Fat People Stories

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Oh my. I just spent 2h on this... I clicked through a few links and thought I would end up on a thin privilege parody: nope. Gainer fiction.

I felt so sick, I had an ice cream tub in the freezer, I couldn't stand it being there. I flushed it down the sink.
Completely nauseous for half an hour after than.

Thanks for an awesome motivation to complete my fast.
I've found this link in the Fat People Stories and thought I'd share it. It really grossed me out. Spoiler alert: fattie is forced to eat a broccoli.

So unbelievably pathetic. Christ.

I also found this show on there:
It's pretty much my evil fantasy. Take fat people who claim to eat healthy, catch their entire diet on film, and make them face reality. :twisted:
Sneaky idea and AMAZING reverse thinspo. The delusions these people have about their diets is astounding.
"I don't know what's causing the weight gain. It's a bit of a mystery really." :orly:
So unbelievably pathetic. Christ.

I also found this show on there:
It's pretty much my evil fantasy. Take fat people who claim to eat healthy, catch their entire diet on film, and make them face reality. :twisted:
Sneaky idea and AMAZING reverse thinspo. The delusions these people have about their diets is astounding.
"I don't know what's causing the weight gain. It's a bit of a mystery really." :orly:

Wow, thanks for sharing. :wtf:
I rolled my eyes some hundred times during this show. Jesus, some people are so unbelievably fucking stupid (sorry for swearing, but in this case there are no other words to describe it).


Some of my favourite moments:
1. “You see these light skinny people, you think ‘you’re eating all that and then why are you not putting any weight on you?’ ”- just after saying she eats loads of processed food and bananas. Oh, I don’t know... maybe because we don’t eat “all that”? :rolleyes:
2. Trying on a wedding dress. A great inspiration for me not to eat anything carb-containing for the rest of my life.
3. “This is luxury”- some woman’s comment regarding a free hotdog. I'm sorry, but I hate when cheap people just eat shit that doesn't even taste good only because it's free.
4. When the fat guy put a PIE in a SANDWICH, put KETCHUP over it and ATE it. :puke:

And they all act so surprised when it turns out they eat more than they thought. Seriously? How bloody stupid some people have to be not to realise what they’ve been doing all day? They do have eyes. And acting all shocked when it turns out they consume more calories than they thought. Seriously. It’s not Middle Ages, we’re living in a world where you have the calories literally written on the packaging every food you buy. It's a simple math: it's NOT that hard.
1. “You see these light skinny people, you think ‘you’re eating all that and then why are you not putting any weight on you?’ ”- just after saying she eats loads of processed food and bananas. Oh, I don’t know... maybe because we don’t eat “all that”? :rolleyes:

My mum's side of the family is ALL obese (not my mum, of course!) and this is just TYPICAL of them. I'll go out for lunch with my cousin and have a pretty big plate, but it'll be good stuff - lean meat/fish with veggies, I won't eat the rice, or salad with a light dressing - and she's all "how can you eat SO MUCH and not be fat?!" I'm like WELL I DON'T GO HOME AND BAKE AND EAT A WHOLE TIN OF ROCKY ROAD AFTER!!! I'm not even skinny, just a reasonable size for a human being. They blame everything but themselves ("I have a thyroid problem!!" If I had a penny for every member of my family who claims to have a thyroid problem...:rolleyes:)

And they all act so surprised when it turns out they eat more than they thought. Seriously? How bloody stupid some people have to be not to realise what they’ve been doing all day? They do have eyes. And acting all shocked when it turns out they consume more calories than they thought. Seriously. It’s not Middle Ages, we’re living in a world where you have the calories literally written on the packaging every food you buy. It's a simple math: it's NOT that hard.

My aforementioned fat cousin joined MyFitnessPal and then acted all surprised that she was scarfing down almost 3,000 calories a day. I was like, are you selectively blind? Do you have amnesia? I can spend three hours with you at a coffee shop and you'll have full-fat hot chocolate and two croissants. That's my entire daily calorie allowance right there, you idiot!! :mad:

Sorry for the rant. Family gatherings are basically my immediate family and a sea of fat people. It's depressing - I'm hoping it's because they're all so lazy and I don't have an actual genetic predisposition to obesity :nervous::nervous:
My aforementioned fat cousin joined MyFitnessPal and then acted all surprised that she was scarfing down almost 3,000 calories a day. I was like, are you selectively blind? Do you have amnesia? I can spend three hours with you at a coffee shop and you'll have full-fat hot chocolate and two croissants. That's my entire daily calorie allowance right there, you idiot!! :mad:

I had a similar experience when a friend of mine came to visit me from France. She's a bit overweight (not obese or anything). We had a conversation on the train about weight and she was saying how she knows she "could lose a few kilo" but that she tried once and it didn't make a difference. I can't remember her exact words, but she implied that she had been restricting like crazy and it had barely helped. :rolleyes: Then we went to a cafe for breakfast. You know where this is going... :nervous:
She had a large orange juice, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a pastry AND a croissant. It's like she was totally oblivious to the fact that she probably got an entire day's worth of sugar in that one meal. I had black coffee and a pastry and I couldn't even finish all of it. I can't even fathom having that many calories so casually.
We truly live in another world from these people.
I had to laugh when one of the fatties on secret eaters thought scoffing a tray of coconut chunks was fine because it's fruit.
A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this hidden internet gem: http://www.reddit.com/r/fatpeoplestories

....and I read it for several hours. It's addictive! I had never understood the appeal of reddit before, but this made me a convert. What I love most about it is that it's not just blatant "fat shaming"; there's a clear distinction between "regular" fat people and the one's made fun of, named "hamplanets" in this thread. It's the people who skinny shame, force everyone around them to ACCEPT and LOVE their bodies (nothing less will do, otherwise Lawsuit), or generally horrible people. The stories of them eating will put you off food. So all in all, it was a golden find for me.

Some of my favorite threads: Retail Whale (RW), McFatti-licious, and Ciderella. In addition, every Thursday is Thin Privilege Thursday, which is when they make fun of the more ridiculous things posted on This is Thin Privilege.

I hope you girls find as many laughs and ease of frustration (just knowing other people have encounters like this is *so* validating) through this site. Let me know what you think!!
These two tumblrs have complied reddit FPS' into easy to scroll and read format. An excellent form of procrastination:



my fav:

>be at work
>work in two story building
>hamplanets always use the elevators
>elevators are out today
>mfw seeing hamasaurus rex having to climb the stairs
>sweating mayo
>smell like sour milk
>outta breath within 5-10 steps

sweating mayo


I don't know why, but that tickled me :rolleyes: