Ella Catliff (aka La Petite Anglaise)


Worker Bee
May 14, 2014
Ella's a London-based fashion blogger, model and graduate of Central St Martins. I found her blog, La Petite Anglaise last year and love both her tiny figure and cute, preppy style. Here's some of my favourite shots of her. What do you think?







She looks like a young Alexa.

You're right. I thought she looked a bit like Keira Knightley (but thinner) but the Alexa resemblance is probably even stronger. I think she looks like she keeps her weight artificially low - for some reason she looks underweight for her frame in a way most models don't.
Not a fan. She's thin but her style looks so incohesive? Like she would wear anything and everything c/o... similar to other "fashun" bloggers.

Can a mod move this to online tho? Def not a celebrity...
@SugarFree @Apple
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Can a mod move this to online tho? Def not a celebrity...
@SugarFree @Apple

ah - that's where I should have posted it. I wasn't sure whether to post it in models or in celebrities because, like you say, she doesn't quite make it into either category.

I do quite like her haphazard style - mismatching prints etc - and while she's a bit more preppy than me, I like her overall look.
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Oh no, if it goes in the online section I can't see it!

We're Facebook friends and I've just looked at her old photos - looks like she lost a fair bit of weight from 2007-2008 when she was still at school. I would post photos but there are other friends in the pictures too.
Oh no, if it goes in the online section I can't see it!

We're Facebook friends and I've just looked at her old photos - looks like she lost a fair bit of weight from 2007-2008 when she was still at school. I would post photos but there are other friends in the pictures too.

can't you cut/blur them? I'm curious now :popcorn:

her style and face look kinda boring to me tho
I do like some of her outfits, but overall her look is kind of generic fashion blogger to me. There's nothing really unique to make her stand out; she looks like she just copies whatever other popular bloggers are wearing without adding her own twist to it.
It definitely looks like she isn't a natural skinny, because she has that slight bobble head look girls get when they get lower than what their body likes. Not that that is bad, of course- we can't all be Vladas, and have tiny bird frames.

And, this is petty, but I hate when girls take photos with their mouths slightly parted. It drives me insane.

I like some of her outfits you've posted, but like @Liz said, it bothers me so much when girls stand like this. I'm assuming it's to make her thigh gap look bigger. It just ends up making it look like she's bow legged.
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She is adorable, but she wears too much colour for my taste (I'm neutral), and I don't like the pigeon-toed posing, the hate it gathers makes me (actually pigeon-toed) feel very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, she's like an Alexa Chung who knows how to match her shoes to her clothes, which I do like quite a lot.
Hmm. I don't like her style at all. I do however think this represents London style of a lot of uni students/young girls.
As for the body I think she's just average thin. In some of the pics her legs look average. Can't say about her upper body but there's a peek of her arms in that above pic and from what I see it's not looking good.
I've done cocaine with her. She's much more of a party girl than I would have ever expected from her style posts.
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She has a pretty face - a little childish maybe - but I'm not intro her style at all, too colorful and preppy for my taste