Hailey Clauson


Rising Star
Jan 23, 2012
I've come across this model. Her name is Hailey Clauson and she's American (hah, an american model!) and so far she's really growing on me. From the interviews I saw, she seems super sweet and a nice girl to hang out with. She looks super cute, and can also look hot (I love love her pouty lips:luv:). What do you think of her??







Can't deny the legs bit, but for me her face is hideous :( Her mouth is just too big.

Reminds me of this:


(Blobfish- yes, that really is his name!)
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WOW, thanks for this! She's got the same short torso/high hips thing going on as me... I never imagined someone with my body type could look so AMAZING! She's my same height, realistic body proportions for me, long LOVELY legs... we even have the same shoe size! :luv:

... I like the pouty lips. Probably because I've always wanted full, soft lips.
Can I just BE her, please? :hmm:

She seems to have a sense of humor, too... I was just stalking her blog. :)
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WOW, thanks for this! She's got the same short torso/high hips thing going on as me... I never imagined someone with my body type could look so AMAZING! She's my same height, realistic body proportions for me, long LOVELY legs... we even have the same shoe size! :luv:

... I like the pouty lips. Probably because I've always wanted full, soft lips.
Can I just BE her, please? :hmm:

She seems to have a sense of humor, too... I was just stalking her blog. :)

Hahahahah, yay, one happy skinny girl :grin: If you plan on using her as a thinspiration and manage to achieve it (which I'm sure you will), I'm sure you're going to look fabulous!!!
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She's like Daphne, except not as awkward looking.
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Hailey and her parents sued Urban Outfitters for $28 million because an image of her was printed on T-shirts that showed her "in a blatantly salacious manner with her legs spread, without a bra, revealing portions of her breasts” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/12/hailey-clauson-urban-outfitters_n_1339285.html).

What bothers me is that the parents were present when the picture was taken ... so i am wondering why the shoot happened in the first place.

There is also another controversy about Hailey being “Stylishly Choked” in a Fashion Shoot (http://jezebel.com/5889380/17+year+old-model-hailey-clauson-depicted-being-strangled-in-pop-[nsfw]).

What do you think about those pics?

Do you think the lawsuit is okay or there might be something else behind it (i think they didn’t get money for Hailey’s picture printed on the Urban Outfitters shirts....)?
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@Skinny2012, I found an image of the shirt (I'm almost certain that my guy friend has it, lmao!) and it's not suggestive at all, I wouldn't be surprised if she was just peeved about not receiving money from the sales.

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I'd be peeved too. However it is great publicity.
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Hailey and her parents sued Urban Outfitters for $28 million because an image of her was printed on T-shirts that showed her "in a blatantly salacious manner with her legs spread, without a bra, revealing portions of her breasts” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/12/hailey-clauson-urban-outfitters_n_1339285.html).

What bothers me is that the parents were present when the picture was taken ... so i am wondering why the shoot happened in the first place.

There is also another controversy about Hailey being “Stylishly Choked” in a Fashion Shoot (http://jezebel.com/5889380/17+year+old-model-hailey-clauson-depicted-being-strangled-in-pop-[nsfw]).

What do you think about those pics?

Do you think the lawsuit is okay or there might be something else behind it (i think they didn’t get money for Hailey’s picture printed on the Urban Outfitters shirts....)?

I don't think kids under 16 should be modelling, really; it's too easy to exploit them, and there's no way they can stand up for themselves if someone needs telling to fuck off. If they say no they won't have a career any more.

But, Hailey's parents are certainly gigantic hypocrites for allowing their daughter to go into modelling, taking her to the shoot, watching her toss her hair around astride a motorcycle, banking the cheque and then suing... I really don't think their child's wellfare is uppermost in these people's thoughts, or if it is, it has arrived too late. (Although I couldn't see any 'portions of her breasts', and I wouldn't have known she had no bra on?)

The Pop spread is repulsive, but that would be my view no matter what her age and even without the asphyxiation.
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@Skinny2012, I found an image of the shirt (I'm almost certain that my guy friend has it, lmao!) and it's not suggestive at all, I wouldn't be surprised if she was just peeved about not receiving money from the sales.



You know what i think? It would have been perfectly fine if Hailey and her parents had sued Urban Outfitters because they printed Hailey's image without their permission on the shirts. Instead they come across like they have an issue with the nature of the images but if that is the case why did the parents allow the photoshoot to happen in the first place... The whole thing clearly stinks and i highly doubt that they will get $28 million....

Imo they are huge hypocrites - but at least they got a lot of press...
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Hailey and her parents sued Urban Outfitters for $28 million because an image of her was printed on T-shirts that showed her "in a blatantly salacious manner with her legs spread, without a bra, revealing portions of her breasts”

Humm... okay. If she did not agree with getting those pictures on t-shirts or any other selling device/campaign or anything, why did she take them in the first place!? :sneaky:
^ veeery annoying! and maybe is the direction they asked her to do, but she looks/acts over try hard on being like oh Im so sexy but very innocent and naive.
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This is truly and simply disturbing. End of the story.
I get that fashion photographers want to make an impression and be edgy and everything, but that is just... I just don't understand what was the purpose of that shot.

This made me feel very uncomfortable, as well.
The image was... upsetting. And I don't understand the point of a "fashion shoot" when there is no fashion involved. A head and a hand... timeless. :rolleyes: