & DH2. Honourable mention to HBP

Q. Who was your favourite character? Who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? Who didn't do a good job?
A. My favourite characters from the books are Harry, and Hermoine - because I could identify with them. From the films its Harry, Dobby, Luna, Snape and Cedric Diggory (I'm sorry - I HAD to ;)) Like almost everyone has said, Evanna Lynch IS Luna. She's perfect. Emma Watson's Hermoine was not too bad either, I especially think she captured her really well in the first few films. Also Daniel as Harry, Alan as Snape and Tom as Draco were good, in my opinion. Worst? Michael Gambon, he was too high strung to be Dumbledore sometimes - and didn't quite manage to capture Dumbledore's marvelous madness. Bonnie Wright, she may not be to blame, but her Ginny was weak - not even close to the firecracker Ginny was supposed to be. I also did not like a certain part of Rupert's portrayal of Ron from about CoS to GoF (special mention Cos and PoA). I understand Ron was not supposed AS brave as Harry, but in CoS and PoA was it necessary for him to WHIMPER so much? He wasn't like that in the first film, and luckily they came to their senses by OotP, but man in CoS and PoA he looked like he was about to wet himself at every turn :wtf:

Q. What relationships did you support, and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. I really supported Harry/Ginny in the books, it just made sense. But in the films they were just not right, AT ALL. Harry might as well have ended up with Hermoine. Heck, him and film-Luna would even have made a cute couple. I liked how Ron and Hermoine's relationship were developed through the film series.

Q. What scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Er, which movie? I can't really say much about what they excluded, because I know the films had a lot of constraints (like time) - which factored in. But certain things DID NOT need to be changed, or included. Off the top of my head, how they changed what happened with Harry and Cedric in the maze in GoF, in the film Harry was made a bit more heroic and noble and Cedric a bit less so. In HBP, the thing with the girl in the diner at the start of the film - I do not take the racist view of it (i.e it makes no difference to me if she was 'white' or not), but the fact that they created that scenario at all - makes Harry's sudden interest in and love for Ginny even LESS believable. DH1, Bellatrix did not use the cruciatus curse on Hermoine at all, it would have been more harrowing - especially if Harry and Ron had to hear her scream, like in the book. DH2, the fight sequence between Harry and Voldemort, I understand that for the sake of the film it had to be made visually more appealing - but did they need to bastardize it SO much?

Q. I think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters, and their world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree?
A. No, I'm sorry, but absolutely not. If JK wanted to write some more books though? :luv:

Q. Which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Probably Emma, though Dan seems to be working harder at it.

Q. What house do you think you'd be in?
A. Probably Ravenclaw.. God I hope so, or they would have to make me Filch's assistant

Q. Have you been to the exhibition? Or the theme park? Or the studio?
A. No, no and no - how I wish!

Q. Favourite parts?
A. In the books, too many to mention. In the films, anything involving Dobby, ditto Luna, Aunt Marge ballooning, Harry overcoming Voldemort's possession in OotP and Snape's final memories in DH2
Q. do you love hp?
A. Yes, I love Harry Potter, I saw the first movie when I was in grade three and read the books after that and have been hooked ever since. Everytime a new movie came out I would reread all the books again.

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. I preferred the books, even though I thought that the movies were awesome too :)

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. My favourite books were the Philosopher's Stone, the Goblet of Fire, and the Order of the Phoenix. When I first read the Order of the Phoenix, I thought it was really boring, but it grew on me as I reread it. My favorite movies are the first two, because I liked Richard Harris as Dumbledore WAY better than Micheal Gambon and I liked the way Chris Columbus directed them.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. I think that the most important message I got from the books was that our choices make us who we are, it doesn't matter who your parents are or where you come from, what you choose to do makes you who you are.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
A. My favorite character in the books and in the movies was Hermione, because I really relate to her. She smart, and people poke fun at her because of her brains, and when I started reading the books, in my school it was almost uncool to be smart. So I could identify with that. I thought that Emma Watson did a really good job portraying her in the movies, but I really didn't like Rupert Grint's acting. He just didn't seem to be really into the part sometimes and it looked as though he was just acting, if you know what I mean, it's kind of hard to describe. Maybe he was overacting? Anyway, I thought Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson did amazing jobs with their characters.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. I did support the Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny relationships, but I thought that they did a poor job portraying the Harry/Ginny one in the movie. There just didn't seem to be any chemistry between them and it seemed awkward.

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. I never really got mad that they changed things in the movies, more dissapointed that they didn't put some of my favourite parts in, although I really don't like the entire fourth movie, they cut way too much stuff out.

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. In the Order of the Phoenix I was kind of mad that they didn't include Harry giving his interview to Rita Skeeter and his date with Cho that was just terrible, because I thought the scene was funny and I thought his interview was one more step in him not letting the Ministry hide the truth and supporting his story, even though no one believed him.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I think it's a good idea in principle, but TV series can destroy a good series or not follow the plot of the books at all. (like The Vampire Diaries)

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. I think Emma will do the best, because she has already been in several movies outside of Harry Potter and she, I think, was the better actress of the three.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. I thought I would be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but Pottermore put me in Slytherin, which I guess is okay, since it means I have seeds of greatness :grin:

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. My relatives went to the theme park and got be gloves, a keychain, and a badge, but I've never gone myself. I really, really, really, want to though.

