Frida Gustavsson

Nice haircut Frida! :lol:




I found a video in which she talks about what she eats and her workouts :)

At 4:46 she talks about what she likes/dislikes to eat. ;)

  • Meat (she's a meat lover)
  • Meatballs (she's Swedish!)
  • Fish (salmon, herring, cod)
  • Potatos
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Sandwiches is the only thing she likes (she thinks they're unnatural)
I wouldn't believe her about the pasta, bread, meatballs and potatos... But she's like 17 in that video (and also because I'm biased since it is Frida and she's pefect) so... Ok!

Also, she talks about how she loves sports and used to do competitive hurdles and long-distance a lot and has loads of medals, but she left it. She also says that she has a lot of scars on her knees because of athletics. She left it when she moved to Tokyo to model, but is still a sports fan and loves the Olympics! :)

Then she says that she walks everywhere, especially in New York, and doesn't travel with cars and subway much and tries to be healthy. She walks, goes for the stairs and travels by bicycle.

Hmm... Interesting! :p

Not on the diet/workout topic but....
She says she loves Tchaikovsky (I know this is gonna sound too fangirl-ish but OMG my favorite composer is Tchaikovsky too! I share a favorite composer with Frida!!! Eeeek!!! :luv:). So now she's officially perfect! :luv::bow:
Ugh, she looks absolutely PERFECT there. :bow:

And I love the bear head! :lol:
Frida and Tobias Sorensen for Siviglia Spring Summer 2013





It reminds me of the Grace Kelly-Cary Grant car scene in To Catch a Thief :luv: Frida even looks a bit like Grace