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. It is now Open, but the only book that's open in the Philosopher's Stone.

My favourite part is in the books when Moody turns Malfoy into a ferret and Ron's reaction afterwards. I don't think they did that part justice in the movie.
harry/ginny fans will love this

a sketch i found of movie hg vs film hg


  • film_vs__book_by_burdge_bug-d40edko.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 142
Ooooh I just -have- to comment here, I'm such an HP dork it's not even funny

Q. do you love hp?
A. Love is an understatement of epic proportions. To explain: I own a time-turner, a wand, a gryffindor badge, I've been to midnight premieres and I spend quite some time on a play-by-post RPG site where we basically write the story of our Original Characters. It's wonderful :D

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Booksbooksbooks!

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. Favourite book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Favourite film: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, though I have only seen it once, at midnight in a theatre dressed up as a Gryffindor students while sitting next to a friend dressed up as Fleur Delacour. It just can't get any better than that so I refuse to see it again XD

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Do what is right, not what is easy. You have to work to get what you want. Don't let bullies get to you. Hogwarts is -never- safe.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
A. My absolute favourite character is Lily Potter (Harry's mum) because I read shitloads of fanfiction from Marauder Era! I just can't help it, it's such a wonderful time :D I love James and Sirius as well.
I think Lily wasn't portrayed well in the movie, her actress was wayyyy too old. She died when she was 21!! The character best portrayed in the movies was either Hermione or Luna. Both were ah-mah-zing! The one least well portrayed were either James (he wasn't only a jerk! That was just snape's memory!) or Ron. Ron is more than comic relief and in the movies, that's all he is.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. I ship Jily, so that's pretty canon, though not mentioned often in the movies. I also shipped Harry/Hermione, but merely for amusement and fanart.

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. Ohhh my god so many. The werewolf scene for HORRIBLE cgi, the Prince's Tale because it was SOOOOO SHORT. The Ron/Hermione kiss because it was filmed so awkwardly and you couldn't see anything, the Ginny/Harry kiss because AWKWARD. Same for Cho/Harry kiss, all Harry's kissed were so awkward and without touching that it looked so passionless! Even in Twilight they have better kisses hahaha

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. Every task IN the maze in the Goblet of Fire movie! Also, Aberforth's story, Winky's problem with alcohol, and sooo many more!

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. Oooooooh I soooooooooo agree! I would cast Emma Watson again for Hermione, and Rupert Grint again for Ron! But I'm not sure about Daniel Radcliffe- he looked like the perfect harry in the Third and Fourth movie, but after that he just didn't look like Harry anymore! So if Dan could go back in time to his look during Prisoner of Azkaban, he could have the part again! I'd want some PRETTY, 21-year-old for Lily and a HANDSOME 21-year-old for James. Also, I'd love a slightly prettier Sirius but Gary Oldman did very well. Remus should lose the pedo 'stache. Basically, the cast can stay almost the same except for james and lily hahaha

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Emma Watson :) She's so beautiful and talented and smart!

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. Ravenclaw, definitely!

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. None at all :( That's the bad thing about living in the Netherlands- nothing to do here! Though I am going to LeakyCon in London in 2013!

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. No idea what's up with Pottermore right now, got bored with it after I got sorted XDDDDDD (in ravenclaw)
Q. do you love hp?

Q. do you prefer books or film?
A. Definitely the books, but the films are a close second :p

Q. which were your favourite books and films?
A. My favourite book is probably POA, and my favourite movie is probably COS. Many people don't like COS, but it reminds me of my childhood and makes me happy.

Q. what are some important lessons youve taken away from the books?
A. Never judge a book by it's cover, how important friendship is, lessons about life, family, the list goes on.

Q. who was your favourite character? who did you think did the best job at A. portraying their character in the film? who didn't do a good job?
Maggie Smith is my most favourite actress out of the series, as well as McGonagall. I just think she portrayed her so well! I didn't like the casting of Ginny Weasley. Bonnie Wright was so plain and lifeless.

Q. what (relation)ships did you support and how well they you think they were portrayed in the film?
A. Ron and Hermione. I was praying they would get together, and I am so glad JKR did so! I think the relationship was presented quite well in the movies!

Q. what scene in the movie made you throw your popcorn at the screen?
A. When Ginny screamed out "NO!" For harry instead of McGonagall. :mad:

Q. what scene in the movie are you pissed they didnt include/changed?
A. I would have really liked to see more of the Ghosts. And maybe more of Dudley and Harry in DHP2.

Q. i think they should turn in into a tv show so they can really develop the characters and the world better (and each book could be a 20ep season and each season they could change the cast), do you agree? if you do make cast suggestions or any other suggestions.
A. I think I would prefer the movies, but a great concept!

Q. which actor of the trio do you think will do best?
A. Probably Emma.

Q. what house do you thinks youd be in?
A. Everytime, I am sorted in Slytherin!

Q. have you been to the exhibtion? or the theme park? or the studio?
A. There was an exhibition in Sydney, Australia that I went to. It was incredible. I spent all of my money in the gift shop.

Q. When the hell is pottermore gonna open?
A. Add me, StormMoon159 :highfive: